
How to make it

  • If making the salsa and mayo just prior to serving, then start there:
  • Chipotle Mayo

  • Combine all mayo ingredients well and let sit.
  • Salsa

  • Combine all salsa ingredients and let sit
  • To Prepare Salmon

  • Preheat broiler with cast iron or other broiler safe pan inside
  • Apply a thin brushing of olive oil to one side(non skin side, if using salmon with skin)
  • Sprinkle with about 1T of blackening seasoning
  • Once broiler is ready, remove pan and immediately drop salmon, skin(or non seasoned) side down.
  • Broil for about 5 minutes, without flipping, until salmon is just flaking
  • Let rest
  • To Layer/Roll Burrito

  • Spread about 1/4 cup of rice in middle of tortilla, leaving enough room around edge to roll. See Photo
  • Top with about 1/4 cup of cheese
  • Top cheese with salmon, slightly flaked
  • Top salmon with sliced avocado
  • Top avocado with about 1/4 cup of shredded cabbage then with a generous drizzle of the chipotle mayo See Photo
  • Finally, add salsa.
  • Preheat a grill pan or cast iron pan so that it's ready to grill your burrito when rolled.
  • I found it easiest, for a burrito this size, to fold one edge over so that it overlaps half of the filing, then bring one bottom side in and fold, then fold the other bottom side in See Photo. Then, fold over the other half, then turn entire burrito toward you and fold in the other two sides. See Photo
  • When folded, immediately place burrito, seam side down, onto dry, hot grill pan, cast iron, etc, over medium heat. This will help seal the edges as well as crisp up the outside. If desired, you can press burrito down with a heavier pan, etc, to spread it out a bit. These gives more surface area on which to get that nice crispy outside. :) Flip, and repeat. This will only take about 2 minutes on each side. See Photo
  • Easy way to dice or slice an avocado

  • With a sharp knife and starting at the stem end of the avocado, just gently press your blade in until you feel it hit the pit. Then, slowly move the avocado(NOT the knife) around so that it makes a circle down the long part of the fruit and until it meets itself.
  • Remove the knife and gently "twist" the avocado, pulling at the same time. The halves should separate.
  • Using the blade of the knife, but close to handle, carefully, "thump" the pit, causing the knife to stick in the pit(cover your hand with a thick oven mitt or towel, at least until you are comfortable with this technique See Photo. :)
  • Rock the knife a couple times to loosen the pit, and then pull straight out.
  • To remove the pit from the knife blade, don't "grab" it, rather use your thumb from over the back of the knife and push the back of the pit to loosen it from the blade.
  • Now, without trying to remove the fruit from the skin, just make slices in the fruit. See Photo
  • If you want your fruit diced, then just make cross cuts, too.
  • Finally, just place a spoon or duller knife along the edge between the skin and fruit in one area, and "pop" the fruit out See Photo. It should come out fairly clean from the skin! :)

Reviews & Comments 9

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  • BMikel 14 years ago
    yum yum:)
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • elgourmand 14 years ago
    Nice touch, as always. The change-up to mango salsa should be great. Pineapple is too acid. Nice flavor combo but are you sure about the cabbage? Of course you are. Thanks for the post. RJ
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • christinem 14 years ago
    This sounds amazing, Keni!!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • jkirk 14 years ago
    I agree, it sounds like you created a winner. Nice recipe!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • lilliancooks 14 years ago
    This look REALLY good! Would probably work with any kind of fish. I love the step by step photos too!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • pkusmc 14 years ago
    This looks awesome!!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • elgourmand 14 years ago
    Okay, who’s going to pay to have the hernia fixed that someone will get trying to tote these to the table? There is one thing you left out of your recipe, a small hand cart. The mango is an interesting addition. Guess you can tell that I haven’t been to any good bistros lately. Sounds like a very interesting flavour mix and I really want to try this but reckon I’ll cut the stuffing quantities about in half and have two smaller burritos for your one monster. Another great post. RJ
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • keni 14 years ago
    Well, thank you.... if there is one thing this is, it's BIG! I changed the serving size(thanks for being so flexible with that and time, by the way) because he ate a whole one, but I could only finish half. So, depending on appetites. ..:)
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • kristopher 14 years ago
    Big burrito guy here. Can honestly say I've never tried a salmon burrito. Great post keni.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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