
How to make it

  • Take half butter and toast pecan & salt slightly.
  • Boil candy for 3 minutes-rolling boil-add vanilla & add nuts,
  • beat and beat, then either drop or pour in pan for cutting.
  • "The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." --Author Unknown

Reviews & Comments 5

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  • Francesm1030 11 years ago
    If this is the same recipe they made when I was little they could only make it in the winter when it was super cold. They would turn it out on a thick marble slab and stretch it like taffy until it was ready to cut into pieces. You could also use a stainless steel counter top but you still have to do it outside to keep extremely cold..
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  • lindal34 16 years ago
    Thanks! I have another of Aunt Jennie's recipes called Cream Candy but it's not quite the same. I'll post it soon for comparison. Also hand writen Thanks for posting. I'd test it for you but I just live on the other side of the humidity :)
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    " It was excellent "
    divaliscious ate it and said...
    I gave this recipe my high five caramels!
    I so love the handwritten recipe!

    Your recipe here sounds like your basic fantastic vanilla caramel recipe minus salt (which should be 1/2 teaspoon for the correct proportions for your recipe if you are curious)- but the proportions you post here is for a 'double recipe'- people might want to butter the pan they are pouring them in - and lastly boiling for three minutes barely gets it to a soft candy stage - so you might want to let it boil until it gets to a firm ball stage (244 degrees)
    lastly, the proportions of butter noted here should result in a less chewy caramel - but one that lasts super long.
    another trick is not to scrape the sides of the pan after it starts to boil so that it doesn't crystallize and once pouring, let it settle on its own to also prevent crystallizing.
    hope this helps those great candy makers out there!
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    " It was excellent "
    minitindel ate it and said...
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  • wynnebaer 16 years ago
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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  • 2 1/2 cups of sugar
  • 1/2 cup of karo syrup
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 3/4 stick of butter
  • vanilla
  • 1 large c pecans
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