Soleil Girl is a sweet shop perfect for kids and grownups. I love that Amy has created such wonders out of felt. FELT! I have worked with felt and it always ends up looking like I'm in a third grade arts and crafts class. But Amy has figured out a way to tame the felt and she's turned it into brooches, hair clips, small pockets and pouches, even bookmarks! Read on for Amy's interview and a chance to win a Valentine's brooch!
Tell me some basic info about yourself.
My name is Amy Busch. I come from an artistic family, but only recently realized my own enjoyment of making things with my hands. I am the mother of 3 children, Caitlin: 5 years, Gavin 3 years, and Emma, 6 months. My family and I live in a 100 year old Arts and Crafts house in small city outside of Ann Arbor, Michigan.
What kind of mediums do you use and why?
I kind of fell into felt. I don't have or know how to use a sewing machine, and I liked that I could hand sew felt without having to worry about fraying fabric or hemming the edges.
What made you decide to sell on etsy?
- When Gavin was just a little baby, my sister, Autumn ( told me about Etsy and I fell in love with the site and all the very cool and unique things I could find and purchase. It became kind of my hobby to buy things on Etsy, and I soon realized that I needed to support my spending habit. So, while my son napped and Caitlin played, I began the discovery process of what I could make to sell on Etsy.
Where do you get your inspiration?
From nature, from my love of the Arts and Crafts period, from my love of color.
What is your favorite music to craft by?
I like listening to podcasts of This American Life and The Moth.
When it's cold outside...
you can find me inside making flowers.
When I'm hungry...
you need to feed me fast, or else I get cranky.
When I need a boost...
I like to go running or practice yoga.
I wish I was/were...
in France.
If I could give one gift to everyone I know, it would be...
a gift of tolerance and acceptance of different ideas and people.
If I could have coffee with anyone, it would be...
Shiva Rea.
If you were an animal, what would you be?
A lion.
What's your favorite piece of your own?
Mother and Baby Nesting Playset. I love the tiny details, and it really speaks to me as a mother.
What are your favorite blogs/websites right now?
When I'm on the computer, I'm usually checking my e-mail or at! :)
You can find Soleil Girl
One lucky winner will receive this beautiful heart-shaped brooch just in time for Valentine's Day!
- To be eligible for entry, you must be a follower of my blog through google friend connect or through your preferred RSS reader. -
- Make sure you leave me a way to contact you if you win. -
- Please leave separate comments for each entry. -
First entry (mandatory):
- Visit
Soleil Girl, select your favorite item and tell me about it.
Extra entries (optional):
- Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link.
Fine print: Giveaway begins when it is posted and ends at 11:59pm pacific standard time January 28, 2010. A winner will be selected by a random number generator on January 29, 2010 and will be emailed promptly.