Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Week 49-Cousin Christmas Catch up.

The very first Cousin Catch-up for a very long time.
We met at Mud and had an awesome time laughing and chatting.
Hopefully next time the other cousins can come too.

Cathy and Fiona.
Georgina and Tiffany.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Week 45-Point to Pinnacle

Sunday afternoon I decided to move my Sewing room into the Spare bedroom.
The sunroom has an awesome view and I love the cottage feel, but it is either too hot or too cold, things fade and my cutting mats warp! Definitely time to move.
Milly's chair was one of the first pieces of furniture to be placed.
The weekend for Point to Pinnacle, the 21km walk up Mt Wellington in Hobart has finally arrived.
At 6:30 am we were feeling a little hysterical.
I conquered the Mountain in 3 hours and 43 minutes.
It was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life, but I felt very accomplished,
not that I feel the need to ever do it again! 
An awesome view and an excuse for a little rest!
And the end prize!
Feeling very proud of my determination and effort!

Week 43-Friends in Stitches Retreat

The very first Friends in Stitches Retreat is about to start.
The Queensland girls arrived on Thursday night and we met for a meal at The Metz.  

Friday we had a shopping trip to Patchwork Plus and then lunch at The Cherry Shed.

Saturday night was Halloween. What a wonderful group of ladies. 
All keenly joined in, dressing up as witches and bringing clever Halloween themed supper.  
Lots of Fun!  

Witchy Poo Sarah and Witchy Poo Cathy!

Witchy Poo Jo, Leanne, Lynda, Vicki, Lib and Helen.

Witchy Poo Nor, Jen, Teresa, Sandi, Helen, De and Katherine.

My dinner on Sunday night. It looked like my Nanna had prepared it!
It definitely brought back many memories! 

Sarah quilted and added binding to my Granny Squares Halloween quilt.
I love this setting.

Week 44-My girls!

Look at my awesome girls!
I love them to bit!!

I went and saw Ruby and Issi perform at their dance concert this week. 
Last walk before the big climb next week.
Andrew joined us this week and he couldn't help himself with photo-bombing.
A 16km leisurely stroll around Mayfield, Rocherlea and Newnham.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Week 42-Mt Barrow challenge

Sunrise over Mt Barrow on the morning of our challenge.
The challenge was to walk up the road to the television tower at the top.
You cant really see the tower in this picture.
Yay Team....
Today we climbed Mt Barrow!!

And there is the prize from the road!

Nicky and I made it! The first 10km were actually quite pleasant.
BUT the  last 4km were a killer!

These signs were a great motivator, particularly the last one...
Run Darling...there's booze at the finish line!

My FITBIT map. 14.30km in 2 hours and 42 minutes!

Saturday night we had our family Halloween party.
Alex did an awesome job as usual making cool food!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week 46-Our House

A relaxing week this week, with a sleep over at Auntie Cathy's house.

These are the pictures of our house that I shared with an Instagram friend.
I love our house. It is on the outskirts of the city so we have the best of both worlds.
Suburban living within walking distance to the city and our local pub.
Not only that, it is a 10 minute walk from the Cataract Gorge.
Our Bedroom.
The Hallway.
I like to have a theme displayed on my old Singer.
The Lounge and Dining areas.
The Sunroom.
The sunroom and Deck area.
The Kitchen.

The Bathroom.

My Sewing room.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Week 41-Devil's Gullett

I Walking homework this week has been walking up and down Penstock Ladder. 
The weekend saw us heading for a 15km walk up Devil's Gullet.
It was quite easy walking.

Awesome views on the way up.
Even more spectacular once at the top!

We are getting very good at the group selfie!
I think we all looked at the right spot in this picture.
At the very top lookout.
Sunday was Mum's 69th birthday. We all visited her for tea.
It was so nice to be altogether. We definitely don't do enough of this anymore.
Life is crazy busy I guess.
Several attempts to get a sensible "snap"
What a bunch of comedians we all are!