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Offset printing ink for food packaging欧洲杯押注入口

文章出处:责任编辑:作者:人气:-发表时间:2018-11-07 16:49:00【

The graphic part of lithography (i.e. the oil-absorbing part) and the non-graphic part (i.e., hydrophilic oil drainage lang V) are on the same plate P plane. Using the oil water exclusion principle, through special processing, make the plate parts selective wetting ability a blank part to hydrophilic oil resistance, and figure form part of the oil and water resistance, printing plate coated with education version water first, make the gap of the plate are water embellish W, the ra form part of the oil, no water, and then coated ink, make graphics part of lis.

Compared with other printing methods, lithographic printing has the least inking and thin inks, so the ink color, density and friction resistance should be taken into account. Less inking will occur transparency, color and white phenomenon. Therefore, in order to achieve a certain color density, ink must increase the pigment containing teaching. But should notice, pigment concentration should not be too large, or the flow of ink.
Lithographic ink used dry oil as a linker, or in the solvent added resin as a linker. More ly used is the drying oil and solvent, and the addition of resin as a link.
There are many types of offset printing inks, such as single sheet offset printing inks (quick drying inks, gloss inks, uv curable inks), offset rotary printing inks (thermosetting inks, etc.), cardboard inks, printing iron inks, etc.


Offset printing ink for food packaging欧洲杯押注入口

文章出处:责任编辑:作者:人气:-发表时间:2018-11-07 16:49:00【

The graphic part of lithography (i.e. the oil-absorbing part) and the non-graphic part (i.e., hydrophilic oil drainage lang V) are on the same plate P plane. Using the oil water exclusion principle, through special processing, make the plate parts selective wetting ability a blank part to hydrophilic oil resistance, and figure form part of the oil and water resistance, printing plate coated with education version water first, make the gap of the plate are water embellish W, the ra form part of the oil, no water, and then coated ink, make graphics part of lis.

Compared with other printing methods, lithographic printing has the least inking and thin inks, so the ink color, density and friction resistance should be taken into account. Less inking will occur transparency, color and white phenomenon. Therefore, in order to achieve a certain color density, ink must increase the pigment containing teaching. But should notice, pigment concentration should not be too large, or the flow of ink.
Lithographic ink used dry oil as a linker, or in the solvent added resin as a linker. More ly used is the drying oil and solvent, and the addition of resin as a link.
There are many types of offset printing inks, such as single sheet offset printing inks (quick drying inks, gloss inks, uv curable inks), offset rotary printing inks (thermosetting inks, etc.), cardboard inks, printing iron inks, etc.


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