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How to make it

  • Melt butter over a low heat (do not burn or the sauce will be nutty flavor).
  • With a wisk or well-turned fork, mix in the cream cheese and wisk until compeletly combined. (At first it will seem like it won't combine, but keep stiring until you do).
  • Once you have the butter and cream cheese mixed, pour in the milk (Cream or Half and Half) the flour and continue to wisk -or fork it to death-.
  • Once the mixture heats up and the cream cheese mixture and milk have combined into a smooth cream, add salt, peper and parmasian cheese and stir until combined.
  • Let sit for a few minutes to thicken.
  • **This recipe works best for me, it gets a richness from the parm cheese. I myself add a little browned garlic powder to give it a kick. (powder carefully browned in a Tbs of butter)use the other recipe I have if you are out of parm cheese **
  • Lower Fat recipe. Follow the directions above but use Nefuchatel. This will be a slightly thinner sauce, but will thicken upon standing.

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