Showing posts with label wishlist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wishlist. Show all posts


I have always been a great fan of monochrome looks with a pop of colour or patterns here and there like this inspiration collage above. After having been to Delft with my parents earlier this year in May, I fell in love with the notable blue and white ceramics. It is so pretty and this clutch kinda gives a Moroccan twist on that blue/white colour combination. I may have to step out of my comfort zone with this lip colour but I think it compliments the other colours so well!

PS, hover over the images for details!


divine ink uk
Last week, I went to a couple of press days around London with the lovely Kate who had styled our Paul's Boutique project. One of the things we discovered was Divine Ink, a brand selling ephemeral tattoos of multitude designs. One of my favourites is definitely the animal print cuffs as well as the small diamond shaped gold and green cuffs. Temporary tattoos seem to be making a comeback - what do you guys think of them? I think these are so perfect for a beach holiday when you don't want to be dragging along jewellery onto the sands but still want add that extra little something, like the way Millie Mackintosh has styled them up here. You can find a gold and silver set here on Urban Outfitters and for only 15 GBP these certainly make for an affordable Christmas gift.


La semaine dernière je suis allée à des évènements presse à Londres, accompagnée de la charmante Kate qui nous avait aidé avec la réalisation de notre projet pour Paul’s Boutique. Parmi nos trouvailles, nous avons découvert la marque Divine Ink, qui vend des tatouages temporaires d’une grande variété de conception. J’aime très bien les tatouages poignet du type "animal print", et aussi les motifs à losange verts et ors. Il semble que les tatouages éphémères font un retour de force - qu’en pensez-vous? Je crois qu’ils conviennent parfaitement aux vacances balnéaires, lorsque l’on ne veut pas porter des bijoux à la plage mais on veut quand même ajouter un peu d’éclat. Allez voir (ici) comment Millie Mackintosh réussit à les embellir. On peut en trouver une série en or et en argent chez Urban Outfitters (voir ici) à seulement 15 livres; à ce prix-là, ces tatouages deviennent un cadeau de Noël abordable.

divine ink temporary tattoo
divine ink gold temporary tattoo
kate sutton
Follow Kate on Instagram here


I am sucker for alliteration so "Winter Wishlist" sounds a lot better to me than "Gift ideas" but here we are with a collage of a couple of things which have recently caught my eye. Christmas is on its way so if you are struggling to find something for your sister, best friend, girlfriend, cousin... etc then perhaps this little wishlist post can give you a bit of inspiration. When an email popped up in my inbox about this Ingenue coat the simple phrase "day to night" immediately appealed to me. I am currently on my work placement and once I make it back to my apartment after a long day I am usually not that motivated to pull together an outfit for an evening dinner or a cocktail meet up. Not that I am fluttering social butterfly or anything but I do have a couple of friends. No, really though, I only have two friends here at the moment haha. I purchased my own pair of Urbanears over two years ago and I am still in love with them. With such a simple design it can easily be incorporated to any outfit that you are wearing. I purchased the boring old black ones but I have been thinking of getting coloured ones if anything should happen to the others.

Gogo Philip have recently launched two new collections, one of them being this handbag lock design. Nothing beats a chunky gold chain necklace and it makes a decent Christmas present when you are slightly lost for ideas. I do love my gold chain necklaces and I could never have enough variations of them. Being in Brussels means that I have to spend my time drooling over the different pieces online but if you are in and around the London area you can find their store at 68A Cheshire Street. If you know you want to splurge this Christmas you have to check out the Wilbur & Gussie clutches. I had the chance to check a few of them out at a press day and no photo will ever do any of them justice. They are such statement pieces and are perfect for a special or formal occasion. Graduation may seem a while away for me but this emerald green clutch is the kind of thing I could imagine myself wearing with a white or beige dress. However, if you are on the hunt for a more practical and everyday bag, then this Pippa bag in Shark from Modalu is the perfect item to lighten up a dark, fall look. I really should control my daily handbag browse - I am probably feeding my inner Imelda Marcos.


