My Latest Recipes 13
  • Noodle Dish from georgesgirlnumber1 in Hinsdale, NH.
    very mild, new taste to noodles for side dish or main dish...
  • Sauteed Pork Tenderloin from georgesgirlnumber1 in Hinsdale, NH.
    An easy quick, very nice tasting way to cook pork...
  • Tofu Lasagna from georgesgirlnumber1 in Hinsdale, NH.
    A nice change to the regular meat lasagna, kids seem to love it, and it's healthier. You can also fool around with this recipe......
  • Sesame Tofu Stir-Fry from georgesgirlnumber1 in Hinsdale, NH.
    a nice dish that can be used as a main course or a side course with a meat meal...
  • Faglia E Fieno Straw and Hay from georgesgirlnumber1 in Hinsdale, NH.
    quick, easy and tasty. throw it together with a salad, voila, you have a meal..maybe some crusty bread too? Too many carbs you s...
  • Rich Banana Bread from georgesgirlnumber1 in Hinsdale, NH.
    Very buttery and rich flavor for banana bread. I don't like banana bread, but I LOVE this one....
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  • a1patti 15 years ago about Cheese Filled Beef Roll
    Sounds great!!
  • tuilelaith 16 years ago about Tofu Lasagna
    Hey! Give me more recipes like this. I buy the premade stuff, but have been wanting to know how to just make the blocks of tofu. This sounds so great!
  • blueeyes68ky 16 years ago
    Thanks for being my cooking buddy. I am enjoying this site the people are great.
  • netty_angel 16 years ago about Ropa Vieja
    I like Ropa Viejas!
  • georgesgirlnumber1 16 years ago about Tofu Lasagna
    thanks joy2u2! I agree...add the peppers, add everything!! :o) The only thing I personally would not add is cilantro, but only because it's one of the few herbs in this world that I do not like . . . that and coriander, which are both part of the same plant. At least I'm consistent. Otherwise, I love tofu. Even using tofu in place of eggs in making egg salad. When I did it the first time, my family did NOT know it wasn't egg salad. I also like it stir-fried after cutting firm tofu into small bite-sized pieces and then marinating them in soy sauce, ginger and garlic. yum. thanks
  • joy2u2 16 years ago about Tofu Lasagna
    We haven't eaten much tofu, but want to try more recipes, especially after making this dish and everyone at our dinner party, loving it so much!
    We added red & green bell peppers, cilantro to zip it up a bit... it was delicious. And it let's your taste buds know it's good, HEALTHY eating too!!
  • kismet 17 years ago
    I realize what you mean.Sometimes I think we should bring back the two tin cans and a string,for communacation. Have a great day.
  • kismet 17 years ago
    You are welcome looking forward to more recipes
  • kismet 17 years ago
    Welcome to the site and I wish and your furry friends a Big Hi and looking forward to your recipes
  • henrie 17 years ago
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.
  • chef2 17 years ago
    Hi welcome to the group and thanks for stopping by and commenting on my Mac n Cheese
  • peetabear 17 years ago
    I agree with you..I have to have a fur baby.. and if and when something happens and they are no longer with me.... cry is an understatement.. I love your new avatar..
  • georgesgirlnumber1 17 years ago
    I can't stand the thought of not having her. She's my buddy and I don't/won't think ahead to the future. I won't be without a pet or pets,'s not worth it without some fur therapy!!
  • peetabear 17 years ago
    couple of my cats are getting older.. 17 and 15.. one had to have some teeth removed so I hand feed him with a spoon.. He looks a lot like your avatar except he's a brown tiger. I love the long fur on the bottom of his feet.. You must be taking very good care of your 20 year old!!! I look forward to seeing some of your other photos.