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About Me
I am a Southern Belle with a palate that has no boundaries! I love to travel the world and try other culture's cuisines and try to recreate them at home. I am a nurse and clinical director for a home health agency. I am a cance
r survivor (3 years and holding strong! Yay!!) and being on the other side of the hospital bed has made me so much more compassionate and passionate about all I do! I would love to have my own catering business and express myself to more than just my friends and family through my culinary skills!
Update: I have had several of my new friends ask regarding what type of cancer I have redeemed myself from. On Leap Day 2004 (Feb 29th, 2004) I was diagnosed with Acute ProMyelocytic Leukemia. I remember the date so well for a couple of reasons. #1 If you have ever been diagnosed with cancer you know it is a date you will never forget. #2 I had just started a new job six months prior. My new insurance took effect March 1st. If you are familiar with healthcare you know that being diagnosed on Feb. 29th made this a pre-existing illness so insurance would not cover the 3 months of hospitalizations and a year of chemo. Not bitter, mind you, just more empathetic for others and definitely on the National Board of Nurses to speak up for those who don't have the voice. I can be quite loud! With that said, Leap Years are bittersweet. Proud to be here to experience them, but still quite eerie. Glad they only roll around every 4 years! Enough about that! I am here to make new friends, find new and exciting food and share what I have with others! Thank you to everyone so far for being my food-groupies! Teresa Read more
Update: I have had several of my new friends ask regarding what type of cancer I have redeemed myself from. On Leap Day 2004 (Feb 29th, 2004) I was diagnosed with Acute ProMyelocytic Leukemia. I remember the date so well for a couple of reasons. #1 If you have ever been diagnosed with cancer you know it is a date you will never forget. #2 I had just started a new job six months prior. My new insurance took effect March 1st. If you are familiar with healthcare you know that being diagnosed on Feb. 29th made this a pre-existing illness so insurance would not cover the 3 months of hospitalizations and a year of chemo. Not bitter, mind you, just more empathetic for others and definitely on the National Board of Nurses to speak up for those who don't have the voice. I can be quite loud! With that said, Leap Years are bittersweet. Proud to be here to experience them, but still quite eerie. Glad they only roll around every 4 years! Enough about that! I am here to make new friends, find new and exciting food and share what I have with others! Thank you to everyone so far for being my food-groupies! Teresa Read more
My Latest Recipes 20
Tennessee Barbecue Sauce from tnjazmyn in Manchester, TN.
My dad got this recipe in the 1950’s from the Tennessee Extension Club. The original recipe that I have is a picnic menu and ha...
DEVILED SALMON CAKES from tnjazmyn in Manchester, TN.
I had some leftover rice last night and haven’t fried anything in awhile and decided to combine the two and came up with this! ...
Butternut Pear And Thyme Tart With A Walnut Pesto Sauce from tnjazmyn in Manchester, TN.
I had this dish while visiting Cape Town, South Africa and could not get it off my mind when I came back home. I searched the int...
My Dads Mini Pecan Pie Muffins from tnjazmyn in Manchester, TN.
My father came up with this little treat. It is very delicious, very simple and quick! Great for parties, holidays and every day...
JAMAICA ME HOT JERK RUB from tnjazmyn in Manchester, TN.
This jerk rub is great on pork tenderloin, chicken, seafood and steak! I have also recently discovered it works great in marinade...
Sunshine Summer Squash Soup from tnjazmyn in Manchester, TN.
This soup is wonderful either hot or cold. I prefer it hot with melted cheese and croutons but is also great on a hot summer day ...
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