My challenge blog for Lunagirl Vintage Images, featuring fun creative challenges with prizes, projects, freebies, holiday and seasonal info, and more!
A place for mixed media artists, card makers, scrapbooking enthusiasts, fabric artists, creators of jewelry, altered art and crafts of all kinds.
Would you like Lunagirl to sponsor a challenge on your blog? Email me at INFO@LUNAGIRL.COM. :-) I'll provide images for your DT!
Showing posts with label leaves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leaves. Show all posts

Monday, September 22, 2014

AUTUMN challenge: Second Week

has created this wonderful card celebrating nature in Autumn
Our theme AUTUMN / AUTUMNAL continues all this week here at LunagirlMoonbeams challenge blog, and the ever-fabulous ladies of the Moonbeams Design Team have created some delicious sample images to inspire you.
You have until Sunday to link up your own creation -- Don't miss your chance to share your work and maybe win the drawing for a $10 gift credit to shop at!

Explore some vintage Autumn art and ephemera with Lunagirl... I have digital collage sheets ready for instant download that give you Fall leaves, autumn owls, beautiful backgrounds in autumn colors, Halloween witches and Harvest moons, and more to play with today! Just click to start creating your autumnal vision!

created this gorgeous tag that uses a elements from three different Lunagirl collage sheets: a Nature background plus Autumn Leaves and an Autumn Girl!

submits this delightful card featuring brightly colored Fall leaves
and a little forest bird from the collage sheet Autumn Leaves!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Charming Autumn Tag by Petra

 Design Team member Petra Berendsen submitted this absolutely beautiful sample for your inspiration today.  She created a lovely tag using a Lunagirl image of a lady walking in the autumn woods (I like the contrast of her dark dress against the golden leaves, and the book under her arm!).  I just love the colors here in the pretty backgrounds and embellishments.  They complement the colors in the central image so well.  And she tried something a little different that turned out amazing:  she created the little Fall leaves charm!

Petra writes:  "I created a tag and did a little bit of experimenting. For quite a long while I have had some printable shrink plastic which I had not used before but it was just the right stuff to create a leave charm with one of your images. And I have to say I am quite pleased the way it turned out. The colours came out very nicely and the image is still pristine - even after the shrinking... Hope you like it."

It's gorgeous!  Perfect inspiration on this bright Fall day.

Iconic Autumn by Vicki

This simple and elegant design by DT member Vicki Romaine is the very epitome of Autumn beauty, don't you think?  Simply beautiful.

Vicki writes: "This Lunagirl grouping of leaves is the main feature on this card when placed on a Cheery Lynn Designs die.  The sentiment is a SEI embellishment."

Thank you, Vicki ~ Visit Vicki's blog and see her challenges too!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Autumn Drama by Michele

When I opened this latest sample sent to me by DT Member Michele Storms, the actual words out of my mouth were, "Oh Wow!"

This is so pretty and quite dramatic.  I recognize the Egyptian Art Nouveau image from one of my Mucha collage sheets.  I love her pose, and the assymmetrical placement of the arch on the background, and the swirl of big bright leaves.

Thanks, Michele!  Visit Michele at

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