Sunday, June 15, 2014
Thanks for Wonderful Dads!
Monday, May 26, 2014
A Great Day For Remembering
Sunday, May 11, 2014
A Hug for Each of You
Thursday, December 26, 2013
What I Love about Christmas
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Awards, Accolades, and Appreciation
Every year, David and I enjoy the annual barbecue and recognition program for the Utah County Search and Rescue—David's been an active member for more than 20 years, and the friendships he has there and the incredible work they do together truly defines him. I love seeing him in his element and am always so grateful that he has such a desire to help those who are lost, missing, or hurt, and to bring peace to their loved ones. This is an incredible group of people!
At this year's event, David was also honored with a special award—as the Utah County Search and Rescue Member of the Year. He's never sought the spotlight or any type of recognition for his work, and that's exactly why he deserves this award! He serves with conviction and unwavering dedication (always has!), with his only goal to serve others. I could not have been more proud of him—congratulations, David, you truly deserved this! I love you with all my heart.
Friday, May 31, 2013
My Great Graduate
There certainly has been a lot of pomp and circumstance at our house lately! And it has been WONDERFUL to celebrate my children's accomplishments. This week it was my beautiful daughter Aubrey walking down the carpet in cap and gown.
I can hardly believe it: my baby, graduating from high school! Then I have only to look at her, to realize that she isn't a baby at all, but a beautiful, fiercely independent and bright young woman, with a future I know she'll forge with her typical style.
I also love her uniqueness and courage to be herself. In a world where kids feel pressured to fit in, my Aubrey is a standout. She absolutely loves photography (hooray!) and lives for her vintage cameras and shoots captured on real FILM. She often muses that she was born 40 years too late, as she has a great affinity for retro culture, from 70s-style clothing, to music, literature and more. From her soulful, self-taught guitar to going barefoot nearly everywhere (it would be EVERYWHERE, even church, if that were possible!), she's an extraordinary and strong spirit completely at home with her passions and values. How I love her for it.
More than anything, I'm excited for her and this new chapter in her life. My Aubrey, my sweet baby, my strong young woman, I love you dearly and know that a bright future awaits!
Friday, May 10, 2013
So Proud of Him
Recently, my heart filled to bursting. My eyes overflowed with tears. My throat was so tight I couldn't speak. I was frozen in place, my eyes locked on one of the most beautiful, wonderful sights I've ever beheld: my son Jared, in cap and gown, on a stage, graduating with his bachelor's degree. It was a moment I've dreamed for him for so long, and I was just overjoyed to share this moment with him and his family.
Jared earned his bachelor of science degree in public relations and business management from Utah Valley University. I know the road has been long and full of twists and turns—what a journey! But I know the destination is worth the effort. Along the way, Jared married Leslie, and they've had three beautiful children. He's had to juggle work, a growing family, and other demands while never, ever giving up on his degree. He's had to have such tremendous perseverance and dedication, and I've watched him emerge a stronger and more dedicated man because of it. What a lesson for me! I'm proud to be his mom and so grateful that he's a part of my life. I love you, Jared: YOU DID IT!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Celebrating a Joyous "Birthweek"
I know we each get one day per year to celebrate our birth. But last week, I received so many wonderful surprises, joyous blessings, and reminders of love and friendship for my birthday, the party stretched far beyond a a single day…this year, I definitely feel like I celebrated a "birthweek"! And I'm still feeling overwhelmed with gratitude and humility by the many kindnesses I've been shown—almost too many to count.
I enjoyed several dinners and lunches with family and friends this week, which are always highlights: great food, great conversations, great connections. But beyond the traditional celebrations, this "birthweek" included some extraordinary surprises: I received the most gorgeous 6"x 6" album made for me by the 2013 incentive trip earners. I literally had tears of joy as I turned each page. So many cruisers had written sweet personal notes to accompany their layout, and I will treasure every photo, every comment.
But the cruisers weren't done surprising me yet: I received a check for $800—donations from the cruisers all to benefit Operation Smile. Well, that really pushed me over the top. Many know that Operation Smile means the world to me and I am absolutely committed to using our strength at Close To My Heart to benefit children's lives through the miracle of cleft palate/cleft lip surgery. This donation means that three children will get a beautiful smile and even more importantly, a chance at LIFE. I thank those of you who contributed to this fund—and those of you who are always working to support Operation Smile—from the bottom of my heart.
