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Showing posts with label mad men challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mad men challenge. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 April 2014


If you stop and listen carefully you might be able to hear it. A faint high pitched squeal that's not dissimilar to the sound a jacket potato makes when you put in the oven to bake and forget to poke holes in it (really creepy if you've ever experienced it). It's the sound of me squealing with excitement all the way from Melbourne, Australia. Why?



If you've been following on Instagram you may have already seen me reveal a few gems.
But now it's time for the whole ENCHILADA!

So sit down, put on some red lipstick and enjoy!

Click on the buttons below to see all your inspired creations for each character:

Is your outfit missing? Please email me if your outfit is not showing!

Stay tuned for next week's blog post; we have some fabulous vintage brooches from Ruemiraldi to give away. 

It is FREAKING ME OUT how awesome these creations are! This is always my favourite time of the year and I'm continuously inspired by this community. Thanks to everyone who took part in the challenge; you all look fabulous!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

MAD MEN Challenge 3 - You IN?

Ladies and gentleman of the sewing world ... it's Mad Men time!

The TV series that we have been swooning over for the last six seasons will be airing part 1 of it's FINAL season this April.  That means another season of fabulous and give-it-to-me-now vintage fashions for us to indulge ourselves with. And for those of us in the sewing world, we know what this means ...


Can I get an amen?

Recreate a Mad Men dress that you love. It doesn't have to be an exact copy, you can just be inspired by the style of the 50's, 60's and early 70's.

Why take part:

I love this sewing community and group challenges are a great way to meet other like minded vintage lovers. It's so rewarding to set yourself a sewing goal, and we all get to be inspired by the beautiful creations that people make.

What's more it's a great way to discover new blogs to follow and to get yours out there. Don't have a blog? No worries! You don't need to have one to be part of the fun.

What you need to do:

Make your garment and then if you have a website do a blog post about it. Then ...

Email me at julia(at)juliabobbin(dot)com the following:

  • A photo of you wearing the garment that you made
  • A photo of the inspiration dress/character - remember it doesn't have to be a copy it can just be inspired by a dress/character
  • A link to your blog post showing your finished dress. Make sure you blog about your garment before you send me the images so that I have a blog post to reference. Don't have a blog? No worries! You only need to provide your blog details if you want to. Plenty of people took part in past challenges that didn't have a blog.
  • Your name (or alter-ego) and your blog name.

Once I have received the above information I will respond with a confirmation within three days that it has been received.

Got any questions? Still not sure what you have to do? Just send me an email!

Shout it from the rooftops!
Julia Bobbin - Mad Men Challenge III

For those of you who want to let people know they are taking part in the challenge, here is a button you can proudly post on your blog:

Due By:
Send the above details to me by Tuesday, April 1st – that gives us about six weeks to create a masterpiece!

The Big Reveal:
I will then post up everyones photos and blog links on Sunday, April 6th 

Need Inspiration?
  • Check out the Mad Men challenge from 2013 and 2012. It'll blow your mind!
  • Head over to my Mad Men pinterest board for lots of pics of fabulous get-ups from the show.
  • Check out my previous Mad Men dresses below:

So ... You in? 
Say yes yes yes!! (will also accept just one yes).

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Colour Blocked Laurel + Coming soon: Mad Men Dress Challenge!

Julia Bobbin - Colour blocked Laurel by Colette Patterns

Um ... Happy New Year peeps! Yeah that's right, it's freaking 2014 and I haven't blogged since December 2013. Whaaaaa? Julia, put the egg-nog down!

Don't worry, I haven't just been in my pyjamas this whole time eating christmas chocolate (much). I've also made a few things, and here is one of my latest:

Julia Bobbin - Colour blocked Laurel by Colette Patterns

It's another Laurel by Colette Patterns! This is the second time I've made this dress and once again it was an easy-breezy quick sew and a pleasure to make. You can check out my first Laurel here.

Julia Bobbin - Colour blocked Laurel by Colette Patterns
Two Laurel's side by side

I made the sleeveless version using suiting fabric and bias binding to finish the sleeves and neck edge.

Julia Bobbin - Colour blocked Laurel by Colette PatternsJulia Bobbin - Colour blocked Laurel by Colette Patterns

I shorted the dress by about four cm and took the side seams in slightly around the waist. This gave the dress just a little bit more shape but still kept the loose fitted structure of a shift dress.
Julia Bobbin - Colour blocked Laurel by Colette PatternsJulia Bobbin - Colour blocked Laurel by Colette Patterns

I also cut the pattern into three pieces to make a colour blocked effect, and now I just want to colour block everything! I love the combination of white, grey and yellow.

