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  • Lemon Lime Encrusted Chicken Breast from lindseym_1 in Pickering, CA.
    Easy spin on a shake and bake type meal. I served this with a tabbouleh salad and served the chicken atop a bed of baby greens wi...
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  • vb0000 14 years ago about Lemon Lime Encrusted Chicken Breast
    This is a great recipe but since we really LOVE that lemon/lime taste I used 4 lemons and 4 limes, and only used 4 chicken breasts. I didn't have any buttermilk but combined soy milk with some lemon juice and it worked just as well. I marinated for 2 hours. I put all the juice from the 4 lemons and limes in with the lemon/honey mixture. The lemon flavor really came out with the breading, but the breading does not stick to the chicken very well. Next time I will do the "double dipping" method. I had lemon wedges to pass at the table which really kicked up the lemon flavor. All in all a great recipe for a mid week delight.
  • theoldprof 16 years ago
    I guess we're neighbours. It's good to find people in my area on this site. It makes the recipe sharing even more revalent, as stuff comes in and out of season and so on. Welcome to the group and have a great cooking day.
  • jo_jo_ba 17 years ago
    Hi there! You must live fairly close to me! I used to live in Ajax. Welcome!