Later in the week, the VPs brought in two brimming full, huge postal-service boxes overflowing with cards. I was stunned. I've never seen anything like this: hundreds of cards from hundreds of Consultants. All handmade, for every possible occasion: birthdays, holidays, sympathy, babies, weddings. Many of the cards included business cards or post-it notes with handwritten birthday wishes from Consultants I know so well and others who I didn't know before but who have officially written their names on my heart.
What a sneaky (and wonderful!) gift. Apparently, weeks ago, the vice presidents organized a "card stash" party for my birthday—they know I'm ALWAYS looking for a perfect card for this or that and I don't have time to make my own! And the cards have been pouring in from the best Consultants on earth, accumulating for my birthday. Well, let me tell you: I LOVE THEM. As I reviewed the cards at home, the one thing that was consistent was the beauty of the work and the care in the craftsmanship. I was so touched that so many of you would take the time, great effort, and have the generosity to share your great gifts with me.
Thank you, thank you, dear friends for making this a week to remember. I love you all and am so grateful to have you in my life!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Rachel, My Joy
My four children truly are the light and and purpose of my life and I'd love to share a little more about what makes each of them extraordinary, unique, and special to me (don't you think this would make a great scrapbook layout topic? Creating layouts for each child on what makes them your joy?). Today, I want to give you a glimpse of the sweet relationship I share with my daughter Rachel.
But it didn't stop there. Oh, no. One afternoon, David and I took a stroll around the neighborhood, leaving the kids at home (so we thought). Rachel was about three at the time. As we walked down the street, we heard a distinctly familiar little voice calling, "Hi, mommy! Hi, daddy!" We looked up at the window of a neighbor's home (their master bedroom to be precise). Rachel was waving at us from the window! We rushed over and I called up to her: "Rachel! What are you doing?" She replied, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, "I'm looking for candy." My goodness, I could have died. The neighbors weren't home and she had entered through a partially opened garage door—just wide enough for a cat (or a small child, apparently). The challenge: the front door was locked and she couldn't find her way back to the garage! David and I had to coach, coax, and coddle that girl like a mouse through a maze. To this day, I don't think I have ever told the neighbors the story!
Today, Rachel is an independent adult—but still my sweet girl. She works full-time for Close To My Heart, so David and I are both blessed to see her frequently. I LOVE the relationship she and David share—here are just a couple of photos of them together, and I think it's immediately evident that they enjoy each other's company. They share a very similar personality, and love to tease each other and make quippy jokes. They love to volley goofiness back and forth, back and forth until I have to interject, "Enough, you two!" (Hey, sometimes, somebody has to be the grown-up!) Whether Rachel is dressing up for glamour (see photos of her styled for a beauty/hair show) , or just hanging out at home, these two make a great pair.
One of the things I love about Rachel is her natural maternal sense. All of my children are great with kids, but Rachel connects and plays with them so eagerly, so happily, it's not just something she can DO, it's an activity she will CHOOSE. The kids she loves best are her seven nieces and nephews—she'll roll around on the ground, make funny faces, sing crazy songs, and tickle and laugh like she's one of the kids herself. And they feel that love and connection so sincerely from her, they just flock to her whenever she comes for a visit. Check out these fun photos of her playing with the grandkids—can't you just sense her genuine love for each of them? I love it!
And yes, sometimes she and her niece Belle REALLY go to town—at Halloween, Belle let Rachel experiment on her with some ghoulish zombie makeup. I think the results were pretty convincing!
I asked Rachel to create a layout for my blog, and not surprisingly, all her photo choices featured her and Belle clowning around together. Aren't they darling?
Clowning is a pretty big part of Rachel's style, even if it's not with members of her family. When she moved into her own apartment last year, I really felt like she had grown up and moved on. But no, she's still my silly, fun-loving girl (thank goodness). Here she is with her roommates dressed up as "kissing bandits" for Valentine's Day. They were on a secret mission to deliver lipstick-covered valentines to unsuspecting guys and then ditch before being discovered.
What can I say? We love our kids, we raise them the best we know how, then we delight when they become great, kind, contributing adults—whether they're living with friends or playing with nieces or laughing with dad or learning to manage their own finances. Each of these new milestones is a step I treasure with Rachel because it ALWAYS has joy connected to it. When Rachel was little, that was even my nickname for her: "my joy." Because she was! And she still is!