Julia Bobbin - Colour blocked Laurel by Colette Patterns

Shoes - Piccola Italy by Joanne Mercer in brown
Necklace - Neon Geometric by LiKeGjewelry

Julia Bobbin - Colour blocked Laurel by Colette Patterns

This dress is super comfortable to wear and is getting a real work out this Australian summer! I love how easy it is to jazz up with a pretty necklace and I especially love how fast and simple it is to sew. Its a winner!

Julia Bobbin - Colour blocked Laurel by Colette Patterns

Recent Indulgent Purchases:
So if you've been following my instagram, you may have seen my latest two babies:  Two amazing necklaces from Strangely Yours

A mini sewing machine complete with its own little spool of thread. Oh, and it says 'Julia Bobbin' on it. SHUT-UP!
And a mini polaroid camera, that has a little photo that pops in and out. That's a tiny photo of me and my two faves. It is so freaking cute that it burns my eyes!

Julia Bobbin - Colour blocked Laurel by Colette PatternsJulia Bobbin - Colour blocked Laurel by Colette Patterns

Coming soon ... Mad Men Dress Challenge Number 3!! Yes that's right, it's that time of the year again where we all get together and indulge ourselves with fabulous vintage sewing inspired by the TV show Mad Men! 

It's a ridiculous amount of fun and I absolutely love seeing what everyone comes up with! I'll be posting details about it in the next few weeks. In the meantime, check out the last two years Mad Men Sew-a-longs to get yourselves excited!

Julia Bobbin - Colour blocked Laurel by Colette PatternsJulia Bobbin - Colour blocked Laurel by Colette Patterns

Eek! I am loving 2014 so much already! I can't wait to sew with everyone this year!

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Winter Lace Dress - Laurel by Colette Patterns

So I'm another year older now. When did that happen?!! I remember I couldn't WAIT to turn 18; boy did that backfire ... now I break into sobs of gratitude if by some fluke I get asked for ID.

I like to claim the whole month of May as my birthday. Sorry, not sorry.

Me: 'Husband dearest, can I eat the last piece of pizza'
Husband: 'You've had every other piece!'
Me: 'But it's my birthday MONTH'
*Sound of husband banging head against the wall*

I also half seriously think that all this Me-Made-May-Mania going around is in my birthday honour.

Awkward. But hey, look! I made a dress!

Julia Bobbin: Laurel dress by Colette Patterns

The Pattern
It's the Laurel by Colette Patterns in a straight size 10. A great easy pattern to whip up, with lots of different variations. A great wardrobe filler, a flattering cut and a great first pattern for beginners.

Julia Bobbin: Laurel dress by Colette Patterns

Lace from The Fabric Store and underlined with a cotton poplin. The lace is gorgeous and I normally love sewing with lace, but this one was an a-hole to sew with. It was a thin, super stretchy cheap lace that I purchased because, hey, I love lace and it was pretty. But I should have known better. It took so much extra time cutting this maddening fabric because each piece kept stretching out like pizza dough, and not in a good way. Great. Now I'm hungry.

Amazingly, I didn't have to make any changes to the structure of the dress, I just sewed it up in a straight size. The changes I made were just in the finish of the dress.

I underlined the dress as per the instructions,  but made the underlining hem slightly shorter than the lace hem so that I could feature the scalloped edge. I cut into the lace fabric to create a scalloped edge, as the fabric didn't come with a scalloped edge. I featured it on both the skirt and the sleeve hem.

Julia Bobbin: Laurel dress by Colette Patterns

I annoyingly didn't buy enough of the lace fabric (another reason I wanted to punch the lace in the face) and so had to either lose the sleeves or cut the dress shorter. Wah! After scooping my heart off the ground, I decided to sacrifice the hem length which made the dress pretty teeny tiny. Perfect with leggings as a sort of long top, but not so appropriate with out.

Pattern matching and underlining
I took extra time carefully cutting out the lace so that the pattern on the lace matched down the centre front and back of the dress and the sleeves. I also made sure that the scalloped edge matched around the entire width of the hem. 
It's so worth the extra effort and makes the dress look cleaner. The simple shape of this dress really allows for perfect lace matching as the lace pattern doesn't get lost in a gazillion seam lines.

