I recently painted my dining room chairs in all happy colors. I had been wanting to do this for a while but was a little hesitatant because I was afraid it would look a little crazy and discombobulated. But I have to say I am so glad I did it! It adds the perfect pop of color to my all white dining room. I guess there really is no such thing as too much color.
Are you ready to see?
Tah dah! Isn't it so cheery? :)

All of these chairs were painted white at one time and almost all of them came from different places. Two were ones we've had for your years and years, the other two came from the thrift store, and the last two my grandpa found on the side of the road and were an ugly forest green and black. You would never know that now!

To keep this project cost efficient I just used the little sample paints of behr premium plus that you can get for around $2 at Home Depot. So this instant room makeover only cost me about $10 and took an evening to paint all the chairs.
Did you know it has been officially one year since I moved into my new
home? Wow how time has flown. I'm still planning, fussing and DIYing all
the rooms in my house to my liking.