It Starts Tomorrow!!! Yippee Skippee!!!!
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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
More with the Stars
Part of the Quilting Conference this weekend included an all night Friday Sew-In. My Mother-In-Law and I lasted until about 1:30 a.m. Which is awesome because I haven't had any other time this weekend to get down to the sewing room. But I was able to accomplish a lot at the sew-in.
I got all of my stars put together :) Thanks so much for everyone's help with the layout!!! It really made such a big difference in the overall look of the quilt :) Now all I have to do is get the borders added, hopefully today, and then it is ready to be quilted up :)
And I also managed to finish all of the diamonds for my Lone Star quilt. Now I just have to sew together those diamonds and then insert the background. You have to do Inset seams to do that, which I am a little nervous about because I have never done them before, but, it's all about trying new things right :)
I got all of my stars put together :) Thanks so much for everyone's help with the layout!!! It really made such a big difference in the overall look of the quilt :) Now all I have to do is get the borders added, hopefully today, and then it is ready to be quilted up :)
And I also managed to finish all of the diamonds for my Lone Star quilt. Now I just have to sew together those diamonds and then insert the background. You have to do Inset seams to do that, which I am a little nervous about because I have never done them before, but, it's all about trying new things right :)
Friday, January 27, 2012
It's a Start :)
So here is what I got done in my class last night. It was so much fun!!!! We actually took our homework and sewed it into tubes and then cut the tubes into strips. (Those fun little guys in the bottom of the picture.) Then you unpick in a designated spot to make the strips for the diamonds. What a cool way to put a quilt together!!!! I had only ever seen the tube method used for making continuous binding strips. I had no idea it could be used to make diamonds like this :) Ya for learning new things :)
Whereas this is for Grandma's 80th (at the end of Feb) I need to get the rest of the points put together sooner rather than later :) Each diamond got a little easier as I got more practice with the technique. The first ones were making my head spin a bit :) So here hoping they will get faster, not to mention more accurate. 3 down and 5 to go :)
Whereas this is for Grandma's 80th (at the end of Feb) I need to get the rest of the points put together sooner rather than later :) Each diamond got a little easier as I got more practice with the technique. The first ones were making my head spin a bit :) So here hoping they will get faster, not to mention more accurate. 3 down and 5 to go :)
Thursday, January 26, 2012
TNT Thursday
First off, I just want to let everyone know that after today TNT will have a short break for a few weeks. It will be taking a hiatus during the Simply Charmed Blog Hop :)
Now, onto what I tried new this week :) For the first time, I did some quilting "Homework". Seriously, I never thought I would ever do "homework" again in my life. But . . . tonight, my Mother-In-Law and I will be attending a class on speed piecing a Lone Star Quilt as part of the Cedar City Quilter's Guild Retreat, and we were given homework to bring to the class. Here is my finished homework. I am so excited to see it transform tonight. I plan to give this quilt to my grandmother for her 80th Birthday. I am so excited :)
So . . . . My new thing is quilting homework :) (Hopefully I won't have a lot of homework popping up in my life again, I was very ready to be done with that after college, tee hee hee) What did you try new this week???
Now, onto what I tried new this week :) For the first time, I did some quilting "Homework". Seriously, I never thought I would ever do "homework" again in my life. But . . . tonight, my Mother-In-Law and I will be attending a class on speed piecing a Lone Star Quilt as part of the Cedar City Quilter's Guild Retreat, and we were given homework to bring to the class. Here is my finished homework. I am so excited to see it transform tonight. I plan to give this quilt to my grandmother for her 80th Birthday. I am so excited :)
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
One Week Away, Yippee Skippee!
The Simply Charmed Blog Hop is now only 1 week away from starting!! Yippee Skippee!!!! I can't wait to share with you all the amazing tutorials put together by these fabulous group of quilters. Not to mention, have some great giveaways, including a $200.00 grand prize gift certificate!!!
If you missed the introduction post you can find out more about the Hop here :)
It is going to be so much fun!!! I can hardly wait!!!
