My Latest Recipes 2
  • Celery Ginger Summer Salad from hethejoy in Drobeta Turnu-Severin, RO.
    A tangy pang to an old family favorite. Great for those summer days when you just do NOT want to turn on the oven!...
  • Corn Tortillas from hethejoy in Drobeta Turnu-Severin, RO.
    A true classic, this recipe is simple and perfect with any number of dishes. Nothin' says lovin' like a good corn tortilla, fresh ...
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  • gman42 14 years ago about Corn Tortillas
    Simple & easy, no just need to get my family to send me some more masa from America. They don't do masa in Ireland!
  • trev 15 years ago about Corn Tortillas
    It sounds like this recipe will leave the commercial equivalents in their dust. I've got to do this, this weekend. Thanks for this recipe.
  • dynie 16 years ago about Corn Tortillas
    This is nice and easy! The best tortillas I ever experienced were made daily in a home of a family living in Montemorelos, MX. How I still remember those, and it's been years!!!
  • dynie 16 years ago about Celery Ginger Summer Salad
    This is perfect! It's actually something different for me!
  • dynie 16 years ago
    Thanks for friending! It sounds vrey interesting living in Romania. Think of all the people trying to find ingredients to cook food from other countries, and there you are trying to find ingred. to get a "taste of home"!
  • pleclare 16 years ago
    Thanks for your comment on the pea soup!
  • trigger 16 years ago about Celery Ginger Summer Salad
    Old family favorites are a great asset to a cook.
    You have done a wonderful job interpreting the dish, and presenting it us.
  • debra47 17 years ago
    Thanks for your comment about the ranch dressing recipe. We don't purchase any store bought salad dressings. Once you have made your own you don't want one that has chemicals in it.
  • debra47 17 years ago
    Would love to see some Romanian dishes!
  • efitobx 17 years ago
    I just wanted to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving.

    P.S. Ok, what’s cooking? It’s Stuffed Rockfish here.
  • amira_sedky80 17 years ago
    thank u so much for ur useful ideas, its really help me..
  • sunny 17 years ago
    Greetings and welcome. Thanks for being my cooking buddy. Sounds like you have a very fascinating life. I hope to learn more. = )
  • mrsoul 17 years ago
    Looking forward to some new delecacies from your corner of the world.
  • notyourmomma 17 years ago
    Resourceful, Honey, you are the queen of improvisation, I bow to you. I love the flavor of home dried tomatoes. I have a smoker and I smoke and dry my own plum tomatoes whenever we light up the beast. Looking forward to the PC posts. I'll have to tell my daughter about what you are doing. She has been a volunteer for 3 years at a camp for handicapped children and her sense of giving is awesome. I'm sure she would love to chat with you. Toodls, Notcho
  • notyourmomma 17 years ago
    Frugality is my middle name and making do with the rotating pantry can be fun. Please share your most resourceful moment! I'd love to hear. Welcome to the best group of cooks around, we have a lot of fun here. Toodles, Notcho
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