Killer Tomatoes

  • sparow64 16 years ago
    I also made these last night. Have posted to the grup before, but, wanted to put it up here again for new members. This is an awesome recipe. And it's great right now when the tomatoes aren't at their best...really gives them some flavor!
  • notyourmomma 16 years ago said:
    Thanks for the report back, Lor. These are killer tomatoes and just so good.
  • lilliancooks 16 years ago said:
    Thanks for reminding me about this one! I've never had any kind of fried tomatoes!!! I know all you southern's probably just gasped! LOL! I'm definitely trying this next week, when I have all the ingredients.

    NYM...I see you made Jim's Carmelized Onion Jam!!! Me and Mr Lillian did the same thing...finished off the whole thing with a couple of sleeves of crackers! We even put it on sliced cheddar! Then I did what Lunasea did...I licked the bowl!...Not tongue to bowl! Finger to tongue, then to bowl, then back to tongue! A little more lady like that way! LOL!
  • lori4flavor 16 years ago said:
    Hey Sparrow, thanks for highlighting this one! I love fried green tomatoes, so I don't see why I wouldn't love the red ones fried too. The thought had never occurred to me :P And the breading sounds delish!

    LOL, Lillian! I aim to make the onion jam as well. I'm thinking it would be great on meats and burgers!
  • lilliancooks 16 years ago said:
    Wynnebaer's 'Killer Tomatoes'....

    They are fried red tomatoes...and they are very good! The Italian dressing drizzled on top is a must! I'm not sure if thats how they are suppose to be served but I loved them like that!

    I added a photo but it doesn't compare to the photo Wynne already has up there! LOL!

    Thanks again Sparow for reminding me of this one!

    Maybe next time I'll try the green variety!
  • trigger 16 years ago said:
    Fried tomatoes are wonderful I make them during the end of the season and this last season seemed like every day I was frying up a new batch with a new recipe form here at Group Recipes.
  • lori4flavor 16 years ago said:
    What a superb pic, Lillian! Looks very professional! Now, I have to try these! :)
  • wynnebaer 16 years ago said:
    Really, great photo....Thanks so much for taking the time to make the recipe and then take such a great pic.....Truly appreciate it Lillian!!!
  • Good4U 11 years ago said: Flag

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