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Showing posts with label Joan Harris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joan Harris. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 April 2014


If you stop and listen carefully you might be able to hear it. A faint high pitched squeal that's not dissimilar to the sound a jacket potato makes when you put in the oven to bake and forget to poke holes in it (really creepy if you've ever experienced it). It's the sound of me squealing with excitement all the way from Melbourne, Australia. Why?



If you've been following on Instagram you may have already seen me reveal a few gems.
But now it's time for the whole ENCHILADA!

So sit down, put on some red lipstick and enjoy!

Click on the buttons below to see all your inspired creations for each character:

Is your outfit missing? Please email me if your outfit is not showing!

Stay tuned for next week's blog post; we have some fabulous vintage brooches from Ruemiraldi to give away. 

It is FREAKING ME OUT how awesome these creations are! This is always my favourite time of the year and I'm continuously inspired by this community. Thanks to everyone who took part in the challenge; you all look fabulous!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

MAD MEN Challenge 3 - You IN?

Ladies and gentleman of the sewing world ... it's Mad Men time!

The TV series that we have been swooning over for the last six seasons will be airing part 1 of it's FINAL season this April.  That means another season of fabulous and give-it-to-me-now vintage fashions for us to indulge ourselves with. And for those of us in the sewing world, we know what this means ...


Can I get an amen?

Recreate a Mad Men dress that you love. It doesn't have to be an exact copy, you can just be inspired by the style of the 50's, 60's and early 70's.

Why take part:

I love this sewing community and group challenges are a great way to meet other like minded vintage lovers. It's so rewarding to set yourself a sewing goal, and we all get to be inspired by the beautiful creations that people make.

What's more it's a great way to discover new blogs to follow and to get yours out there. Don't have a blog? No worries! You don't need to have one to be part of the fun.

What you need to do:

Make your garment and then if you have a website do a blog post about it. Then ...

Email me at julia(at)juliabobbin(dot)com the following:

  • A photo of you wearing the garment that you made
  • A photo of the inspiration dress/character - remember it doesn't have to be a copy it can just be inspired by a dress/character
  • A link to your blog post showing your finished dress. Make sure you blog about your garment before you send me the images so that I have a blog post to reference. Don't have a blog? No worries! You only need to provide your blog details if you want to. Plenty of people took part in past challenges that didn't have a blog.
  • Your name (or alter-ego) and your blog name.

Once I have received the above information I will respond with a confirmation within three days that it has been received.

Got any questions? Still not sure what you have to do? Just send me an email!

Shout it from the rooftops!
Julia Bobbin - Mad Men Challenge III

For those of you who want to let people know they are taking part in the challenge, here is a button you can proudly post on your blog:

Due By:
Send the above details to me by Tuesday, April 1st – that gives us about six weeks to create a masterpiece!

The Big Reveal:
I will then post up everyones photos and blog links on Sunday, April 6th 

Need Inspiration?
  • Check out the Mad Men challenge from 2013 and 2012. It'll blow your mind!
  • Head over to my Mad Men pinterest board for lots of pics of fabulous get-ups from the show.
  • Check out my previous Mad Men dresses below:

So ... You in? 
Say yes yes yes!! (will also accept just one yes).

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Mad Men Dress Challenge 2 ... You in?

The results are in! CLICK HERE to see all your AMAZING MAD MEN dresses!! Congratulations everyone!!

Julia Bobbin, Mad Men Dress Challenge 2

Fabulous ladies and gentlemen, lovers of vintage and prettiness:

It's the most wonderful time of the year, and I ain't talking about Christmas. I'm talking about ...

Mad Men.

Yes that's right, the new season starts in April and that means a whole new bevy of stunning vintage dresses, hair and makeup.
And what better way to celebrate this momentous occasion then to welcome back the ...

Find a dress from Mad Men that you love and create your own version. It doesn't have to be an exact copy, you can just be inspired by the style.
Maybe you've recently made a dress already. You're welcome to submit that also!

