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Showing posts with label give away. Show all posts
Showing posts with label give away. Show all posts

Monday, 14 January 2019



Who likes sparkles?
Who likes give aways?

a) Everyone
b) All humans, or
c) All of us

Remember THIS dress I made for Melbourne Frocktails last year?

Well I've got TWO METRES left of this STUNNING stretch fabric.
I realised that as beautiful as it is, I'm not about to make another sequinned evening gown and it would be a TRAVESTY for this knockout fabric to just collect dust in my fabric collection

Frocktails Melbourne 2018

WANT IT?!!??

Head over to my instagram give-away post (see below) and leave a comment.

OPEN TO all my instagram followers around the WORLD.

I will be randomly selecting one person from the comments on Monday, January 21.

❌❌ FABRIC GIVEAWAY❌❌ . I know what you’re thinking - this must be a trick. Julia Bobbin doesn’t smile in photos. . Fair. . What IS REAL however, is that I have TWO METRES leftover of this STUNNING stretch-sequin fabric, just sitting in a corner. AND NO BODY PUTS SEQUINS IN A CORNER #popculturereference . πŸ–€And I thought, seeing as I’ve already made my sequinned dreams come true with this #eveninggown for #Frocktails why not share the love and let someone else have the opportunity to destroy their carpet with this beautiful, beautiful sequinned fabric?!!#worthit . πŸ–€ This sewing community is so generous with their knowledge and support, and I love the idea that someone else can use this fabric and feel a little JOY. . πŸ–€ SO ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is comment on this post and one person in the comments will be randomly chosen on Monday, January 21. . πŸ–€ Open to all my followers ANYWHERE the mailman can go . πŸ–€ Can we also just take a moment to acknowledge that I managed to go this far into a giveaway post without making reference to Oprah? Thank you. #yougetacar . SHINE ON sequinned friends. . . . πŸ“Έ by @samaracliffordphoto #juliabobbin #sew #sewing #giveaway #sewinggiveaway #fabric #fabricgiveaway #sequindress #sequin #dress #couture #melbournefrocktails #sewfrosting #sewersofinstagram #eveningdress
A post shared by Julia Bobbin (@juliabobbin) on

You can see the fabric IN ACTION below:

It thrills me to think that someone else can use this fabric to create something that brings them joy, just like it did me.


Sunday, 24 November 2013

Project Sewn Results + Mood Fabrics Voucher GIVE AWAY!!

Oh my gawd you guys! I came second in Project Sewn! Release the doves!!

Check out the dresses: Top Left - Top Right - Bottom Left - Bottom Right

Thank you SO (sew) much to all of you who followed along and voted!

As a special thank you I am giving away two $50 vouchers to Mood Fabrics. If you don't know already, Mood is the fabric store for Project Runway in the U.S. and they now ship internationally too.

To WIN 1 of 2 e-vouchers for Mood Fabrics

Simply comment on this blog post

Two lucky peeps will be randomly selected and each will win one $50 e-voucher.

Entries are open to everyone from anywhere in the world
Entries close on Sunday, December 1st, 2013
The winners will be announced in a blog post on Monday, December 2nd, 2013

Something random for you:

Remember my 'A rose is a rose, is a rose, is a rose' dress? Well there's a movie out at the moment called 'About Time' and the dress in the promo reminds me a lot of my dress! You can learn how to make these rose sleeves with my tutorial here.

Click on the photo to follow me on Instagram

What I've been up to this week:

Saw the amazing how-can-one-person-be-this-talented Jill Scott at the Palais Theatre and almost hyperventilated it was THAT GOOD.

Oh and guess what I did this weekend? Oh ... you know, just had brunch with the talented Leisl from Jorth and the inspiring Kristiann from Victory Patterns and her wonderful partner Simon. Nothing much! Needless to say I had an amazing time and my face is still sore from all the epic smiling and talking!

Thanks again to everyone for your support through Project Sewn. Your words of support made me feel all sorts of warm and fuzzies and I feel very lucky to be part of such an encouraging and positive community.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Brooch Give Away!!

Julia Bobbin, vintage brooch

Hello possums,

It's time for another fabulous giveaway!

The lovely store Ruemiraldi has kindly given me two brooches to give away to two lucky readers. Check out their ebay store for other beautiful vintage accessories.

As delicious as these brooches are, they are not actually edible so do not attempt to eat them.
As you may know I am a massive fan of brooches. They are the perfect accessory to a vintage garment, or to jazz up a casual outfit, as pictured here on my blazer.

Here are the details:

Two winners will receive one of the two lovely brooches

Julia Bobbin, vintage brooch  Julia Bobbin, vintage brooch

To WIN one of the two brooches simply comment on this post.

All people who leave a comment will be put into a hat (well your names will be any way - its logistically impossible to fit actual people into the hat) and two lucky people will be announced the winners.

Entries are open to everyone from anywhere in the world
Entries close on November 2nd, 2012 Australian EST
Two random winners will announced in a blog post on November 4th, 2012.

Julia Bobbin, vintage brooch

I am currently 27 weeks pregnant and as you can see from the photos, I have a belly that could knock down walls.

Julia Bobbin, vintage brooch

Even though I haven't been blog posting as much as before my pregnancy, I can tell you I have been busy sewing away. I have a few projects I'll be sharing with you soon, and a couple of tutorials too so stay tuned!

Here's a little picture to leave you with which I'm sure most of you can relate to ...

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Mad Men Dress Challenge - The Big REVEAL!

Ladies and gentleman,

I hope you have your fire-alarms turned off because this post is SMOKING!

I am so super impressed with the participants in this challenge that it makes me want to high-five strangers and throw bags of dollar bills off the top floor of a building.

Some of the dresses below are direct copies from characters, some are inspired by characters and some are just inspired by the show Mad Men.

Vintage Pattern Give Away

To help celebrate the awesomeness that is Mad Men and vintage sewing, the wonderful Michelle from Patterns From the Past is giving away to one lucky reader a $25 gift voucher to spend at her online vintage pattern store! Check out her website here at http://oldpatterns.com/ for great vintage inspiration!

One lucky person will be randomly selected as the winner.

Entries are open to everyone from anywhere in the world.

Entries close on April 6, 2012 Australian EST

One random winner will announced in my next blog post on April 8th, 2012.

To be in the winning simply comment on this post

Let the awesomeness begin ...

Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:
(Note: not all participants have blogs)









 Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know!

Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:




Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know!  

Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:




 Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know! 

Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:

 Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know!

 Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:

 Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know!

Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:

 Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know!

Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:

 Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know!

Mad Men inspired
Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:







      Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know! 

Wowee! What a fantastic effort everyone! I really enjoyed being part of a group challenge and I am looking forward to the next one.

Well done us!