People LOVE tnjazmyn's recipes.
About Me
I am a Southern Belle with a palate that has no boundaries! I love to travel the world and try other culture's cuisines and try to recreate them at home. I am a nurse and clinical director for a home health agency. I am a cance
r survivor (3 years and holding strong! Yay!!) and being on the other side of the hospital bed has made me so much more compassionate and passionate about all I do! I would love to have my own catering business and express myself to more than just my friends and family through my culinary skills!
Update: I have had several of my new friends ask regarding what type of cancer I have redeemed myself from. On Leap Day 2004 (Feb 29th, 2004) I was diagnosed with Acute ProMyelocytic Leukemia. I remember the date so well for a couple of reasons. #1 If you have ever been diagnosed with cancer you know it is a date you will never forget. #2 I had just started a new job six months prior. My new insurance took effect March 1st. If you are familiar with healthcare you know that being diagnosed on Feb. 29th made this a pre-existing illness so insurance would not cover the 3 months of hospitalizations and a year of chemo. Not bitter, mind you, just more empathetic for others and definitely on the National Board of Nurses to speak up for those who don't have the voice. I can be quite loud! With that said, Leap Years are bittersweet. Proud to be here to experience them, but still quite eerie. Glad they only roll around every 4 years! Enough about that! I am here to make new friends, find new and exciting food and share what I have with others! Thank you to everyone so far for being my food-groupies! Teresa Read more
Update: I have had several of my new friends ask regarding what type of cancer I have redeemed myself from. On Leap Day 2004 (Feb 29th, 2004) I was diagnosed with Acute ProMyelocytic Leukemia. I remember the date so well for a couple of reasons. #1 If you have ever been diagnosed with cancer you know it is a date you will never forget. #2 I had just started a new job six months prior. My new insurance took effect March 1st. If you are familiar with healthcare you know that being diagnosed on Feb. 29th made this a pre-existing illness so insurance would not cover the 3 months of hospitalizations and a year of chemo. Not bitter, mind you, just more empathetic for others and definitely on the National Board of Nurses to speak up for those who don't have the voice. I can be quite loud! With that said, Leap Years are bittersweet. Proud to be here to experience them, but still quite eerie. Glad they only roll around every 4 years! Enough about that! I am here to make new friends, find new and exciting food and share what I have with others! Thank you to everyone so far for being my food-groupies! Teresa Read more
Tennessee Barbecue Sauce
barbecuechickenporkgrilledspicytangymouth-watering- 16 comments
Deviled Salmon Cakes
southerntasteslikedeviledcrabsalmonricewarm- 11 comments
Butternut Pear And Thyme Tart With A Walnut Pesto ...
deliciousbutternuttarttorteflanpearsavoury- 11 comments
My Dads Mini Pecan Pie Muffins
muffinpecanpienuttytreatdessertfingerfoodsimpleeasy- 19 comments
Jamaica Me Hot Jerk Rub
spiceexplosionwarmjerkspicybitecaribbeanrubmarinade- 12 comments
Sunshine Summer Squash Soup
comfortsoupeasycheesysunnyyummysmoothwarmsquashonio- 5 comments
Pina Colada Empanadas
caribbeanpastrycoconutpineapplesweetfruity- 7 comments
The Best Ever Banana Puddin Pie
comfortscrumptiousmouthwateringprizewinningbananapuddin- 11 comments