Showing posts with label tattoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tattoo. Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Lifespan Of A Henna Tattoo

Last weekend, my friends Sean and Prathima got married and as part of the celebration, there was a mehndi party. This was only my second time having henna done and I loved it! But, while it's a beautiful art doesn't last very long. Here is the lifespan of my henna tattoo.

{the ladies and i at the mehndi party - from left: Katie, Lindsay, Dawn, Me, Shimonee}

{2 hours after}

{4 days after}

{6 days after}

{9 days later}

Conclusion: They look great for a few days, then they start to fade. The fingers and hands last longer than the arms, because there's more heat and the heat is what sets the dye.
So many conversations were opened up with people commenting on my henna for the past week and I will definitely do this again!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Cart-Worthy + Heart-Worthy: Tattoos!

Now that I'm part of this club (otherwise known as "those who are tattooed"), I can't stop looking up tattoo inspired items on Etsy. Take a look at what I've found, and comment if you find more!


Four more days to enter the Mark Poulin necklace giveaway!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Du mußt dein Leben ändern.

Happy Sunday to everyone! I am really enoying reading your comments on the Blog-o-versarypalooza post! I've already made some changes based on your comments, so keep up the fabulous input!

Now it's time for a little confession... last weekend I did something I've been thinking about for a very long time...

I got a tattoo!

It's a line from a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke and for over 5 years, I've been drawn to this line. I've read multiple dissections of this poem and ultimately what I get out of it is the following:
Rilke stands before the torso of Apollo in the Louvre. He finds himself lacking in comparison to this archetypal image. But he comes to the conclusion that empowerment comes from within: Du mußt dein Leben ändern. You must change your life.

The poem:

Archaic Torso of Apollo

by R. M. Rilke
translated by H. Landman

We never knew his fantastic head,
where eyes like apples ripened. Yet
his torso, like a lamp, still glows
with his gaze which, although turned down low,

lingers and shines. Else the prow of his breast
couldn't dazzle you, nor in the slight twist
of his loins could a smile run free
through that center which held fertility.

Else this stone would stand defaced and squat
under the shoulders' diaphanous dive
and not glisten like a predator's coat;

and not from every edge explode
like starlight: for there's not one spot
that doesn't see you. You must change your life.

Archaischer Torso Apollos
Wir kannten nicht sein unerhörtes Haupt,
darin die Augenäpfel reiften. Aber
sein Torso glüht noch wie ein Kandelaber,
in dem sein Schauen, nur zurückgeschraubt,

sich hält und glänzt. Sonst könnte nicht der Bug
der Brust dich blenden, und im leisen Drehen
der Lenden könnte nicht ein Lächeln gehen
zu jener Mitte, die die Zeugung trug.

Sonst stünde dieser Stein enstellt und kurz
unter der Shultern durchsichtigem Sturz
und flimmerte nicht so wie Raubtierfelle;

und brächte nicht aus allen seinen Rändern
aus wie ein Stern: denn da ist keine Stelle,
die dich nicht sieht. Du mußt dein Leben ändern.

{bolding added by me}

Monday, March 8, 2010

I've Got Sunshine On A Cloudy Day

(from here)

i just got home from the gym and i'm in a weird mood. amy and i had a heart to heart over the elliptical like we seem to find ourselves doing so often lately and it only served to make me anxious. i know what needs to be done, but the hard part is in the doing.
when i saw my girl for the first time, i wanted to be vada. she  knew who she was and she was like 11.
i haven't seen this movie in years, maybe over a decade, but i hope that the next time i watch it, i see a bit of myself in vada.
it's so nice to have friends who understand you. friends who get exactly what you're thinking without having to say it. friends who you know will answer the phone at 2am and not even get mad about being woken up.
i have 2 of those. and i'm so grateful to you guys.
Du mußt dein Leben ändern.
in 11 weeks and 4 days, that will be a permanent part of me.
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