Spanish Tortilla
From vainwi 17 years agoIngredients
- 1 large onion, thinly sliced shopping list
- 2 cloves garlic, minced or pressed (or 1 tsp jarred) shopping list
- 4 medium potatoes (I prefer gold fleshed but you can use whatever you'd like), peeled, washed and dried shopping list
- 1 tsp salt shopping list
- pepper to taste shopping list
- 5 tbls olive oil shopping list
- 4 eggs shopping list
How to make it
- Put 1 tlbs olive oil in large pan, heat on medium and add onions and garlic. Cook slowly until onion is translucent - don't brown!
- While the onions and garlic are cooking, cut the potatoes in half lengthwise and slice fairly thin. Toss potatoes with 3 tbls. olive oil.
- When onions are translucent, add potatoes and salt/pepper and cook - slowly - until potatoes and onions are very soft. Again, cook slowly - don't brown them.
- Break eggs into bowl used for potatoes and mix briefly - just break them up, don't overmix.
- When potato/onion mixture is cooked, add it to the eggs a glop at at time, mixing each time - you don't want the eggs to cook yet. Let sit for 5-10 minutes.
- Heat remaining olive oil in a rounded bottom frying pan over medium heat. Pour in egg/potato/onion mixture and spread evenly. Now, leave it alone to brown - don't play with it, you want a nice brown crust to form on the bottom. As soon as you think you might be able to flip it, do so. To flip: slide tortilla out onto a plate, invert pan over plate and turn the tortilla back into the pan - uncooked side down. Brown the other side.
- After both sides are browned, turn out onto a plate and let sit for at least 10 minutes. I find the flavor to be the best after it's been sitting for about 1/2 hour.
- May be served hot, warm or cold and makes a great brunch or light supper.
- Enjoy!
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