My Latest Recipes 33
  • Yellow Plum Chutney from missamberlee in Oregon City, OR.
  • Hawaiian Macaroni Salad from missamberlee in Oregon City, OR.
    This is my less healthy, more tasty version of a wonderful classic Hawaiian staple. This really should set overnight, its so muc...
  • Morels and eggs from missamberlee in Oregon City, OR.
    Its morel season and I have been bringing them in by the dozens (and the season is just starting up) here is one way we like them ...
  • My Pseudo-Indian Chicken Dish from missamberlee in Oregon City, OR.
    I love Indian food and it is one of the only things I follow a recipe for every time. This is the first time I have made somethin...
  • Mango Wasabi Barbeque Sauce from missamberlee in Oregon City, OR.
    I made this the other night and whoa man, it was YUM! This is a perfect light (but spicy) bbq sauce, perfect for spring!...
  • Oat French Loaves from missamberlee in Oregon City, OR.
    This bread comes out dense yet soft with just the right amount of chew. Perfect for a cheese plate....
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  • maria001 5 years ago about My Italian Cold Cure
    I found out, that taking herbal treatment is the best to get rid of (HPV) as soon as i feel the symptoms of (HPV) is appearing, i took the healing process by contacting Dr abaka for natural treatment it works wonders, amazingly ever since I had the herbal treatment i have not feel these horrible disease anymore and my doc told me the virus is gone, i am glad i finally got cured out from this horrible disease. every (HPV) or herpes patients should also get in touch with this herbalist Dr to get ride of these disease forever his emaddress; or whats app +1[919]4956404
  • vkbarefoot 13 years ago about Hawaiian Macaroni Salad
    The best. I think it's the teriyaki sauce that makes it great.
  • tiffiluv 14 years ago about Teriyaki Sauce
    Excellent! Put it in the mac salad and it was good, next time, I'll try it on some meat.
  • tiffiluv 14 years ago about Hawaiian Macaroni Salad
    Dis local mac salad was sooo ono!!! Made me miss home--my Okie family loved it tho! Next time, I'll add kamaboko and peas...
  • missamberlee 15 years ago about Yellow Plum Chutney
    Sorry for getting back so late...Of course you can, just cut down on the vinegar.
  • boofie 16 years ago
    Thanks for you comment on my grilled orange salad with balsamic beet dressing. I hope you try it out and tell me how it turns out for you :)

  • ahmed1 16 years ago
    Thanks for the invite...Looking forward to share recipes with you soon.
  • lovingmybabbyalways 16 years ago
    Hello u'r recipes look great.
  • greekgirrrl 16 years ago
    Thanks dear for stopping by my german Choco Cake. It's quite good!
  • pleclare 16 years ago
    tHANKS FOR THE COMMENT ON THE CUPCAKES That was my problem,they are so good.
  • invisiblechef 16 years ago
    I posted three so far! I'm excited about the skillet chicken recipe- It would also be perfect with chanterelles. I'm going out this weekend with my husband and son and we are going to start hunting for true morels, he has been metal detecting since he is laid of work for a week, and says he has seen them around where he has been hanging out. So I'm going to take pictures if we find them and show you.

  • invisiblechef 16 years ago
    Yep it's me again. Run to your library and find a book called The Curious Morel, by Larry Lonik. If you don't find it let me know, I will send you some Morel recipes, so don't eat them all yet. :)
  • invisiblechef 16 years ago
    PS do you know of Bandon? when I lived in Oregon that is where I learned how to pick Chanterelles.
  • invisiblechef 16 years ago
    I left you a message, guess it was too long because it's not showing up so basically I was rambling on about the cutting down of forests which is ruining our mushroom harvests.. I wanted to know if you had a picture of your morel, that would really neat to see. Also your very lucky to have them in your pasture! I have to go out to the mountains around here to do my foraging, but by now I know where all the good patches are.

  • egravinapooh 17 years ago
    The weird thing is that so many people don't know what MSG really is and that it is found in SO many everyday products from chips to soups to stuffing...I don't buy anything with MSG and sometimes it gets hard. Thanks for being my foodie friend! I look forward to sharing ideas!