How to make it

  • Cut tops of celery after joint and put in pot; cut joint from branch; slice remainder of branches thinly lengthwise in 2” pieces. Slice carrots same way. Dice onion.
  • Place in stockpot: 2 carrots, 2 branches celery, 1 onion, chicken, salt/pepper, with some water, not quite enough to cover; simmer. Turn chicken over occasionally.
  • When chicken is done, cut meat from bones, putting in pot as you go.
  • Let cook about 1½ hours total, stirring occasionally.
  • Meanwhile, slice mushrooms.
  • When time is about up, sauté remaining vegetables in butter until tender; pour into stockpot.
  • Strain 2 C stock into medium pot. Heat to boiling. Combine ¼C flour with ½C cold water; gradually add to broth. Cook, stirring, till mixture is thick and bubbly. Add salt and pepper. Stir mixture into stew.

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