Showing posts with label suffering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label suffering. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Excerpts from "55 Reasons."

The following is a writing I have never put "out there" before. Here are excerpts; numbers 17 through 23 from "55 Reasons;"  a piece I wrote nearly 12 years ago (now.) As you can most assuredly guess, they are 55 reasons...not to give up. Accompanying them are a series of photos to calm and to reassure. (I wrote this during and after a very difficult time in my life. They helped me pass through a firestorm of bad circumstance...)

                                                                                             (Asheville, NC church door)

                                                                                      (Small mountain waterfall somewhere near Boone, NC)

 17. R-E-L-E-A-S-E. Find and offer up your (own) individual 'release valve' and allow God to show you the mechanisms and the coping strategies for releasing negative energy, tension, all fear and every intonation(even...) of self-doubt. Release guilt. Face your past and release past memories that haunt you or bind you up. Release your anger from the past. Apprehend help in this process if you require it friend. There is no shame in this. We are all 'in process' (a little 'Wayne Dyer' here; :) how right he was...)
Finally, release your fears one by one-both the large 'monster' fears and the creepy-crawly ones.You must face your (own) fear friend. Own it. Face it. And subdue it.
Recognize that God Himself designed you with such  a release valve; He designed you with purpose, a set place and to here be released... to be... made... whole. Fully functioning and fully... 'released' in your wholeness. To be released is to be made whole.

                                                                      (Photo of a tree my husband took)

18. Recognize that man was born for adversity. From each day itself, there will arise trouble, that will be sufficient for the day in and of itself. This is how life works. I want you to ask yourself this- if trouble arises each and every day, and man was born for adversity; is there not something inherent within each one of us that would equip us or enable us to overcome trouble?? To be catapulted to individual greatness...on the wings of trouble  (even)? Think about it. I contend that <trouble> is all about recognizing who you are...
Have the faith required to believe God... that He (alone) is sufficient in and of ((Himself.))  He will meet you at the point of your need... and that He will deliver you out of the midst of all of your trouble.
(There is a fourth man in the fire friend; even when the heat gets HOT.)

                                                                     (Photo of a front yard rose in Boone, NC entitled "Inner Flame.")

19. ROLL it. A very wise kindergarten teacher taught her class; when the burdens of your heart are heavy; let Jesus roll the burdens of your heart away. Let Him ROLL the STONE away today (from your heart)... instead of giving up to the pressures and the burdens of life that you carry, cast your cares upon the Lord, for He cares for you.

                                                                         (Hawk's Beak, as seen from Blowing Rock, NC)

20. Help someone else whom you can regard as being WORSE off than you. I know that it sounds trite.....and f-a-r   t-o-o  simple, but it is truly an effective strategy for pulling yourself OUT of the quagmires, the rocks and the crevices of life. Help someone else friend. And you will be helping yourself (too.)

21. Are you (overly) stressed and well...really and truly burnt up and fried out? You must take the time for important enjoyment and to de-stress in life. This is an essential key to happiness that one must employ (to overcome.) So- take a trip! Walk the beach or the forest path; behold the sun, the moon and the stars or a simple flower. It is a thing of beauty. All of nature sings praise. It can help you find a song of love that pervades all of nature (a heart song really...) and of admiration, too. Take a be refreshed and to be renewed. All of nature will cooperate with you friend.

22. Remove the red flags of life. Are there issues and problems that you CAN deal with...but haven't?? Have you begun to procrastinate?? Remove these obstacles (those that you can) and you will find r-e-l-e-a-s-e. It's like you're snagged on a rock... begin again... today, to float the current of life.