Well, it looks like I will be finalises my living situation in Brussels and it seems as though the fact that I will have to put up with Brusselian weather is slowly dawning on me. As you can see, this is not a particuarly summer-y post. I was taking a break from replying to emails and had a cheeky browse online. I realised that I do not own that many plain, simple maxi skirts. Not even a black one! I also think I should probably purchase a shorter black skirt like this one for work. I also think these cropped jumpers would look great with either skirt. The camel and grey ones are my favourite but they have a few other colours to choose from as well. I am so really in love with these two-toned shoes but the last pair of shoes I bought from Topshop have been quite painful, so we shall see. I am also slowly falling in love with hats again. I previously mourning the loss of my favourite black 980 JPY fedora which my Japanese grandmother bought for me but September is just around the corner so perhaps now is a good time to buy a new one! I will be in Scotland soon so maybe I will have to take a sneaky trip to the closest Topshop...

PS, someone please sign me up to a shopaholics meeting. Anything in the Brussels region?


If you are one of my closest friends, chances are that this is perhaps the sixth time you see me announcing the latest publication of the Surrey Scholar. You can head straight here to check out my "White here, White now" article to get more info on the pieces included in this outfit inspiration collage as well as collages of some other looks. There are other articles such as Jodie's take on the MET Gala punk theme  as well as Claire's way to recreate some of the best looks Lottie interviews Lily Rice - the young woman behind the up and coming sportswear brand Lexie Sport  as well as covering the fashion behind the famous "reality" TV show Made In Chelsea, whilst Claire documents her recent trip to the Vogue Festival.


It is a very gloomy and shakespearean looking day here in Luxembourg which lead me to do nothing other than sip a huge cup of lady grey tea (with a spoonful of maple syrup) while browsing the endless depths of the internet. Brandon Stanton, the man behind Humans of New York, announced a while back that he was working on putting together a book which will be out in October. I don't think I have been as obsessed with Facebook page as much as I am with his. Of course I then headed over to browse the online Ikea store and have come to the conclusion that I need to get new bedsheets! I also saw Kristiana's shoe post which has had me pining over a pair of strappy heels even more than before. As for the white off the shoulder Motel dress, I think it is the perfect "Little White Dress" for the summer - you can definitely dress the look down with a pair of Converse and a denim vest! Candles candles candles - cannot get enough of candles. Not much to say in that department besides the fact that I love the Yankee Candle white gardenia scent and I have been hunting for a cheaper alternative since. I'm sure it is widely available scent but the ones I have come across are just not the same. Is there anything you guys have been drooling over recently? 

PS, I also promised a shout-out to L, B and Mama C haha xoxo

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Sorry for the even later post today! My dad and I were out all day today and the weather was utterly miserable. It was raining so much! We had dinner in the centre of Grenoble and so tonight here I am with a little collage of Topshop items I have put together for an outfit I would most likely wear to an early dinner on a summer night. I would never have thought the lace top would match the bright paisley print shorts but I think the patterns compliment each other quite nicely. The top and shorts alone are quite girly, so the chain necklace and burgundy buckle boots will certainly toughen up this whole look. The strappy top is quite casual on its own so the white blazer will instantly add a sprinkle of sophistication and to finish off, the sunglasses and an extra coolness to the entire look. I will be in London in roughly a week - I am going to have to restrain myself from going on a Topshop rampage whilst I am there!

PS, I went through a bag phase and then a ring phase - I can definitely feel a sunglasses phase coming on....

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I've been really love the idea of a midi bodycon lately. I really would like to wear more figure hugging dresses but I feel a little too naked in the mini strapless bodycons and I am really not up for showing off my legs - not that I have much to actually show off... I found these three Missguided ones which all vary in style and colour - and all under £14! - but I think I'm leaning towards the plum one on the far left. The colour is just so pretty and I love that it slightly covers the shoulders. I have also been eyeing a galaxy print one but it is a lot shorter than these. 


