My challenge blog for Lunagirl Vintage Images, featuring fun creative challenges with prizes, projects, freebies, holiday and seasonal info, and more!
A place for mixed media artists, card makers, scrapbooking enthusiasts, fabric artists, creators of jewelry, altered art and crafts of all kinds.
Would you like Lunagirl to sponsor a challenge on your blog? Email me at INFO@LUNAGIRL.COM. :-) I'll provide images for your DT!
Showing posts with label moo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moo. Show all posts

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Bellydance Moo by Michele

Here is a little "happy" from Michele Storms -- a lovely little "moo" featuring a dancer from my Lunagirl digital collage sheet called Bellydance 3. I like the black-and-white background, especially the music notes, appropriate for a dancer!

This is actually Mata Hari -- an image from an antique French postcard, which I tinted with some bright colors. Love the red and how Michele has played with bright shades on B&W.

See more of Michele's work at

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

More Loveliness from Michele

Three friends take time for tea! Collage ATC
Visit Michele's blog Art From the Well to read about her supplies and process for these and see more of her work...
Images from Lunagirl Children collage sheet and Art Deco Ladies collage sheet.

A 'Moo' for Mardi Gras! Love!

Lunagirl on Etsy