Mini Peach Cobbler
From tuilelaith 3 years agoIngredients
- 1 cup sugar shopping list
- 1 cup flour shopping list
- 2 teaspoon baking powder shopping list
- a dash of salt shopping list
- 3/4 cup milk shopping list
- 1 stick of melted butter shopping list
- brown sugar shopping list
- cinnamon shopping list
- 1 can diced peaches shopping list
How to make it
- Preheat oven to 350˚F.
- Put 1 tsp of melted butter into each regular size muffin tin.
- Combine the first 5 ingredients by hand… sugar, flour, baking powder, salt and milk.
- Put 2 tbsp of batter into each regular size muffin tin… on top of the melted butter.
- Then put 1 tbsp diced peaches on top of the batter.
- Sprinkle with brown sugar and then cinnamon.
- Bake the regular size muffin tins for 12 minutes.
- Let them cool almost completely before taking out of pan.
People Who Like This Dish 2
- clbacon Birmingham, AL
- Good4U Perth, Canada
- tuilelaith Columbia, MO
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