If you missed the introduction post you can find out more about the Hop here :)
It is going to be so much fun!!! I can hardly wait!!!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
I've Been Seeing Stars!!!
This last week I have been focused on making Stars!!!! And I must say, I forgot how much I loved making these blocks. These stars are part of my Stars Quilt-A-Long quilt. I finished the Block 1 and 2 sets months ago along with the Quilt-A-Long. Then I kind of fell behind.
I am making this quilt for my daughter's bedroom (she got our old queen bed frame when we got a king) and now that the frame is in her room she is getting antsy for the quilt to be put on it. So this week it was all about putting her at the top of the priority list :).
So . . . These are the finished Block 3's
These are the finished Block 4's
These are the finished Block 5's
Yippee Skippee!!! All of the blocks are done!!! Now I am just playing with the layout on the floor. I tried hard not to over-think it to much and just started laying them out so that I would get a nice random pattern. Then I moved a few around to try and give the colors balance.
So what do you think??? Does it look balanced?? Any suggestions on any blocks that should be moved??? It's still on the living room floor so changes can be made easily :) *EDIT - I moved things around a bit according to some great suggestions that were given. So this is the "new new" layout :) Any new suggestions??
I am making this quilt for my daughter's bedroom (she got our old queen bed frame when we got a king) and now that the frame is in her room she is getting antsy for the quilt to be put on it. So this week it was all about putting her at the top of the priority list :).
So . . . These are the finished Block 3's
These are the finished Block 4's
These are the finished Block 5's
and these are the finished Block 6's
Yippee Skippee!!! All of the blocks are done!!! Now I am just playing with the layout on the floor. I tried hard not to over-think it to much and just started laying them out so that I would get a nice random pattern. Then I moved a few around to try and give the colors balance.
So what do you think??? Does it look balanced?? Any suggestions on any blocks that should be moved??? It's still on the living room floor so changes can be made easily :) *EDIT - I moved things around a bit according to some great suggestions that were given. So this is the "new new" layout :) Any new suggestions??
Monday, January 23, 2012
I'm in McCalls Quilting!!!!!
McCall's Quilting March/April issue is now available and I have to say I am on Cloud 99!!!! Why . . .
Here is a full shot of each of the quilts. They feature both piecing and applique.
I used Riley Blake's Penny Lane by My Mind's Eye. I just love these color combos :) They are so bright and happy and are just perfect for a new little wee one!!!
And here are some close-ups of the quilting. The quilting Natalia did is just amazing!! Thanks again Lady!!!
Happy Quilting to each of you!!! I think I might be on Cloud 99 all week long :)
because inside that edition are my quilts!!!!! Girl or Boy . . . Hugs to Enjoy were designed and pieced by me and quilted by Natalia Bonner. Isn't this just the cutest picture?? I can't get over how adorable it makes my quilts look!!!!
Being published is something I have had on my list of things to do for a while now. I still remember doing a little squeal and happy dance when I got the email that these quilt designs were accepted. The process takes a while and now that it is here I still can't believe it. I just get giddy each time I see this!!!
Here is a full shot of each of the quilts. They feature both piecing and applique.
I used Riley Blake's Penny Lane by My Mind's Eye. I just love these color combos :) They are so bright and happy and are just perfect for a new little wee one!!!
And here are some close-ups of the quilting. The quilting Natalia did is just amazing!! Thanks again Lady!!!
Happy Quilting to each of you!!! I think I might be on Cloud 99 all week long :)
Friday, January 20, 2012
Sew Red for Women
I was so excited when Leah from Burgundy Buttons asked me to be part of this amazing Blog Hop!! And I just jumped at the chance to be a part of something that is for such an amazing cause!!! Have you heard about it??? Here are some of the deets.

What is the hop about?
Well, it's about hopping! And raising awareness about heart disease!
Each month, Sew Red for Women will feature an original quilt block designed ecspecially for you by some of today's most inspiring designers & bloggers. We will provide a special link to hop on over to the blogger and/or designer's site for details and instructions for completing the featured block. And you just might learn a thing or two about heart disease while you're there!
