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  • jlv1023 15 years ago about Chicken A La King
    Yum, sounds great, The husband loves these type of dishes.

    High 5 Fork
  • sas 16 years ago about Prime Rib
  • sweetwords 16 years ago about Presidents Pie
    We loved this! It was so rich, we found we could only eat a little at a time. Just as well for our waistlines, but it left us wanting more!
  • pink 16 years ago about Prime Rib
    *wink* Good!
  • rml 17 years ago about Prime Rib
    Came out great! Thanks for the post
  • misstracyflick 17 years ago
    Behelzebub - you betray your origins with your bare grasp of the English tounge - I know who you are - my favorite correspondent eh? ;). You may have named your cowardly user after some devil geezer, but you don't fool me.

  • misstracyflick 17 years ago
    "Photos I stole off my site..?" What are you on about you ignorant, thick headed slapper. You trash my user page, you round up your bullies all under the cover of a false user and do your worst - all because you couldn't debate your way out of a paper bag.

    You utterly pathetic cowardly piece of unctuous slime - get outta my face - and find some other poor wretch to kick.
  • misstracyflick 17 years ago
    InvisibleChef and DanceGypsy - Not only have they started a group, but they invent new users so they can vote my recipes down and add new insults under cover of cowardly anonymity. Trouble is, they don't understand simple debate, but see it as personal attack. Having no other recourse they act like under school age children - this from an organized bunch of mostly grandmothers. You would think they'd learnt something in their many decades on this earth than to act like a pathetic bunch of geriatric savages?

    Thanks, I appreciate your kind words and support.
  • dancegypsy67 17 years ago
    I've sent a message to Kris or whomever checks the info box here to remove the offending group. Cripes these people childish.
  • invisiblechef 17 years ago
    I think it's horrible that someone would start a group just to put you down, and I don't think it's right no matter what is going on, and I hope that Kris removes it. I hope your not too bothered by it, although if it was me I know it would hurt.

  • frankieanne 17 years ago
    Thank you for accepting my invite. I have been enjoying your postings lately in the Suggestions group.
  • rml 17 years ago
    I Gladly welcome you as a cooking buddy. Your "Top Banana" recipe is on my "Gotta Try" list. Looking forward to more animated conversations...what have you been writing lately? Hopefully a novel!
  • sunny 17 years ago
    Merry Merry - Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and may the new year bring many wonderful things your way.
  • sunny 17 years ago
    Hi Tracy - I googled Jerk Seasoning and there are any number of recipes that come up depending on how much effort you want to put into it. I'm lazy and buy the premade stuff from the grocery store or Cost Plus Imports. = )
  • sunny 17 years ago
    Greetings, thanks for being my cooking buddy. I look forward to sharing recipes with you. I love your photo! = )