Knitting Journal
Designed by Grace Schnebly
Ever since I started knitting, I have been looking for a way to keep track of all my FO’s as well as the projects on my to-do list. I wanted a book that was fun and easy create, that could be totally customizable to fit my needs, and that I could continuously expand. We created these six journal template pages to do exactly those things. These templates are free for you to download, so you can print out as many as you would like to create the knitting journal of your dreams. -Grace
Knitting Journal
There’s nothing like being able to flip through a booklet dedicated to all of your special FOs! Just fill out this sheet for each project you make, and you will a special journal full your beautiful knit items you can show off to your family and friends! This is template is especially great for when you want to look back on items that were given as gifts. It’s also a perfect place to make note of alterations and all the technical info you may have. You'll never be stuck wondering what yarn or needle size you used for a project again! We have provided space for you to also attach the yarn label, yarn sample, and 3.5” x 5” photograph to the page with double sick tape. Once you've filled them out, just slip your project pages into sheet protectors and you will have a beautiful book filled with your creations that will last a lifetime!
Download Knitting Journal Template, 96KB, Available as PDF File
Crochet Journal
Now you can finally organize all of your crochet projects too! This template is like the Knitting Journal page, but geared towards those of you who prefer a hook to a pair of needles.
Download Crochet Journal Template, 86KB, Available as PDF File
En Queue
Ready and waiting in line… keep track of all the projects you’ve already got the yarn for—even decide how high it is in priority! This is a fun and simple way to remind yourself of all those projects you already have the materials for and are just begging to be completed. Once you’ve finished a project, mark it off your En Queue list by placing a sticker or stamp next to it, fill out the “date completed” section, and create a Knitting Journal page for your newest FO!
Download En Queue Template, 50KB, Available as PDF File
Liste D’attente
Ever totally forget about that beautiful yarn you splurged on several months ago? Well now it’s easy to find what you have in your stash with this waiting list for your yarns. Never get stuck again wondering if you already have the perfect yarn for that new project!
Download Liste D’attente Template, 51KB, Available as PDF File
Vouloir Faire
Next time that killer yarn sale comes around you'll know exactly what to buy before it's out of stock. Never feel like you missed out on that huge sale because you were just too slow! Bring your booklet with you when you visit your local yarn shop or go hunting for deals online, and you will always be ready to stock up for those projects you been wanting to do!
Download Vouloir Faire Template, 48KB, Available as PDF File
Needle Inventory
Forgot if you have a pair of size 3 DPNS? Or how about a size G crochet hook? Now you won’t get stuck wondering if you lost those needles or just never purchased them! You can add detailed information in the boxes to note the brand and material for each needle, for example enter CB for Clover Bamboo, ATL for Addi Turbo Lace, KPH for Knit Picks Harmony. Just make sure to make a note of your abbreviations at the bottom of the page. You can also just check the box if you want to keep it simple!
Download Needle Inventory Template, 63KB, Available as PDF File
Mes Notes
Keep your notes all in one place and easy to find. These pages are great to have if you need more room to fill out notes on other projects or if you want to start writing down ideas for an original pattern! Keep several in the back of your journal and you’ll never run out of space to write down all of your thoughts.
Download Mes Notes Template, 144KB, Available as PDF File
Mes Conceptions
Keep a few of these handy sheets in the back of your journal and you will always have space to sketch your designs. You never know when you will get inspired so you should always be ready! This is also a great way to keep your ideas and designed organized and in one place.
Download Mes Conceptions Template, 41KB, Available as PDF File
Graph Paper
 Use these pages to chart out your own color or lace designs. Choose either a square grid or a rectangular grid that is closer to the shape of a stitch.
Download Graph Paper (10 squares/inch), 10KB, Available as PDF File
Download Graph Paper (5 stitches/inch), 10KB, Available as PDF File