The hopping begins on February 3rd, which happens to be Wear Red Day!
Who's Partcipating? And when?
February 3 Leah of Burgundy Buttons
January 3 Lynne of Lily's Quilts
What an amazing group of talented quilters!!!! I am so excited to get to work with these people!!
What fabric are we using?
While we do not yet have a final fabric supply list as the designer's are still creating thier block, we will be using fabrics from Chemistry by Cosmo Cricket and coordinating Bella Solids. Naturally you may use any fabric you like!
As the blocks are released, Burgundy Buttons will offer a block-specific fabric pack for purchase while supplies last.
Will there be a flickr group?
What fun is it if you can't show off? Share pictures of your block and finished projects with the group at
We are so excited to bring you this heart friendly hop and raise awareness about heart disease at the same time! Please help us save lives by sharing information about this event on your blogsite, twitter and facebook! Grab a button from the Sew Red for Women Blog and add it to your side bar!
Together we can make a difference!
What is the hop about?
Well, it's about hopping! And raising awareness about heart disease!
Each month, Sew Red for Women will feature an original quilt block designed ecspecially for you by some of today's most inspiring designers & bloggers. We will provide a special link to hop on over to the blogger and/or designer's site for details and instructions for completing the featured block. And you just might learn a thing or two about heart disease while you're there!
The hopping begins on February 3rd, which happens to be Wear Red Day!
Who's Partcipating? And when?
February 3 Leah of Burgundy Buttons
March 3 Fat Quarterly's Tacha of Hanies Quilts
April 3 Katie of Swim, Bike, Quilt
May 3 Melissa Corry of Happy Quilting
June 3 Charlie of Qubee Quilts
July 3 Jessica of Twin Fibers
August 3 Melissa of The Polkadot Chair
November 3 Amy of Amy's Creative Side
December 3 Sherri of A Quilting LifeJanuary 3 Lynne of Lily's Quilts
What an amazing group of talented quilters!!!! I am so excited to get to work with these people!!
What fabric are we using?
While we do not yet have a final fabric supply list as the designer's are still creating thier block, we will be using fabrics from Chemistry by Cosmo Cricket and coordinating Bella Solids. Naturally you may use any fabric you like!
As the blocks are released, Burgundy Buttons will offer a block-specific fabric pack for purchase while supplies last.
Will there be a flickr group?
What fun is it if you can't show off? Share pictures of your block and finished projects with the group at
We are so excited to bring you this heart friendly hop and raise awareness about heart disease at the same time! Please help us save lives by sharing information about this event on your blogsite, twitter and facebook! Grab a button from the Sew Red for Women Blog and add it to your side bar!
Together we can make a difference!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
TNT Thrusday
This week I had a lot of fun Trying New Things. I worked with grommets for the first time!!! It was actually a lot of fun. I borrowed my Mother-In-Laws little tool and I think I will have to add that to my list of things to purchase for my sewing room. What did I use it on??? Well I can't say exactly but I will say it is for my Simply Charmed Blog Hop Project. I am so excited for it :)
So that was me Trying New Things :) What have you tried this week??? Link on up :)
So that was me Trying New Things :) What have you tried this week??? Link on up :)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
A Super Productive Week :)
This week was a super productive week for me. I had 4 completions. Yippee Skippee!!! And I have to say, it was a lot of fun. I am so happy to have finished up some projects that have been long outstanding. One I already showed on Friday, Jocelyn's Crib Quilt.
I also finished up this Hugs and Kisses quilt for my Grandmother. The pattern is my Hugs and Kisses from the Park Moda Bake Shop Tutorial. The design was inspired by my grandmother but the original colors didn't match her room very well. So I made this one in Pom Pom de Paris which not only matches her room but it also matches her style perfectly. My grandmother is coming down (she lives in Canada) to visit my mother next month so I can give it to her then :) I am so excited!!!
