Reisbrei Rice Porridge
From itsjustjuwah 17 years agoIngredients
- ½ converted rice shopping list
- 1 quart milk shopping list
- Pinch of salt shopping list
- 4 tbls. sugar shopping list
- 1 tbl. butter shopping list
- ¼ cup raisins, optional shopping list
How to make it
- Cook rice in milk with salt and butter, very slowly until kernels are tender but have not lost their shape. If you have patience, do this in the top of a double broiler. It will take 1 ½ to 2 hours but will be worth it. The mixture should be very thick and can be stirred several times during cooking. When done, flavor with sugar, cinnamon and add raisins--if you are using them. This may be served hot or cold.
People Who Like This Dish 2
- jimrug1 Peoria, IL
- seekerajc Saint Paul, MN
- sampo_torgo PRAIRIEVILLE, LA
- itsjustjuwah Jena, LA
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The Rating
Reviewed by 2 people-
Rice puddings and desserts are some of my favorite. This recipe sounds like a winner... Saving to my shortlist... Jim
jimrug1 in Peoria loved it
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