Thursday, 6 March 2025

Clearance Sale Of Old Handmade Items In Preparation For Closure

With just over three weeks to go before KT Miniatures closes as a business due to my retirement, I am having a clearing of yet more forgotten items that I came across in yet another box in my old workroom! This time I found some of my vintage style set pieces  containing old packaging, boxes, ephemera etc. I used to make all this old packaging and ephemera, then incorporate them into these set pieces, and sold them over many years. They were purposely made to look old and well used, so that they could sit in a vintage dolls house, as well as a more modern reproduction dolls house or miniature scene. 

Handmade Attic Set (x 3 pieces)


Old Cardboard Box With  Fixed Vintage Style School Exercise Books & Old School Wall Map. 

Tatty Old Box Filled With Fixed Old Letters & Envelopes, Standing On Pages Of Old Daily Mirror Newspaper

Various Vintage UK Maps In Old Tatty Box, Standing On Old Open Map

Handmade Shed Set (x 3 Pieces)


Old Packaging, Rusty Tins, Seed Catalogue, Old Newspapers In Tatty Box, etc. All Items Fixed. 

Various Vintage Packaging, Mock Wooden Box, Rusty Old Tins, All Fixed Onto Old Newspaper. 

Vintage Style Screw Boxes Fixed To Old Newspaper Page. 

Both of these sets went up for sale on KT Miniatures website this morning, at a reduced price from what they used to be sold. 


Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Rare - Vintage Grecon Queen Coronation Doll

 This rare vintage Grecon Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Doll was sold within five minutes of going up for sale on KT Miniatures website last Friday! Unsurprising really, as this particular doll is becoming incredibly rare - particularly one that is in such good condition. 

The previous owner bought this from Hamleys, the famous toy store in London, back in 1953, the year of Queen Elizabeth's coronation. Apparently she was quite expensive back then,as you can imagine, and then for many decades she has sat in a box unseen. So it was time for her to move on to pastures new. 

Grecon dolls are instantly recognisable, with their stuffed fabric heads, woollen hair, drawn on facial features, woollen bound  wired frame and painted lead feet. This doll stands at a height of just over 4" to the top of her crown. 

The sewn on printed fabric Grecon label is still firmly intact on this is often lost on Grecon dolls that have been well played with. 

However, I don't think this doll was ever played with much as she is fully intact and in great condition. Her dress is made from a lovely white decorative fabric. Underneath her dress is a pretty white pleated fabric petticoat and her lead shoes are painted white. 

Her crown is made from colourful beads, red velvet and white felt. The brooch attached to her blue ribbon sash is made from a metal embellishment and bead. She has a lovely white bead necklace and additional gold braid around her neck, plus down her front. 

She has a magnificent red velvet train edged in white felt and backed with white fabric. 

Around her majesty's shoulders at the top of the train is a felt collar stitched in black thread decoration. 

On the end of the train is a gold coloured metal crown plus some decorative gold braid. 

What an absolute gem of a doll this is, really stunning and I feel very privileged to have handled her. She has now gone to a good home.

FOOTNOTE: A big thank you to the new owner of the above Grecon Queen Coronation Doll, who has allowed me to show her in situ at her new home. 

What an amazing collection of Grecon Dolls! 😊

Friday, 21 February 2025

KT Miniatures Closing Very Soon!

Well, the time has come to announce that after 28 years of trading, at the end of next month KT Miniatures will be closing...I am retiring. KT Miniatures as a business will be no more and I will no longer sell off my website, therefore these next few weeks will be your last chance to order items by mail order. 

When I say that I am retiring, to be honest it will be semi-retirement as I will continue to run my miniature workshops from Thame and also attend the Haddenham Antique & Vintage Fair every fourth Sunday of the month, but instead of a business it will be under my own name privately. Also, I have finally succumbed (on the advice of my children) and signed up to Instagram...more about that below. But for those not on social media, KT Miniatures Journal (ie. blog) will continue.

Meanwhile, today I have put up for sale some rather special miniatures which I would very much like to go to a good home. They have all come from my own collection and are now surplus to requirements.

Also put up for sale today is this rare Grecon Queen doll, which was brought out to commemorate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Click here for further photos and full details:

Am Now On Instagram!

After years of trying to avoid social media, I have finally relented. So with my kids help, I am now on Instagram as "vintagektminiatures".

Haddenham Antique & Vintage Fair

On Sunday I will be at HADDENHAM ANTIQUE & VINTAGE FAIR as usual with an array of other lovely miniatures for sale that are not currently on the website. I hope you can come, it would be great to see you. 
Click here for details:

Saturday, 9 November 2024

A Few More Bits & Pieces Just Listed To KT Miniatures

 Some interesting bits and pieces have just been added to KT Miniatures website today and are now available to purchase. 


Unusual wooden piano with metal candle holders, dates from early 1900s/Edwardian era. 

c1920s/30s Art Deco German Miniature Brush & Hand Mirror set. The embossed Art Deco pattern on the back of each piece really is just lovely and the brushes have real bristles. 

Vintage toy metal mangle with rotating wooden rollers by REMANCO - great fun! My grandma had a real life size one of these in her backyard, when I was growing up. 

A c1920s/30s German Boy Doll, in replacement clothing made by previous owner, who happened to be a theatre costume designer! Lovely doll. 

c1930s Tri-ang Queen Anne Bed with original mattress. 

Really lovely vintage tin coal box & shovel, along with miniature embroidered fire screen. These came together so am keeping them together, they compliment each other nicely. 

These are just some of the various old miniatures that have gone up for sale today. Click on following link to view all these and more:


Thursday, 24 October 2024

Come & See KT Miniatures This Sunday (27th October) At Haddenham Antique & Vintage Fair

First up...many thanks to those of you who braved the truly awful weather and came to the Haddenham Fair last month, I hope you were all pleased with your purchases and got home safely. We ended up having a month's rain in just a few hours and there was considerable flooding in our neck of the woods just a few hours later. I shall forever be grateful to my next door neighbour who set up a pump at the front of my house and prevented my house from being flooded. I have lived here for 37 years and never experienced rain like it.  


You will find me once again on my stand as usual at this Sunday's Haddenham Antique & Vintage Fair (October 27th), with lots of lovely old treasures for you to purchase. Seen below are just some of the items I will be bringing including Elgin/Tri-ang, Pit-a-Pat, Antique German Furniture & Accessories, Tudor Barton and Brimtoy. There will be a lot more besides!

Not only will I have old miniature treasures but I will be bringing a variety of real life size vintage treasures too. Plus of course, I will have my popular dolls house rummaging bargain boxes. I do hope you can come, it would be lovely to meet you. Please note that I can only accept cash on the day...sorry, I will not have the facility to accept cards.

Haddenham Antique & Vintage Fair

Haddenham Village Hall,

Banks Park,

Banks Road,


HP17 8EE.

9.00am - 3.00pm

Admission £2.00 per adult, under 16's free.

For further details of venue, please click here:

I hope to see you there!