Hey there guys! I just got back from what should have been a pretty short day. I'm going to make this quick post and then dive straight into work. I seriously have to give myself a kick in the butt because I have an assignment coming up and an in-class test worth 50% of the module. FUN STUFF. In other news, I'm currently saving up for that lovely parka through the money I earn from my part-time job. Those boots are basically eye candy right now and I am drooling like a little kid in the Wonka Factory. LOOK AT THEM. How badass are they? They're currently sold out but that momentarily doesn't bother me as I currently have my eyes firmly set on the parka. I'm also looking for a new wallet to hold my bank cards and the numerous amounts of bus, train and discount cards I've managed to accumulate these past 2 months.

Do you ever have those days when you feel like time has sprinted away like Usain Bolt? I'm gradually starting to feel that every single day and it's not good! I seriously need to have a sit down and draw up a week to week schedule of what I need to do because other wise I just lose track of time too easily. I must get cracking with my coursework!


Not sure if I'm into the whole american flag thing but these are cute

I'm still thinking about getting a pair but I can't decide between those or these

I need a new playsuit! The only one I have is black - how dull. I'd also like to have the perfect white summer dress hanging in my wardrobe. The kind of dress that goes with anything. Kinda like this one. Wait no - exactly like this one.

Rings, rings, rings. Most of you know I have an unhealthy obsession with them. I don't often wear loads at once. I usually just wear 2 or sometimes 3 different ones. If I'm wearing gold jewellery I'm almost always wearing my gold vintage ring. LAST DAY OF SCHOOL TOMORROW... 1st to 5th years be prepared on friday. Imma get you.

Sunday lustings - HAPPY MAMA'S DAY

Mmmmmm, YES PLEASE! 
Wing earrings - ordered them last night!
Do you remember my gold wing earrings? (I'm wearing them this post) I now have quite a balanced amount of gold/silver jewellery but not that many silver earrings, so I thought I'd order those off topshop since I love the gold ones so much.

Hello bloggers. It's a sunday which means I'm sitting here writing to you in my glasses, embarrassing pajamas and a "fresh" face (I feel sorry for the people who will have to live with me in the second year of uni; I'm always in such bad moods in the mornings haha). I've been lusting after doc martens for a while but have been hesitating because they are a bit pricey. Earlier this year I bought cheap dark silver/grey studded boots and of course after a couple of wears the rain started to seep through so I can only wear them on days where it's not too hot not too stoopid and wet. The boots are awesome so I wish they weren't such crap quality! Ah well, I got what I paid for. I just checked dmusastore and they cost 115USD (approx. 80EUR) but I dunno how much they cost in a store in a store somewhere in Europe.

So my genius plan: I'm currently plodding around the idea of going to NYC this summer after I get back from Japan. I'd love to take my manfriend with my but bless him, I think his first long haul flight (to Japan) has traumatised him haha. Yeah it can be expensive to fly to new york but qatar airways generally have reasonable prices compared to other airlines but there's always Opodo. Ah well, we'll see how everything turns out. Fingers crossed.

The last item is from the men's section of river island. I bought my harley davidson tee from the men's a while back (see here) and I really like the look of this white one. If I ever get my hands on it I'll probably snip the sleeves off. That's enough rambling for now, let your eyes rest a little. Here are two songs I'm always listening to:

Loudpipes - by Ratatat (my current fav! So chill) (edit - yepp I wrote wildcat before, another ratatat song, because it was playing - whoooopsies how embarrassing)

In the mood - by Glenn Miller

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Hello readers. Sorry for not posting yesterday, and please excuse for this crappy post today. You see, my manfriend is keeping me hostage and I don't really have a say. Hah no really I do feel a bit bad. We're going to have a movie night now with the line-up of Harry Potter, Megamind and Artificial Intelligence + crisps, fruit and red fruit flavoured juice/water mmhh. I bought some jewellery today so I'll try get that posted for you tomorrow. Have a lovely saturday evening you guys! Ciao.

PS, dress is from topshop. I've decided I definitely want a dark blue dress for my bal du bac.