I also managed to pull out my Stars Quilt-A-Long blocks. I finished up the #3 blocks and got started on the #4 blocks. I really want to get this quilt put together in the next little bit. It is a little sad when you do the Quilt-A-Long and you don't finish the quilt with the group :)
And this is for a new project that I am totally excited about. My 6 year old daughter asked me if I would teach her to quilt. She wants to make a quilt for her 2 year old sister. So we whipped up a little design and made some time this week to pick out fabric. I had her start by picking out her favorite print (the butterfly one) and then we picked out other fabrics to match. She pretty much made all of the fabric choices with just a little help from me. I think she did a great job!! This week we are going to start cutting. Here is hoping nobody ends up needing stitches :)
So . . . . That's what I have been up to. On to the line-up :)
Designing Stage
- Twister Toddler Twin Quilt
- Solids Quilt for Free Motion
- King Size Serenity Quilt
- Circle Meets Square Quilt
- 4th of July Table Runner for Sister-In-Law
- Secret Project MB
- Secret Project QQ
- Moda Bake Shop On the Go
- Moda Bake Shop Take it All
- Stars Quilt-A-Long
- Jessi and Me Quilt
- Going Places Quilt
- Lone Star for Grandma's 80th Birthday
Quilting Stage
Completed Stage
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Disappearing 9 Patch Variation Tutorial
I had a few people ask about how I made this crib quilt. I bet you didn't guess that I made this using a variation of the Disappearing 9 patch. You use the same technique but by placing your colors different you get a totally different look :)
***Note - I realize you can also make this pattern doing a 4 patch center and then adding side sashing with corner blocks but this is just how I have made it. But I am always a fan of ways to speed up sashing :)
Here is how to make it:
For a 22 x 44 crib quilt You will need:
4 Strips 2 1/2" x WOF of your focal print (white border) (You can made these strips wider if you want a larger border :)
16 4" x 4" Squares of your focal print (white ) 5/8 Yard Total
28 4" x 4" Squares of your first sashing print (pink) 3/8 Yard Total
28 4" x 4" Squares of your second sashing print (green) 3/8 Yard Total
If you want to change the size of the quilt you can either make the borders bigger or change the size squares you start with.
To start, you are going to make Eight 9-Patch blocks. 4 of the first color layout and 4 of the second color layout.
Now cut across the center of the block left to right, and then without moving the block, cut across the center of the block from top to bottom. Repeat for all 8 blocks.
Now rotate the 4 newly cut squares 180 degrees to get the following layout. Sew the 4 squares together. Repeat for all 8 blocks.Add your border, sewing on the long sides first. Then add your short sides borders.
And then your done and you have one adorable crib quilt!!!!
And since I was at it . . . I figured I would add the same instructions for making a baby blanket. You use the exact same process. Here is a picture of one I made a while back :)
For a 40 x 40 baby blanket you will need:
18 5" x 5" Squares of your focal print (pink) 1/2 Yard Total
32 5" x 5" Squares of your first sashing print (purple) 2/3 Yard Total
32 5" x 5" Squares of your second sashing print (yellow) 2/3 yard Total
If you want to change the size of the quilt you can either make the borders bigger or change the size squares you start with.
To start, you are going to make Nine 9-Patch blocks. 5 of the first color layout and 4 of the second color layout.
Now cut across the center of the block left to right, and then without moving the block, cut across the center of the block from top to bottom. Repeat for all 9 blocks.
Now rotate the 4 newly cut squares 180 degrees to get the following layout. Sew the 4 squares together. Repeat for all 9 blocks.
And you are done!!!!
Hope you enjoyed :) If you have any questions just shoot me an email :)
Monday, January 16, 2012
The Simply Charmed Blog Hop
Today's the day!!! The secrets out!!! Announcing the Simply Charmed Blog Hop!!!!! Isn't Valentines Day great!!! A day focused on telling those we love just how much they mean to us. Fabulous!!! And what better way to show someone you care than to give them something special made by you just for them!!
So that is why I asked some of my amazing friends from blog land to join me in bringing you the Simply Charmed Blog Hop. 10 days of Valentine tutorials and giveaways kicking off on February 1st. So here are the amazingly talanted ladies that will be joining me!!!
