Showing posts with label vacations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacations. Show all posts

Monday, August 12, 2013

Royal Caribbean 7 Day Cruise: Nassau, Bahamas

I just got back from a 7 day Royal Caribbean cruise, my chickadees! I planned on taking pictures of my outfits and my on board activities, but a. it was SO hot that I gave up on building cute outfits and b. I ended up not carrying a purse at all on board, so no camera. But I DID have an awesome time and I'm going to post a three day recap, with one port of call each day. First up: Nassau, Bahamas!

I didn't have an excursion in Nassau, so I just wandered, shopped, and tried to get the feel of this tiny island. We docked at about 7 am and I was on island by 8. But it was 88ยบ by 10 am, with what felt like 300% humidity, so I got back on the boat and headed to the pool. These are my favorite shots of my morning meanderings. 

{All the islands in the Bahamas - that misty effect is actually my lens all fogged up from the humidity!}

{The Christ Church Cathedral, built in 1670.}

{Piracy played a big part in the history of the islands.}


{It was pre 10 am and the plazas were deserted.}

{I almost bought this.}

And here are some shots of the ship, Allure Of The Seas, which just happens to be a spectacular place to spend a week. 

{Allure of the Seas has "neighborhoods" and these beauties can be found in Central Park.}

{Our spacious room with an interior balcony (shown below).}

{Overlooking the Boardwalk neighborhood looking towards the aft side of the ship. Those interior balconies are what we had.}

{This is one (of the many) pools - this is the sports pool, where there was always a volleyball game to be found.}

Later this week, I'll post the next port of call - St. Thomas, USVI!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sneak Peek: La Bella Italia!

As I mentioned here, I went to Italy in May. I've been working on a recap post (probably split into a few parts), but here is a sneak peek!

The rest is coming soon!! :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ciao Bella!

Guess what?
I am the luckiest girl in the world!
Wanna know why?

Because I am going...
to Italy!!

{Florence, Italy via}

My tickets are booked, my guidebook is highlighted, and my bags are packed!
Well, no, that last part isn't true. But I AM constantly making lists of things I want to pack.

Come May 8th, I'll be on my way to Italia along with my good friend, Lindsay! We have two weeks to explore Venice, Florence, and Rome and their surrounding areas.

{Dusk, Piazza Navona, Rome Italy via}

I can't even imagine the photos, the food, the souvenirs, and experiences we will come back with. It will surely be a life-changing trip and I can't wait!

{Lucca, Tuscany, Italy via}

To get ready for this journey, I (of course) turned to blogland and found some fun, funny, awesome blogs written by Americans who now live in Italy. These ladies have been so helpful: with restaurant recommendations (mmm...gelato), beautiful photo spots, even quiet places in their cities that really make you feel like you're in another time.

Here are a few of my faves:

Do you know of any good travel blogs?
Even better, let me know if you have any fun Italy travel tips to share with me!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Road Trip Teaser

Whew! Back from the road trip - where there was no reliable internet, so sorry! Later, I will post a recap of all that we saw and did, but for now, here's one of my favorite pictures from the trip.

{this is Katie, Jen, Dawn, Myself, Carol, Amy, Lindsay and Kristine.
Carol was the docent who told us all about the elephant seals when we stopped in Piedras Blancas.}

More later!

Friday, January 14, 2011

On The Road Again

Today, my lovely girls and I are heading out. This morning, we are headed 400 miles due north to San Francisco! I hope to update with pictures and recaps along the way, but I guarantee nothing because I hope my days are packed with wine, cheese, Jacuzzis, adventures and laughter! 


Enjoy your holiday weekends, my lovelies and don't forget to enter the Orange Willow giveaway!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pictures From Orlando!

Here are some of my favorite pictures from my Orlando trip - if you haven't been, you should go! To see more, click the link at the end of the post!

{the clan on our first day, just prior to heading out to the parks - on 4 hours of sleep
amy, my sister larissa, mom, kristine, and me!}

{on a dino at Disney's Animal Kingdom
me, amy, larissa, and kristine}

{larissa, kristine and mom in canada a la EPCOT}

{they called this "potato salad" - it was potatoes...on...salad...}

{amy, me, kristine, and larissa in front of walt and cinderella's castle at the Magic Kingdom}

{the giant golf ball at epcot in detail}

{hogsmeade at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!}


{best friends! amy and katie on the last day}

To see more pictures, go here!

Friday, September 17, 2010



That's right, my blog friends... 
I'm off to...
Disney World!

I will be back in the blogosphere early next week.
I hope you all have fabulous weekends and
don't forget to enter the giveaway from Sarah B. Flanagan!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My New... Hair {and Vegas pictures!}

{me, lindsay, and courtney getting ready for a night out at Tao}

Look at me, all dressed up! In Vegas! :) I never wear heels, but I did! And I rarely put any sort of product in my hair, but I did! My therapist says I'm "learning how to be a girl" and I think I'm just so much happier in my skin. Here are some more pictures from Vegas :)

{amy and her adorable boyfriend, alex}

{kyle and lindsay (my wedding planning clients), in a tender moment i was honored to catch}

{amy and i waiting for the open bar to start (woo-hoo for wristbands!) in Lavo}

{the super cute gladiator sandals amy convinced me to buy in forever 21}

{the girls outside of Lavo}

{the girls inside of Lavo}

{amy on the tram from treasure island to the mirage after Lavo (and andrew in the background)}

it was a great trip, with friends i've loved reconnecting with, and i hope there will be many more! :)
also, i'm loving my new hair (it's about 3 inches shorter and, when i style it correctly, it has that whole sideswept bang thing going on.) the best part about it is that it's totally wash and wear. i've asked for that in the past and stylists were like, "absolutely." and then the next day, without their styling skills and products, it's definitely NOT wash and wear. but this time it's perfect!

have you been on any good trips lately? or had any good haircuts? share with me!
<3, katie

Friday, June 25, 2010

Breakfast At The Wynn Buffet

{the atrium at the buffet}

{mint chocolate mousse}

{they had candied apples!!!}

{the architectural detailing is amazing}


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Breakfast At The Terrace Pointe Cafe

{larissa and i at breakfast this morning}

Hello From Sunny Las Vegas, Nevada!

My mom, sister and I are on a girls' trip to Vegas this week - 4 nights, 5 days of the two people who drive me the craziest, but who I also have the most fun with. I'll be posting some pics over the coming days.

{larissa and i on the way to dinner}

Today on the agenda, we have the gym, spa treatments, and lounging by the pool. Sounds fabulous, right?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Greetings From Pensacola Beach!

Greetings from Pensacola Beach, Florida! My long-awaited trip has arrived! The past three days have been full of sun, sand, laughter and food. I have tons of pictures to share with you guys, but I will wait until I get back to write that post. I'm going to enjoy my vacation while I'm here. Enjoy these pictures though:

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