My Latest Recipes 20
  • Tennessee Barbecue Sauce from tnjazmyn in Manchester, TN.
    My dad got this recipe in the 1950’s from the Tennessee Extension Club. The original recipe that I have is a picnic menu and ha...
  • DEVILED SALMON CAKES from tnjazmyn in Manchester, TN.
    I had some leftover rice last night and haven’t fried anything in awhile and decided to combine the two and came up with this! ...
  • Butternut Pear And Thyme Tart With A Walnut Pesto Sauce from tnjazmyn in Manchester, TN.
    I had this dish while visiting Cape Town, South Africa and could not get it off my mind when I came back home. I searched the int...
  • My Dads Mini Pecan Pie Muffins from tnjazmyn in Manchester, TN.
    My father came up with this little treat. It is very delicious, very simple and quick! Great for parties, holidays and every day...
  • JAMAICA ME HOT JERK RUB from tnjazmyn in Manchester, TN.
    This jerk rub is great on pork tenderloin, chicken, seafood and steak! I have also recently discovered it works great in marinade...
  • Sunshine Summer Squash Soup from tnjazmyn in Manchester, TN.
    This soup is wonderful either hot or cold. I prefer it hot with melted cheese and croutons but is also great on a hot summer day ...
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  • NPMarie 11 years ago about My Dads Mini Pecan Pie Muffins Flag
  • mommyluvs2cook 11 years ago about TERESAS LETTUCE WRAPS
    The meat really soaks up the flavor of the sauce, which is a good thing for ground chicken! Made a few changes...posted in the IMI group --------> Teresas Lettuce Wraps
  • auntybea 14 years ago about DEVILED SALMON CAKES
    I love how you always apologize for using lard in your recipes by saying you're not going to apologize!! L0L I don't care about the lard, I just LOVE your recipes, dear! I've searched all the salmon pattie recipes on here and this one is the best! P.S. You can't quit your lard; I can't quit my bacon fat! :)

    Hey, just noticed I already commented on this recipe!! L0L!
  • elgourmand 14 years ago about Tennessee Barbecue Sauce
    Goin to be spicy but really great. Nice when something so basic is going to be this good. RJ
  • bakermanrooster 15 years ago about The Best Ever Banana Puddin Pie
    Love this one thanks for the post.
  • grizzlybear 16 years ago
    Hay there tnjazmyn how are you doing ....have not heard from you in a while just wanted to say i hope 2009 is a GREAT year for you.....Take care

  • shepherdrescue 16 years ago
    Thanks for the 5 rating on my Grand Mariner souffle recipe. It's not as hard as everyone makes it seem. Congrats on your 3 years! I think attitude has a lot to do with overcoming these things and it sounds like yours is wonderful!
  • jett2whit 16 years ago
    hey there! hope you are doing ok....I've been missing you!
  • capedread 16 years ago
    would love to be your cooking buddy, and thanks for your enthusiastic reaction to my recipes, glad you like em. you mentioned samp n beans, love the dish too but can't get cracked corn anywhere in UK grrrrr have tried to crack it myself but it's incredibly hard and was worried about damaging my blender's blade lol, am liking your recipes too! am off now to scour your stuff :D
  • marky90 16 years ago
    Enjoy the crab cake and caper sauce recipe. It is a winner. Thanks again-Marky
  • lanacountry 16 years ago
    Teresa.. I just read your 'about me bio' you are a
    beautiful and strong person..The Lords' continued
    blessings in your life, dear friend!
  • lanacountry 16 years ago
    Thank you so much my friend for your comment on
    the BURRITO BAKE~! Have a super weekend! :)
  • lincolntoot 16 years ago
    Hi and thanks for being my new cooking buddy! I'm cheering you on to stay cancer free! Hope we can share many great recipes! I'm sure on this cooking site you have made plenty of friends that can cheer you on also! Never be negative!!!!
  • swamphunter007 16 years ago
    I am honored to be your friend. Thanks for asking. You have been through alot, and have come out stronger. I am glad you are doing well, Prayers were answered. I hope to enter more recipe's soon, I too love to travel and taste what I have not before. Take care...
  • bluewaterandsand 16 years ago
    Thank you TN, for your rating on my Apple Fritters. I'm glad to see that you stopped by. Have a fantastic weekend! Teresa