I look back on photos of us together and that joyous spark she has just lights up my world. I couldn't get enough of her. And even though she doesn't live at home, I still can't get enough of her—this last photo is one of my current favorites of her:
She was getting ready for a date one night in her apartment. She was excited about it and wanted to look just right. We had been talking about the date and texting back and forth, and she snapped this photo of herself and sent it to me so I could see her and be a part of her special evening. See, they may move out, but they don't have to move on. I love being a part of Rachel's life—she brings me joy!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Welcome To A Bright New Year!
Personally, I feel absolutely renewed and ready to tackle whatever comes. The holiday season was just perfect—lots of time with family, quiet reflection, celebrations, singing, eating, and opportunities to share my gratitude. The world has so much of tumult, sadness and uncertainty, but it also has hope and peace and friendship, and those are the things I choose to focus on. I hope you will, too!
To mark our new year, David and I spent New Year's Eve at home as empty nesters. This is a first for us, since typically we are party central for all our family. We watched TV, ate, read, and talked. And although it was quiet, it was great! David and I truly enjoy being together, just the two of us—this might sound simple and obvious, but it's a pretty great realization. So many couples get in the thick of raising families that it's a question whether they'll actually have meaningful connection when the kids are raised and the hubbub dies down. What a blessing to know that your companion is also your soul mate; it gives me joy and excitement for our future years together!
We had an easy meal of leftovers reheated and rolled into pitas, set to 1940s jazz music which we both love. A perfect romantic meal! Then, we sat down to watch "Downton Abbey." I've been a fan of the show since it debuted, but David hadn't seen a minute of the show. I knew he'd love it, and he had given me the first two seasons on DVD for Christmas, so off we went with the Crawley family in the last hours of the year. (I was right: he thought it was great and we watched show after show after show! I haven't yet seen the season three finale, but I hear it's a doozy—no spoilers, please!)
We took a brief break at 11:45 to celebrate a fizzy toast with our sparkling apple juice. We bundled up and headed outside to our porch—we have a nice view of the town and so many people were shooting off fireworks, it was like the display was just for us. We might have shared a New Year's Eve kiss (or two), then we scurried back inside, flushed and chilly, to cozy up for a few more episodes of DA. It was a quiet celebration, but one that thrilled my heart.
As I said, I'm just so happy for this new year and the new beginnings it brings. I feel GREAT, and I'm excited to be more visible on my blog this year after being rather quiet in 2012. I'm looking forward to sharing with you more happenings in my personal life, more ideas and doings at Close To My Heart, and even more insights into the people who mean so much to me, including family, friends, and dear Consultants. I just have so much to share (and so much to do!), I can't wait to get started on all my 2013 goals. Wishing you a wonderful start to a terrific year!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
My Daily Dose
Today's installment of "Things about Jeanette You Never Knew" isn't a big secret—anybody who knows me knows that there is a certain something I need to do every day. Without it, the day is a little more drab and uninspired. What is this daily dose? It's a visit with grandkids.
I have learned that I am a nana who needs those bright eyes and sticky fingers and stamps of the foot and funny sayings to brighten my life. And I am truly, truly grateful to have seven beautiful grandchildren who are such an integral part of the everyday. They make it extraordinary. I am lucky to have my daughter Ashley just down the street, so her kids are just a holler away. And Jared's family also live in town. Some highlights during recent visits:
Sophia is such a smart little whip. She loves watching Disney movies (specifically "Mulan" and "Cinderella.") But sometimes, even she can weary of the princesses—last week, when asked if she wanted to watch one of her favorite movies, she barked out, "No FA-LAN! No Nutella!" It literally made me laugh out loud that she called Cinderalla "Nutella."
And baby JJ continues to make my heart swell with happiness. He's such a cuddly baby and runs with open arms every time he sees me. When I pick him up he smiles and talks to me as if I understand—which is why I couldn't help noticing his recent lingering odor. When I asked Ashley what was up, she admitted that she had switched diapers to a cheaper brand in an effort to save money. The result, she said, was that JJ was constantly sporting a new cologne—one that we dubbed "Hint Of Pee." I cannot tell you how we have laughed and laughed about this sure-to-be-a-hit new eau de toilette "Hint Of Pee." Every time he clambers up on me it makes me giggle all over again.
