Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pet Loss And Why I'm Not A Halloweener

Last night, I received a very sad message from a friend who had to put down her beautiful Rottweiler. He had cancer and it was the right thing to do, but it is NEVER easy.
Then, this morning, I saw that Clemence from Oh the lovely things lost her mew recently.
The timing is impeccable because I was already thinking about loss. This time of year hits me pretty hard and I'm so sad to add another soul lost to the list. October and November are my least favorite months because of this sadness. It's not that I don't like Halloween. It's that Halloween has been tinged with darkness since 1995, when I spent it in a rocking chair in a dark living room, listening to my dad cry in the next room. And since then, the sad has piled up. Cats and dogs and people...they just don't seem to last through the season around here.
I just want to go home and cuddle my mews. Am I off work yet?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Cowgirl and An Indian

{my b-e-a-u-tiful friend Amy and myself on October 30th at a Halloween party}

*what did you dress up as on Halloween?*

Friday, October 22, 2010

Cart-Worthy + Heart-Worthy: Dia de los Muertos Edition!

I have been in love with Dia de los Muertos themed items lately. Did you see my post on the Disneyland decorations? I have been scouring etsy for Day of the Dead themed items lately and here are some of my favorites!

*i love the description: Jenny is looking for a home where she can spend time by a window, watching for butterflies. She is a sweet young lady who likes gardening and THE FLESH OF CHILDREN.*}

Have you found any fabulous Dia de los Muertos items lately? Share them with me!

Homemade Dumbo & The Mouse Costumes!

{we saw these awesome homemade costumes at Disneyland last weekend. we asked their mom how long it took her to crochet them and she said 4 weeks! they are seriously cute!}

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dia de los Muertos the Disneyland Way!

I went to Disneyland last Saturday and was impressed by the Dia de los Muertos decorations! 

{kyle posing next to the display}

{lindsay {and her ghost mickey popcorn bucket) with the band}

{such pretty garlands!}

{me and my new friend}

{and this one isn't Dia de los Muertos related, but i love this picture!
lindsay, kyle, andrew and briana}

I never used to be a fan of this type of thing, but lately I'm liking them a lot more! So much so, that I made a Cart-Worthy + Heart-Worthy: Dia de los Muertos Edition! Keep an eye out, it's coming soon!
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