Showing posts with label Traditions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Traditions. Show all posts

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Traditions

Christmas is my favorite time of the year.
I love everything about it.
The lights, the smells, the food, the traditions and most importantly celebrating Jesus' birthday.
Oh and me and Mackenzie's birthdays too.

This year things have been a little different than usual (with bed rest and all).
But we still managed to do a few of our favorite Christmas traditions.
And a few of our usuals will just have to make a come back next year when things are back to normal. 
Anyways I thought I'd share some of our favorite Christmas traditions with you.
And I'd love to hear about some of yours! 

This year we bought this one to add to our collection.

One of our favorite traditions is celebrating Saint Nicholas Day! 
We pick out a family and secretly drop off a bunch of presents (and a note telling them about Jesus).
Read about the details here and here.

Christmas Cookies
Every year one of our favorite Christmas traditions is making cookies for all of our neighbors. We usually spend the whole day baking and then deliver them all as a family once Daddy is home. It's always fun to be able to bless the neighbors we already know and a great way to meet new ones. I mean who doesn't like yummy cookies and Christmas treats!
*We usually try to do our baking the first week of December before everyone is over sugary treats.

Nativity Sets for the Kids.
Read the post here about why we love them.
We have this one my mom made many moons ago, THIS fisher price one, THIS Veggie Tale one and THIS awesome Playmobile one that we scored as a white elephant gift last year.
We keep them in container in our family room for easy access. 

Christmas Morning Breakfast
Before Madelyn came along we used to spend Christmas day driving from one house to another to visit all of our family. We loved seeing everyone but we felt like we spent half the day in the car so last year we started a new family tradition. We decided to invite Aaron's parents and sisters and my parents and  brother all over to our place for Christmas morning breakfast and to open presents from one another. Since our kids wake up really early we open all of our gifts as a family before everyone comes over. It's so great to see all of our family and be able to stay at home. It's one of our new favorite traditions.

Wrapping Paper
This is a secret I learned from my a roll of wrapping paper for each kid and wrap all of their presents in their wrapping paper (ex. blue snowflakes for Wesley, red snowmen for Mackenzie, etc.). That way Christmas morning you know who gets which presents but the kids wait in anticipation to find out which are theirs. Plus it eliminates the need for gift tags (and kids peeking into packages ahead of time to get a look at what's inside). 

The Minivan Express 
I just saw THIS on Pinterest and thought it would be so much fun! Definitely adding it to the list for next year! 

And if you are looking for some last minute holiday things to make I thought I'd attach some of my previous holiday tutorials. 
1. Felt Initial ornaments
2. Birch wreath
3. "Let it snow" ornaments
4. Ruffle Fabric Christmas ornament

What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Operation Saint Nick

Happy Saint Nicholas Day!

The Sellars kids l.o.v.e. this movie.
It's played so many times I think we all know every word in it.

Last year the movie (which tells the real story of Saint Nicholas) inspired us to secretly bless a family in need just like Saint Nicholas did.
We had so much fun playing Saint Nicholas last year that we have decided to do it again.
And this year the kids are totally in charge.
They picked the people, went shopping, and have set up the perfect secret drop off plan.
We are so excited to drop it off later tonight and to share the love of Jesus with others.

"I can love because God loves me, I can give because God gave. Jesus' love is why I'm smiling, why I'm giving every day." -Song from the movie

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Countdown to Christmas...with books!

My kids love books
and my kids love opening presents
so they were so excited when I told them about this years
Countdown to Christmas.

We gathered up 25 Christmas books (from around our house and from the library),
then wrapped them,
and stuck them in a basket under the tree.
Each night the kids get to pick one book to unwrap and read together before bed.

Tonight was night one and they loved it!

I love this time of year!