(P.S. She’s switching back to Huggies!)
Grandkids are like the sun rising and setting in my world—something I enjoy watching, and reflecting on, and being grateful for every new day. What daily dose is a "must" for you?
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Thanks for all things--big and little
It's time for Thanksgiving, and as ever, my heart is brimming with gratitude. I'm so grateful for the big blessings in my life: the knowledge that my Savior lives and loves me, the beauty of the earth around me, and the opportunity to live in a free land. But I'm also grateful for the little things: a quiet moment in my office just to decompress and reflect on the day. An absolutely fireball orange sunset in the west to light my way home. And finger smudges. Yes, finger smudges.
Check out the photo below—it's something I'm so full of love and appreciation for, I can't bring myself to clean up this little mess.
Messy dishes, messy windows, messy anything is the by-product of love. And I rejoice at every wonderful person who is in my life, from my longtime friends, to my trusted colleagues, to the Consultants I admire, to my kind husband, loving children, and beautiful grandchildren who remind me every day that the littlest blessings can truly be the biggest.
May you celebrate this time of Thanksgiving and make it last much longer than a day. My best wishes for your happiness, and that you are surrounded by blessings big and small!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Marker Madness!
I have often said "as long as little girls are born with hands, there will be paper crafting." That's because we're inherently creative beings, and for many of us, we express it by cutting paper and getting our fingers inky. Well, I'm proud to say that my little three-year-old granddaughter Lilly is already loving doing just that—getting her fingers inky. Although she took it to the extreme!
I guess she loves coloring with markers just as much as I do, because recently, Lilly got up after being put to bed, and she crept to where her big brother keeps his backpack. She knew exactly where he kept his school markers. Clearly, she had had her eye on them! She proceeded to color EVERYTHING in sight: the walls, the furniture, her clothing, and virtually every square inch of her body…at least the parts she could reach. Scribbles on the fronts and backs of her hands, big looping circles on her tummy, and oh yes, even her face. Her sweet little face was covered forehead to chin in wild marker madness.
When her parents went to check on the kids before turning in for the night, they saw the disaster—with her peacefully sleeping in bed (probably dreaming of her next masterpiece!). Here's what she looked like:
She may act like a little devil, but even covered in marker, I think she's an angel! Don't you think she'll make a great paper crafter someday? I sure do!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Grateful for Great Dads
It's Father's Day, a day when I'm every bit as grateful for my husband
David as I am the other 364 days of the year...but I'm always happy to
have more opportunities to tell him so!
What I love about David is his genuine care and concern for others. It
doesn't matter their station, their influence, their age, or even their
connection to him, he's willing to stop the world and do WHATEVER needs to
be done. Whether that's changing a tire for someone broken down on the
side of the road, or tickling a grandchild until neither of them can
breathe for laughing, David pitches in.
He's been a terrific father to all four of our children, and now continues that
loving, fun spirit with our six (soon to be seven!) grandchildren.
Also, I reflect on my own father's example--one of hard work, patience,
and fortitude--and I know without a doubt that his example set my feet on a
path to build Close To My Heart in the way that I have, and to build my
family the way that I have.
I'm also grateful for the many honest and true men who are stewards of so
much--the men who lead in my church group, men I serve with at work (that
includes YOU, Brian), and those men willing to sacrifice their time to
serve in government or community roles. I feel so blessed to be surrounded
by great men, and today, I hope you take the time to thank the great men
in your life (and thank them the other 364 days of the year, too!)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Love Those Crazy Kids!
Do you write down the funny things your kids say? Do you capture photos of their antics and preserve them in your scrapbooks? I hope so, because those moments are fleeting, and if you don't snag them, the memories will fade, too. I love that technology—from mobile phones to Studio J!—makes it easier than ever to make and share memories while we're on the go.
As an example, just a few weeks ago, I was enjoying a Sunday evening at home with my children and grandchildren. Jared's kids were playing with an iPhone app called "Vidrhythm" that autotunes voices and creates goofy videos. The kids were having an absolute blast, and I have to admit, I thought it was pretty funny, too. I watched their little music videos and laughed until tears were trickling from the corners of my eyes.
Check out my singing superstars:
Monday, May 14, 2012
Mother's Day Made To Order!