Pleasurekraft - Tarantula

Hola. Sorry for the absence yesterday. I was spending my friday/saturday with my man-friend being super lazy. I should be packing right now. I have most of my clothes set out so I just need to toss everything in. Don't you find it so hard to pack? I tend to pick out outfits for ever day that I'm there + some evening outfits for dinner. But I end up using the same cardigan 2 or 3 times, or I buy new things while I'm there! We're driving to Bordeaux so weight isn't really an issue. Damn I have to study so much while I'm there as well. I need to read 2 french books, one of which I seem to have temporarily misplaced.. And there is A LOT of chemistry I have to go over. Ah damn I'm so effing terrified for my bac exams!!! Fingers and toes crossed that all goes well..

To buy in Bordeaux:
-Black maxi dress
-Denim jacket
-Faux leather jacket (I lost mine a while back, boohooo)
-All black canvas trainers
-Nikon SB 4000 flash

I'm aiming to find those things there and I've seen a black maxi dress in h&m but it's a tad see-through. I'm not really up for showing my bum around. My old faux leather jacket was from zara and it was amazing so I'm hoping to find another one in there. Come to think of it, I haven't shopped at zara, let alone look around in it, for ages. Must check out their blouses while I'm there. Ciao my lovelies.

Oh you've done it again...

Don't you just hate seeing such lovely things and not having the money to buy them? I'm so in love with these items I think I'll have to purchase them.

PS, my friends seem to be picking up on my crazy ring addiction. Gosh I must have a problem.


A bit of a lazy post, sorry you guys. I went to a bar after school with my buddy (bad ass I know) to plan and book for our 18th/19th birthday bash. I then stopped off to buy sushi and got home later than usual and now chemistry is....BLABLABLA I'm sure you don't want to hear the excuses. I am in looove with this wallet but I really don't need a new one. And DAMN I need to start looking for a dress for my proclamation (=graduation)/ bal du bac soon. I already know what I'm wearing for the ceremony but I need to find a dress for the party after.

Long dress:
-Don't get many chances to wear evening dresses
-I've never worn one

Short dress:
-If I spend quite a bit of money on a short dress, I can wear it many times on several occasions unlike a long one
-Easy to dance in later in the night
-I've already spotted one which is kinda nice
-Covers bulgy wobbly bits

Sunday lustings

It's officially spring in 1h! Which means I should already sleeping, oops. I'm really into the zip detail at the moment. I think it makes any top or skirt way more interesting, and I've been wanting a small gold casio watch ever since I saw in the edinburgh urban outfitters store. Birthday present maybe? My birthday's a while off though. Goodnight internet buddies. Ciao.

Sunday lustings - topshop Jewellery

Topshop Jewellery
Why is topshop jewellery always so damn gorgeous? I should have ordered that pink ring! I love the little birds on it.

sunday lustings

sunday lustings

Hello earthlings.. The sun made a brief but super bright appearance which made me want summer to come sooner. The earrings and bag are from dorothy perkins and everything else is from topshop. When I fits saw the bag (while I was in the UK) I thought the colour was a bit too crazy, but now I can stop looking at it. Same with the shorts.. I tried them on and they fit amazingly but for some dumb dumb reason I didn't get them. Grrr...

Lazy bum

I've been wanting to buy an yellow OPI nailpolish for ages now. I'm not exactly sure why I've fallen in love with this colour but I think I watched a make up tutorial months and months ago and the woman was wearing this colour. I've also been thinking about a lilac colour.

PS, boring post I know. I'll try do something a little more interesting once I've worked a bit longer on my article and my esssay.

Sunday lustings - bags

Barrel bag from River Island

Envelope clutch from Dorothy Perkins

Tassel shoulder bag from Dorothy Perkins

Grey satchel from River Island

Twist lock bag from River Island

I already have way too many bags so it's going to be hard to only choose one or two!! I own a lot of black bags so I think the neutral tassel bag is a must. I think the satchel is my second fave but i love the shape of barrel bags.. I'll see what I can find when I go there. I SO CAN'T WAIT.