23. Find an eddy in the current to rest. Perhaps God is speaking "
Rest" to your soul, friend.

                                                                                                         (Cool mountain stream near Boone, NC)

Monday, April 28, 2014

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer

Be in my fanciful meanderings

Be in my midnight glide on a silver moon beam carpet slide
up and up I slip across the black tree fingers of the very next pine lined ridge
Up and up I sail to my friend
the white hot crescent 
cool night moon

Be in the spine of my cat as I perch myself
upon the very tip of the last long black prick hair 
on his slow curling twitch-twitch tail 
and as I find myself in the dull glint
of his slow moving yellow eyes
open wide
and watching

Be in the hint of gleaming light as it peek-peeks
out from behind 
my five year companion the Looking Glass Tree branch 
as it plays its own game with me
yes my game an early morning game
trying as it would to cover up my (other) sweet friend
my white hot bright morning star
yes my morning
star of the east
my own yes my very own
rising up game 
that I play

Be in the ill-tempered Appalachian wind
as it rises and it builds
piling up full out on the ridges below
and then letting loose like a mini swarm of sometimes ill-intentioned
climbing well weighted down Mack trucks
They race-roar their engines
steady they go
up and up to reach the summit
of this my fair mountain—
causing the dog to turn her head
and me to brace my body

Be in the folds of his gray-white beard
that he strokes
then slowly  
again as he lies pressed down
on his sickbed
where he waits patiently
for a touch from
sweet one Jesus
and the medication
Be with the man
my man
husband of more than 20 years
alone in the next shade
of an off white room 

© Karen Powell

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"How Dark is the Night?"

How dark is the night
when your baby boy
has left you?
Lying-he lies
stretched full out
with her by his side
alone on a nubby white bed.
Their candle-
it seems 
all but snuffed 
full out
I cannot comprehend
no warmth in his small fingers
they curl up with the mourners
spread apart in the room adjacent
filled with grief stricken silence 
broken up by her sobs
I am 20…
(I am 20)
How dark is the night?

How dark is the night?
A mother sits looking
her head turned aside
leaving her baby to slip
slowly he slides...
downward but looking up 
grimy is the Appalachian 
black water tendrils
as inward they glide along the curve of his skull 
Confused is 
the look 
as farther he sinks
Black water, you lie!
You are a liar
There is no truth in you
How dark is the night?

How dark is the night?
Must I walk these halls alone
with my vision obscured
banging my shins broken now bleeding 
Once vital the helper-now helped
I scratch my head asking
over I turn this
one thing
I ask
How dark is the night?

© Karen Powell

Thursday, July 1, 2010

(When) He's Down

When he's down
it's almost as though
her heart becomes a heavy weight,
He's been down so many times before.
It's very hard
to separate herself (from him.)
How long will it take (this time?)
"Am I strong enough?" (No.)
(I need more time.)
(Let me rally myself...Yes, I must be stronger now.)
Stronger I will be-
and she longingly wills him strong, too.
Then she thinks back
to the very essence of
her son
as a pale wisp of a boy, at thirteen-
gaunt and leaning over (almost as if to flop;)
his young strong frame propped up, crooked in the bed.

I pray he can summon what he needs.
After her prayer she decides upon a walk.
That day,
as she rounds the bend in the road with the dog--
her eye catches him
moving his slender frame
in a slightly crooked fashion;
down the mountain path he slips
from shadow and into the light.
With a wry smile he states, simply
"I just got up!? "
"I don't know why but I feel better!"
With her breath caught
as if
seeing an apparition
she breathes a deep sigh of
relief and hope and thankfulness
all mingled
what a
sweet release
it if
another uphill battle has been eluded-
the enemy has again
strong-armed into certain submission.
She is sure that she see shadows
slip back.

Let us now dispose of the remains of the day~
far from the pain
the morning brought.

He is so unpredictable; this son.
She smiles. He loves the element of surprise.
Does he plan it that way?
Will he always find her startled at his rising;
at the tricky nature of his comeback?

He bounces back when I have almost given up.
He bounces back when I let the outcome go.
I must remember
this one

Lois Nancy

This artwork is my mother's. It touches my heart.    (So gentle.)   A thoughtful depiction of something sweet, tiny, and cute.   'Wa...