My Latest Recipes 96
  • Sorta Swedish Meatballs from sweetwords in Raleigh, MS.
    We thought seriously about calling these Crack Meatballs, they were so yummy. I wanted to just put my face in the bowl to eat them...
  • Turkey Muffins from sweetwords in Raleigh, MS.
    We love this meatloaf recipe so much that now, regular meatloaf tastes strange! The wild rice is a delicious touch, and the dish a...
  • Pasta Primavera With Garlic Sauce And Possibly Chicken from sweetwords in Raleigh, MS.
    Absolutely heavenly primavera! I've served it with and without chicken, and it's delicious both ways. The Garlic Butter Sauce is...
  • Black-eyed Pea Jambalaya (vegetarian) from sweetwords in Raleigh, MS.
    A friend of mine asked for a vegetarian version of this recipe, so I modified the meat version (posted), and it turned out delicio...
  • Versatile Buttermilk Dressing from sweetwords in Raleigh, MS.
    I was so happy to find this delicious dressing! It's creamy and slightly tangy, and not only easy to make, but easy to add other ...
  • Crammed Chicken Stew from sweetwords in Raleigh, MS.
    My husband asked for a chicken stew as full of vegetables as possible, so I took the recipe from Better Homes & Gardens, doubl...
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  • Cosmicmother 4 years ago about Blueberry Cream Muffins
    I finally added this to IMI: Blueberry Cream Muffins
  • Cosmicmother 4 years ago about Blueberry Cream Muffins
    I have had this same recipe for years, it's my go to blueberry muffin recipe. I often use frozen blueberries but they always make the batter blue, even if I thaw and pat dry. But just as delicious! For a change up I sometimes add a little orange or lemon zest, or sometimes cinnamon. My kids love them any which way!
  • frankieanne 8 years ago about Black bean Enchiladas
    I cut this recipe in half and used a 10 x 10 pan because my tortillas were 8". I didn't have any red bell pepper but I did have some leftover Mexican rice so I put 1/2 cup of that into the mix. I cooked this for 20 minutes but I think 15 would have been plenty. A bit more in IMI. 7/16/16
    Black Bean Enchiladas
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago about Simple Spinach And Mushrooms
    This is a must fix item! I will plan on it soonest!
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago about Simple Spinach And Mushrooms
    /Every ingredient worked perfect together! Added a review in the IMI as well :) -------------> Simple Spinach And Mushrooms
  • jo_jo_ba 12 years ago
    it is in general - i found mine at bulk barn, but bakery supply stores, bulk food shops, health food stores will have it
  • NPMarie 13 years ago
    I did leave a remark in the I made It group for the pumpkin pie post...I have a new computer/server now, I was having trouble with my old login -nativeprincess- I am now NPMarie...I just left a link to the recipe..Have a great day!
  • mrcooksalot 14 years ago
    love the Chex mix very creative
  • victoriaregina 15 years ago
    Beautiful child!
  • jolielives 15 years ago
    Incredibly Beautiful Avatar.
    Jo & Lee
  • zena824 15 years ago
    Hi Sweets... was good to hear from you....enjoy looking at your recipes... the little girl is my youngest granddaughter... she is a precious little angel to me.....her daddy has been home from Iraq a year...thanks so much for commenting on it....Z
  • sparow64 15 years ago
    Thanks for the review and kind words about the potato salad, glad you are enjoying it!
  • petunia97 15 years ago
    I think I either printed or saved almost every one of your recipes! Thanks, they all sound delicious!
  • petsitter75 16 years ago
    thanks for coming on board! childen are a blessing,arent they>. I have 4 and they are all grown-oldest is 56!! youngest-46-I was a child bride!!Im a widow 10 years after 48 years with the greatest guy ever! love to cook the way you do,so this should be fun!1 come on over whenever you get the chance!! Barb
  • mjcmcook 16 years ago
    ~Hello~ Sweet~
    I am so happy that You accepted my invitation
    to be my 'Food Friend'~I look forward to more
    conversation and recipe sharing~