Below is an example of a dress that was inspired by a Mad Men dress but not an exact copy:

Julia Bobbin, Mad Men Dress Challenge 2
Click on the photo to see the blog post

And here's one that is a copy:

 Julia Bobbin, Mad Men Dress Challenge 2
Click on the photo to see the blog post

Why take part:
Why the heck not!
Group challenges are a great way to try something new, push yourself and set yourself a challenge. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or a pro, it is so rewarding to see what everyone has made and to take part in it!

It's also a great opportunity for new bloggers to give their blog exposure! On the flip side it is also a fabulous way to discover amazing new blogs to follow.
It's a great source of  inspiration when you can look through all the amazing finished vintage creations. Who doesn't love a vintage frock. Am I right?!

Email to me by April 19th:
  • A photo of you wearing the garment that you made
  • A photo of the inspiration dress
  • A link to your blog post showing your finished dress so that readers can check our your site! Make sure you blog about your garment before you send me the images so that I have a blog post to reference. Don't have a blog? No worries! You only need to provide your blog details if you want to. Plenty of people took part last year who didnt have blogs.
  • Your first name (or fancy blog alter-ego)
  • Email the above to Julia@juliabobbin.com – I will respond with a confirmation within three days that I have received your email.
  • Got any questions? Feel free to email me :)

For those of you who want to let people know they are taking part in the challenge, check out the blogger button in the side bar with the HTML code.

Below is an example of a Mad Men dress I made based on a dress the lovely Joan wore.

Julia Bobbin, Mad Men Dress Challenge 2
Click on the photo to see the blog post
Due By:
Send the above details to me by Friday, April 19th – that gives us about eleven weeks to create a masterpiece!

The Blog Post:
I will then post up everyones photos and blog links on Sunday, May 5th – My Birthday month, how appropriate.

Here's one more Mad Men copy-cat. Obsessed much?

Julia Bobbin, Mad Men Dress Challenge 2
Click on the photo to see the blog post
Need Inspiration?

Head over to my Mad Men pinterest board for lots of pics of fabulous get-ups from the show.

So ... You in? I can't WAIT to see what everyone comes up with!!

Well looky what we have here ...

photo curtesy of my husband Robin

On other news ... um ... I had a baby!
Little Harry was born January 13, 2013 at 12:31pm weighing 7lb 11oz and as cute as a button! Our insides turn to marshmallow when ever we look at the little fellow. I mean COME ON! Would you look at that cuteness?!!
photo curtesy of my dad Michael

I am also pleased to report that Harry has excellent sewing hands.
Our family is very blessed :)
photo curtesy of my dad Michael

photo curtesy of my husband Robin

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Mad Men Dress Challenge - The Big REVEAL!

Ladies and gentleman,

I hope you have your fire-alarms turned off because this post is SMOKING!

I am so super impressed with the participants in this challenge that it makes me want to high-five strangers and throw bags of dollar bills off the top floor of a building.

Some of the dresses below are direct copies from characters, some are inspired by characters and some are just inspired by the show Mad Men.

Vintage Pattern Give Away

To help celebrate the awesomeness that is Mad Men and vintage sewing, the wonderful Michelle from Patterns From the Past is giving away to one lucky reader a $25 gift voucher to spend at her online vintage pattern store! Check out her website here at http://oldpatterns.com/ for great vintage inspiration!

One lucky person will be randomly selected as the winner.

Entries are open to everyone from anywhere in the world.

Entries close on April 6, 2012 Australian EST

One random winner will announced in my next blog post on April 8th, 2012.

To be in the winning simply comment on this post

Let the awesomeness begin ...

Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:
(Note: not all participants have blogs)









 Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know!

Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:




Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know!  

Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:




 Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know! 

Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:

 Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know!

 Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:

 Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know!

Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:

 Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know!

Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:

 Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know!

Mad Men inspired
Click on the photos below to view their full blog posts:







      Is your Mad Men dress missing? Email me and let me know! 

Wowee! What a fantastic effort everyone! I really enjoyed being part of a group challenge and I am looking forward to the next one.

Well done us!