Thank you so much to each of these ladies. I have had so much fun working with each of them on this Blog Hop. They are all so very talented and the projects they have created are just amazing!!! Trust me when I say, you are all in for a treat!!!
The Simply Charmed title came about because each of us created our project using 1 Charm Pack and added yardage if necessary but only for backing, lining ect. The bulk of each project is made using just the 1 Charm Pack of Always and Forever by Deb Strain. And trust me, you are going to be amazed with what you can create using a single charm pack!!!
And what fun would a Blog Hop be without Giveaways???
So that is why I asked some of my amazing friends from blog land to join me in bringing you the Simply Charmed Blog Hop. 10 days of Valentine tutorials and giveaways kicking off on February 1st. So here are the amazingly talanted ladies that will be joining me!!!
February 1 - Melissa from Happy Quilting with the Knotty Little Apron Tutorial
February 2 - Heather from Quilt Story with the Heart Garland Tutorial
February 3 - Melissa from Lilac Lane with the Be Mine Tote Tutorial
February 6 - Angela from Cut to Pieces with the Pincushion Tutorial
February 7 - Amy from Diary of a Quilter with the Scrappy Nine Patch Table Quilt Tutorial
February 8 - Natalia from Piece N Quilt with the Trio of Pillows Tutorial
February 9 - Jessica from Twin Fibers with the Valentine Card Keeper Tutorial
February 10 - Katie from Swim, Bike, Quilt with the XOXO Zippered Pouch Tutorial
February 11 - Jane from Want It, Need It, Quilt with the Circle of Love Tutorial
February 13 - Corey from Little Miss Shabby with the Shabby Heart Pillow
February 14 - Happy Valentines Day and the Grand Prize Winner Announcement!!!!
Thank you so much to each of these ladies. I have had so much fun working with each of them on this Blog Hop. They are all so very talented and the projects they have created are just amazing!!! Trust me when I say, you are all in for a treat!!!
The Simply Charmed title came about because each of us created our project using 1 Charm Pack and added yardage if necessary but only for backing, lining ect. The bulk of each project is made using just the 1 Charm Pack of Always and Forever by Deb Strain. And trust me, you are going to be amazed with what you can create using a single charm pack!!!
And what fun would a Blog Hop be without Giveaways???
Thanks to the generosity of our amazing sponsors, there will be a giveaway along with each of the 10 tutorials. So when the time comes, make sure to enter at each of the contributors tutorial post for your chance to win some major fabric cash.
Fat Quarter Shop has graciously sponsored the fabric used in making the tutorials.
They will also be sponsoring the Grand Prize of a $200.00 Gift Certificate to 1 lucky reader.
Burgundy Buttons has graciously sponsored three $25.00 Gift Certificates for 3 lucky readers.
The Intrepid Thread has graciously sponsored three $25.00 Gift Certificates for 3 lucky readers.
The Green Fairy has graciously sponsored three $25.00 Gift Certificates for 3 lucky readers.
A huge thank you goes out to each of our sponsors!!! They are a huge part of making this Blog Hop. So pop on over to their shops (their icon's are links) and find the special Charm Pack or 2 for you. (And whatever else might tickle your fancy :)
And last but not least, we would love it if you joined the Simply Charmed Blog Hop Flickr Group. This will be a place to show us your amazing projects made using the Simply Charmed tutorials!!! We can't wait to see your own personal take on these special gifts :)
So are you ready to hop along with us??? Are you excited for February 1st?????
So are you ready to hop along with us??? Are you excited for February 1st?????
Well then grab a button and spread the word!!
Let's see how far we can spread the homemade love this Valentines Day!!!! .