The pattern comes with great underlining instructions. Underlining is great for laces, sheer and light weight fabrics. You can also check out my own underlining tutorial here.

Julia Bobbin: Laurel dress by Colette Patterns

My thoughts
I love the classic 60's silhouette of this shift dress. You all know I'm a little bit crazy for Mad Men Fashion, so there was never any indecision over whether I would make this dress. Speaking of Mad Men, did you see how amazing all the dresses were in the Mad Men Challenge? Amaze-balls!

Even though this particular lace fabric was a menace to sew with, I'm really happy with the end result. The colour and the drape are really nice, and it's a bright happy shade to cheer up my recently dusted off winter wardrobe. As you can see in the pictures, when it gets dark and gloomy outside I rebel with colour.

Julia Bobbin: Laurel dress by Colette Patterns

For those of you who are wondering how I did my hair, I used this tutorial from my pinterest to get the effect.

Julia Bobbin: Laurel dress by Colette Patterns

The necklace is a handmade, hand painted wooden piece that I purchased from the Sew Little Time shop on Etsy. I'm a little bit in love with this store at the moment. Who wants to buy me something? It is my birthday MONTH *cough* 

Julia Bobbin: Laurel dress by Colette Patterns

I've seen so many amazing Laurel dresses around lately. It amazes me how you can have one pattern, but with different fabric and a different seamstress you can end up with a completely different looking dress. It tickles my creative fancy.

Julia Bobbin: Laurel dress by Colette Patterns

So what do you think? Have you made this pattern? Are you going to give it a go? Is it your birthday month too? (It can't be, it's MINE ... just kidding-ish)

In all seriousness though, I love birthdays and I'm proud to be getting older. It means that I'm still alive. With each extra candle, each extra wrinkle, each extra grey hair we are given the opportunity to make more dresses. How lucky we are. 

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Mad Men Challenge 2 - THE BIG REVEAL!!

Ladies and gentleman, the results of the Mad Men Challenge are here and I am overwhelmed with the number of entrants and the quality of all the creations submitted. You guys look so amazing it hurts my head!
Now let the drooling begin!!

Click on the buttons below to see all your inspired creations for each character:

Julia Bobbin Mad Men Challenge: BIG REVEALJulia Bobbin Mad Men Challenge: BIG REVEALJulia Bobbin Mad Men Challenge: BIG REVEAL

Julia Bobbin Mad Men Challenge: BIG REVEALJulia Bobbin Mad Men Challenge: BIG REVEALJulia Bobbin Mad Men Challenge: BIG REVEAL

Julia Bobbin Mad Men Challenge: BIG REVEALJulia Bobbin Mad Men Challenge: BIG REVEALJulia Bobbin Mad Men Challenge: BIG REVEAL

Julia Bobbin Mad Men Challenge: BIG REVEALJulia Bobbin Mad Men Challenge: BIG REVEAL

Is your outfit missing? Please email me at   julia[at]juliabobbin[dot]com   if your outfit is not showing!

Some fun facts:

122 Outfits
Joan with 32% , Betty with 26% and Megan with 13%
Most inspired garment: This beautiful Betty dress was made 5 times
Julia Bobbin Mad Men Challenge 2013 - THE BIG REVEAL!!

Congratulations to the following entrants who were randomly selected using www.random.org and have won the following prize:

Rachel from Layer Stitch Repeat has won a $25 gift voucher to buy stunning vintage patterns from Patterns From the Past www.oldpatterns.com

Rachel from House of Pinheiro has won this beautiful vintage brooch below from the vintage Ruemiraldi store

Alimcfadian from The key to sudden madness has won this beautiful vintage brooch below from the vintage Ruemiraldi store

Sew Lonnie from Sew Lonnie has won this awesome Butterick pattern #5603 curtesy of the very lovely Majella from NSW, Australia.

I will be in touch with you individually by email in the coming week to organise delivery of your prize!
A big thank you to Patterns from the Past, Ruemiraldi and Majella for these fabulous giveaways!

Thank you to this AMAZING sewing community who took part in the challenge. I was inspired by every email that found its way to my inbox. You are such clever, and ridiculously well dressed ladies!

Julia Bobbin Mad Men Challenge: BIG REVEAL