Wednesday, October 16, 2013

little slugger turns THREE

our little luke turned three on october 11th.
suddenly i feel like he's not so little anymore. 
 but he's that perfect age.
 that perfect age when i wish i could freeze every little moment spent with him.
i love everything about him.
from his blonde wavy hair to his baby blue eyes to his little running feet that are 95% of the time covered with his favorite gray and black size 8 nike free runs.

his obsession with baseball makes my mama heart happy.
especially the days he brings me his soft blue baseball with his soft blue baseball bat in hand
and asks me to "frow it to me, mom!"
and after he hits it (almost every pitch he hits it) near or far,
throws his bat on the floor and runs about the house yelling "home run!"
we have the atlanta braves to thank for this love of his 
that he's created this past year we have lived in georgia.

when he told me he wanted "bwaves" cupcakes,
deja vu of easton's first birthday ran through my mind.
but i knew that was what i wanted to do and that he would love it.
{ baseball cupcakes }
with a splash of braves balloons, a braves bunt flag, and some braves attire on everyone in the family ...
even after the braves lost in their third post season game against the dodgers and ended their fantastic 2013 season just four days prior to his big day.
but how could i deny my baby boys request?

it was a fun day celebrating him.
more of his birthday celebrations coming right up!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

we are alive!&well + easton's half birthday party.

okay. this is for real. 
getting back in to the blogging game starts n o w.
even though i haven't blogged much over the past year and a half,
i have instagrammed. a lot. and that is my saving grace.
over time i hope to catch up a little on this family record of ours with those pictures.

but first i want to start with photos of easton's half birthday party.
two saturday's ago we celebrated with a pool party that he's been asking for for months.
his actual birthday is december 10th.
because it is in the winter and close to christmas, its hard to throw a pool party then.
let alone a birthday party.

annnnnd i think we've created a little bit of a tradition with half birthday party's.
it was a lot. of. fun.

east is a bit obsessed with the color green. 
(and his little brother is equally obsessed with the color blue.)
so between the two, i ran with these colors to theme the pool party. 

when i found this invitation, i knew must have read my mind.

the spread.
those fringe banners were almost the death of me. as you can see there are a few on the ground.
the rest of them were left inside of the house.
i know it looks hideous. i ran out of time and to be honest, i just gave up.

the food was little boy heaven. and maybe their mamas too.
hot dogs. veggie cups. fruit kabobs. chips and cheetos. water and caparisons.

party favors.

biggest hit of the party.
buckets of water balloons and slingshots.

couldn't leave this one out.

a water slide and the cook.

THE cake.
it was everything i wanted it to be.
the taste and the looks.
and i owe it all to my sister and mom. 
this would not have happened if it weren't for them.

the birthday boy and his pals thought it was pretty good too. 
and maybe a bit toooo much. 
after all, it was five layers.

we've been so lucky to meet such great friends since we have moved here.
(i feel so lucky to know these ladies and even luckier that they have children the same age as mine.)

east and most of his buddies who were at the party. 
only missing one. the only girl there. and she didn't want in on this picture.

and this is a wrap.
happy half birthday e!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

hello 2013!

okay, so my every urge to get back into blogging back in september of 2012
 kind of got slipped underneath my feet.
but here's to new years resolutions!
and having my own computer at my fingertips all day every day.

jordan took my laptop everyday to work, since the day we moved,
until the day his company gave him his own (work) laptop.
during those months my only time to blog was in the evenings when he got home.
and that was the last thing i wanted to do then ...
yes, this is an excuse.
 but pretty reasonable, right?

here is to a new beginning.
... and a new year!
happy 2013!

{ our utah christmas coming up next ... stay tuned! }

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas {and Happy New Year!}

we decided to share our Christmas card this year through every kind of social media we have!
we knew you couldn't miss seeing it, if we did it this way.
plus, it's easier, not so time consuming, and cheaper!
we are so grateful for each of our family members and our friends ...
near and far.
and we thank you for your love and friendships.
we are grateful for our Savior and this time that we have to remember his birth,
and reflect on the many blessings we have been given this past year.

so here's to the happiest holiday's!
{and more blogging in the new year!}

we love you all!
jordan, meagan, easton, and luke

Saturday, November 3, 2012

houston, texas

three weeks ago we headed to a place known as "fat city."
who knew houston, texas was known as one of the fattest cities in the country?
i didn't even see one obese person while i was there.

i know houston, texas to be the home of my older brother and his beautiful family.
and possibly the most humid place i have ever been. 
wish we could have stayed longer than the 38 hours we were there.
it was the shortest but sweetest trip.
we met our newest addition to the kennedy clan,
and the first baby girl grandchild for my parents.

we were able to witness her beautiful blessing day.
it couldn't have been more lovely.

these are just a few of my favorites from the trip.
and i have a few others if you can believe that.
can't wait to go back!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

my little ray of sunshine!

okay. i am slacking big time! already!
i think it's because i feel so overwhelmed with everything i want to post.
but i've decided to nip that thought in the bud.
i am just going to start with the freshest thing on my mind.
... and the most recent fun we've had in our neck of the woods.

october 11, 2012 my blondie of a boy turned two.
holy cow! where has the time gone?
i can't believe how much he has grown and developed ... and into such a BOY.
he is all boy. even if a few people have thought he was a girl in the weeks since we moved!
we love his thick, long, curly locks.
we love his smile and his giggles.
his blue eyes.
and the way he never finishes his words. east is eeeee. and plane is paaaay.
he has the kindest heart and the sweetest kisses.
 and squeezes.
he brings us (and everyone else) pure joy.
i can't even begin to describe how much i love him.
i found myself thanking my Heavenly Father multiple times on his birthday for sending him to me!
i am one lucky momma.

because luke's birthday fell on a thursday, we kind of celebrated two times.
jordan has monday's off so we decided to go to the zoo that monday of the week of his birthday.
then on his actual birthday, we went to a pumpkin patch. out for pizza.
and then settled at home for mummy cupcakes and gift opening.
it's so fun to have his birthday in october.
 i am looking forward to lots of halloween birthday party's in the future!

anyway, here is an over load of pictures from his birthday week!
oh how we love you little lukey!


and that's a wrap!