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Master Bedroom Quilt Colors
So I am sure by now, you have all seen the Blogger's Choice Bundles that have been popping up everywhere for the Quokka Quilts challenge. When I saw it come up I figured it would be the perfect thing to get me thinking about really picking out some colors for my new Master King size quilt. And I mean, come on, If I won the fabric for my bedspread all the better right :) (Not that I think I have any chance of winning, there are some amazing color mosiacs over there, I feel sorry for those poor judges, tee hee hee)
So, I stopped and thought, and pondered, and started looking at color swatches. I found so many ideas that I loved. And then I talked to my husband (Since it is his bed too I figured he should get some input) and after some debate (he drives a tuff bargin) we came to the decision that we wanted something calming, relaxing, and in his words, no "girly" stuff. I later clarified that "girly" stuff includes anything in any tone of pink, red, or purple and also includes any prints that have any form of a flower on them. Which from my original color ideas left me with one option of a nice combination of earthy tones in the green tones of our walls.
So off to the Fat Quarter Shop I went to look for some fabrics that fit the "rules". I went through every single fabric in the shop. (Ya, it was so much fun!!!!!) I can't believe how many great prints I had to "throw out" because they had flowers. It is a little harder to shop for strictly masculine prints :) But in the end, I was super happy with what I ended up with. And here it is :) What do you think??? Is it calming and relaxing?? Is it masculine and in no way girly??
So, I stopped and thought, and pondered, and started looking at color swatches. I found so many ideas that I loved. And then I talked to my husband (Since it is his bed too I figured he should get some input) and after some debate (he drives a tuff bargin) we came to the decision that we wanted something calming, relaxing, and in his words, no "girly" stuff. I later clarified that "girly" stuff includes anything in any tone of pink, red, or purple and also includes any prints that have any form of a flower on them. Which from my original color ideas left me with one option of a nice combination of earthy tones in the green tones of our walls.
So off to the Fat Quarter Shop I went to look for some fabrics that fit the "rules". I went through every single fabric in the shop. (Ya, it was so much fun!!!!!) I can't believe how many great prints I had to "throw out" because they had flowers. It is a little harder to shop for strictly masculine prints :) But in the end, I was super happy with what I ended up with. And here it is :) What do you think??? Is it calming and relaxing?? Is it masculine and in no way girly??
Friday, January 13, 2012
Top of the List
So I am super excited today. Why you might ask?? Because today I get to post that the 3 things that were on the top of my priority list from Wednesday are now done!! Yippee Skippe!!!
First off, I finally quilted my little Jocelyn's crib quilt. This quilt has been sitting in the corner of the sewing room basted for like a month. Wednesday afternoon I decided it was time to get this little cutie quilted.
On the sashings I quilted this cute little swirl. I am really falling in love with this swirl for sashings. I am not perfect at it by any means but it is a really relaxing stitch to quilt. I love doing it and I love the way it looks :)
And here it is in her crib with her favorite bear. I quilted echo flowers in the center of each of the 4 patches. They also are not perfect but my daughter asked me to do flowers on the baby's quilt and who am I to refuse the request of a 2 year old :)
And you can't have a baby quilt picture without the baby. Here is Jocelyn. She is growing so fast and she still has all of that hair :)
Oh, and finishing this quilt just happened to be my One Thing One Week goal for Amy's link up. Yippee Skippee for Amy and her motivation. If you have never heard of this, you should really check it out. Just click on the icon below to find out more :)
On to project 2. I finished this customer quilt yesterday. The design is based on Natalia's Let Your Imigantion Bloom quilt tutorial but instead of layer cakes I use charms. This was a super fun customer quilt because it was a bit of a throw back. You See . . . . .
About 2 years ago I sold this little quilt. (I had made a similar one for a friend and had cut extra's so I whipped up a second one :) A few weeks ago I was contacted by the owner asking If I could make another quilt similar to this one for their new little arrival. I was super happy to. Luckily, I still had a lot of the same fabrics (which she wanted) so it was fun to recreate the same look with a little twist.
And last but not least . . .Project 3. Which happens to be Secret Project SC. Which I can't show you yet, hence the secret part. But I promise, it won't be to much longer. More of that on Monday :)
And I will be linking these finishes up to Amada Jean's Finish it up Friday and Amy's Sew and Tell Linky's :)
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