Peppery Pate
From notyourmomma 17 years agoIngredients
- 3 tbsp of butter shopping list
- 2 small white onions, peeled and chopped shopping list
- 3 cloves of garlic chopped shopping list
- 1 1/2 lbs. of chicken livers shopping list
- 2 tbsp of green peppercorns shopping list
- 1 tsp of salt shopping list
- 3/4 tsp of pepper shopping list
- 1 1/2 tsp of curry powder shopping list
- 1/4 cup of dry sherry shopping list
- 1 cup of heavy whipping cream shopping list
How to make it
- Saute onions and garlic in foaming hot butter.
- Add livers and cook till pink.
- Add remaining ingredients except for the whipping cream.
- Cook five minutes longer.
- Scraping up all the good stuff from the bottom of the pan, dump all in a blender or food processor.
- Process until smooth, add whipping cream and pulse 3 or 4 times to just blend.
- Line a 9x5 pan with well buttered wax paper.
- Pour in liver mixture and cover with another piece of buttered wax paper.
- Place in a pan of boiling water and bake at 350 degrees, for 30 minutes.
- Chill thoroughly, at least 4 hours.
- Unmold and slice.
- Serve with tiny cornichons, dijon mustard, water crackers and Champagne.
People Who Like This Dish 4
- jenniferbyrdez Kenner, LA
- cheryilyn Salem, OR
- windy1950 Flint, MI
- sherrydear Glen Ellyn, IL
- peetabear Mid-hudson Valley, NY
- notyourmomma South St. Petersburg, FL
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The Rating
Reviewed by 3 people-
sounds great
cheryilyn in Salem loved it
Now you're turning me on. Yeah, baby. Thanks Notcho.
jenniferbyrdez in kenner loved it
NUMMY!! Luvs chicken livers!! ^5
windy1950 in Flint loved it
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