Happy Mother's Day + one! Yesterday, I was so busy relaxing (is that possible?) and enjoying time with my family, that I neglected to put up a post. But I love Mother's Day because it gives me an opportunity to celebrate the important women in my life and to thank them for pouring their energies, love, and prayers into me and my family.
I've long believed that you don't have to deliver a baby to be a mother, but that ALL women, by their very nature, "mother." We mother those we listen to, support, and show kindness to. I believe that making the world turn requires a soft hand just as much as a muscled arm, and women seem to be uniquely equipped to provide that softness.
Yesterday was really a Mother's Day made to order for me—Ashley did all the cooking, so I didn't have to fuss in the kitchen one bit. She made delicious enchiladas, salsa, and even homemade guacamole. Cutting jalapeƱos made her cry off her makeup, and I wasn't wearing any makeup at all, so we declared the day a "no photo zone." Just memories today, no photos!
Aubrey and Rachel gave me a beautiful bouquet of pink roses, Jared and Leslie and their children delivered hand-made cards (the best gift EVER) along with lovely pink blossoms, and I was in absolute heaven.
My sweetheart David was by my side the entire day—as he has been for more than two decades—and I am so grateful for him. He's an absolutely wonderful grandpa, more silly and energetic than any of the kids, and he abounded in sweet deeds for me and of course, more flowers!
I hope you spent your day telling the women in your life how much you love them—and receiving the love they sent your way, too!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
I Wanna Be a Star
I've said it before: I love being a mother, and
being a nana is the sweetest role ever. Watching those silly, sassy,
smart kids grow up brings a much-needed smile to my face almost
every single day (except when they're swallowing pennies, of course!). I
don't know what it is about my children and grandchildren, but they do
all seem to love mugging for a camera and showing their unique
personalities. The other day, my daughter Rachel pulled her phone camera out when youngest
grandson JJ started showing us the way to eat a cracker. Let's just
say he's got it licked!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Sophia and the Not-So-Lucky-Penny
You've heard the adage: "See a penny, pick
it up. Then all day you'll have good luck." Well, the opposite proved
true when my sweet granddaughter Sophia accidentally swallowed a
penny last week. It lodged firmly in her throat, tilting just
slightly enough to leave a small airway. But she was coughing and gasping
and struggling for breath, and despite her parents' (Ashley and Jason) best efforts, that
penny was stuck. Unless you've been in that situation before, it's
impossible to imagine the panic you feel when your child is in such a
terrifying situation.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Birthdays and Other Reasons To Celebrate
I love the start of spring for many reasons. One of them is that it's a time for celebrations at the corporate office. My birthday falls in the last week of March, so right about that time, we schedule a great tradition--our annual employee appreciation breakfast. (Yes, it may be my birthday, but these great employees are a great gift to me all year through. So it's a great time to thank them for their service!) As is our custom, each employee enjoys a great meal of bacon, sausage, strawberries, juice, and of course, pancakes whipped up by Grillmaster David. It's a job he thoroughly enjoys! The management team serves up the fare, and everyone gets to savor great conversation, good music, and a nice meal together. I love it!
We also celebrate EVERYONE'S birthday on the management team with a single, large lunch at the local Cheesecake Factory at about this same time. You should hear us try to sing the birthday song, each to ourselves - it's quite a bit of noise, and something we mercifully spared the other diners from this year. Everybody chooses their favorite dish, and we love taking photos of that perfectly-plated food almost as much as we enjoy digging in. From light salads to juicy steaks, everybody's choice is as unique as they are. The portions are so large, most of the cheesecake ends up in to-go boxes--but I assure you, it doesn't stay there long!
A huge thanks to every staffer at Close To My Heart for making it such a fine company to work for. I respect your loyalty, innovation, and commitment to Consultants and customers so very much--I wouldn't want to do it without you!
And of course, we held a casual and fun Lynton family celebration for my birthday as well. So many parties! I feel very loved. Jared and Ashley took the helm as chefs for the event, with a menu that included chicken enchiladas, fruit salad, beans and rice and the most amazing flourless chocolate cake with chocolate ganache. (If I can get Jared to share the recipe, I'll have to post it, along with others from the meal. Everything was so delicious!) The children played, the adults talked, and I had to think this must be what heaven feels like. I'm truly, truly blessed to enjoy marking another year surrounded by people I love so well!