Sweet Zucchini Pickles
From peetabear 16 years agoIngredients
- 4 quarts zucchini... cut into 1-inch cubes or into slices...( i use the big over sized ones ... peel and take out the seed core...) shopping list
- 6 cups onions, sliced thin shopping list
- 5 cups white sugar shopping list
- 2 large green peppers, cut shopping list
- 2 cloves garlic shopping list
- 1 1/2 teasp. celery seeds shopping list
- 2 TBSP. mustard seeds shopping list
- 1 1/2 teasp. turmeric shopping list
- 2 cups apple cider vinegar shopping list
- 1/2 cup salt shopping list
- ice cubes shopping list
How to make it
- if the zucchini is young and the peel is tender you can leave it on...
- slice the peppers and onions to about the same size as the zucchini
- place in large bowl ...add garlic
- cover the veggies with the salt and cover with ice cubes
- let stand for 3 hours
- drain
- combine all ingredient in a large non-aluminum pan and heat to just boiling
- fill canning jars ( i use quarts ) seal and follow the blue book for sealing in a water bath
People Who Like This Dish 6
- notyourmomma South St. Petersburg, FL
- chefmeow Garland, TX
- m2googee Tomball, TX
- cher3231 Denham Springs, LA
- pats1013 NJ
- grandmacooks Somewhere In , VA
- peetabear Mid-hudson Valley, NY
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