People generally enjoy ravenhairchic's recipes.
About Me
I am self-proclaimed/self- taught Amateur Chef and a Professional Artist (I displayed some of my art on here but mainly pics of my cat who is a Ragdoll named Gigi and who I love to death!) I have been cooking since as early as I
can remember which was probably mud pies. From there I was always interested in my mom's cooking where I began learning, then came the internet (Heavenly Music and White Light Shooting down onto computer, LOL)! I was gone! Every recipe I could think of and try was done and made into my own special recipe. I stil to this day look up recipes; about 5 @ a time and then compare and change or add my own stuff to my own style/taste. Wha La! Another masterpiece or to be so blunt another piece of you know what. Tee Hee, anyways. I'm just getting started on here so I haven't posted any recipes yet but, if you ask I will give you whatever recipe you want to the best of my knowledge. Peace,
Caroline Read more
Caroline Read more
My Latest Recipes 2
Fideo Mexican Spaghetti from ravenhairchic in Santa Ana, CA.
This is a mexican version of spaghetti in a kinda sorta way. I see alot of recipes for it without chicken but I like it with. ...
White Lightning Chicken Chile from ravenhairchic in Santa Ana, CA.
Not your standard Chili recipe. You can also make it into a soup by adding less mashed beans and more broth. Similiar to Tortilla ...
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