
How to make it

  • After one week, strain the mixture through a coffee filter and save the liquid.
  • Re-soak the herbs, etc. in 750 ml. distilled water for another week and then strain this second mixture.
  • Heat the second mix to approximately 80C (176 F) and dissolve one cup of honey into the hot liquid.
  • After the honey has dissolved, remove from the heat, allow to cool somewhat and then add it to the first (whisky) mixture.
  • You must then age the whole thing for at least a month!
  • One ounce of liqueur, taken once a day for a few weeks should produce interesting results.
  • Herbs usually work in a gentle fashion so don't expect instantaneous results.
  • Indeed, because of their different metabolism, some people may not experience any effects whatever, while others may find the results too potent.
  • Note:
  • Damiana---Medicinal Action and Uses---
  • Damiana was recorded to be used as an aphrodisiac in the ancient Mayan civilization, as well as for "giddiness and loss of balance."
  • A Spanish missionary first reported that the Mexican Indians made a drink from the damiana leaves, added sugar, and drank it for its purported power to enhance lovemaking.
  • For more than a century damiana's use has been associated with improving sexual function in both males and females.
  • Dr. James Balch reports in his book Prescription for Nutritional Healing that damiana "relieves headaches, controls bed-wetting, and stimulates muscular contractions of the intestinal tract, relieve anxiety, depression, headaches during menstruation, and exhaustion.
  • Damiana also helps to balance female hormone levels and control hot flashes."
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  • Saw palmetto ---Medicinal Action and Uses---
  • Benign prostatic hypertrophy (prostate enlargement), Prostate cancer, Neurogenic bladder (loss of bladder tone), Alopecia (hair loss), Prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome, urineary track disorders in males,
  • If pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid saw palmetto as it may affect genital development. Tinctures may also contain alcohol, which should also be avoided if breastfeeding or pregnant.
  • Also interfere's eith antibotics.
  • **********************************************
  • Angelica root ---Medicinal Action and Uses---
  • The root stalks, leaves and fruit possess carminative, stimulant, diaphoretic, stomachic, tonic and expectorant properties, which are strongest in the fruit, though the whole plant has the same virtues.
  • Angelica is a good remedy for colds, coughs, pleurisy, wind, colic, rheumatism and diseases of the urinary organs, though it should not be given to patients who have a tendency towards diabetes, as it causes an increase of sugar in the urine.
  • It is generally used as a stimulating expectorant, combined with other expectorants the action of which is facilitated, and to a large extent diffused, through the whole of the pulmonary region.
  • It is a useful agent for feverish conditions, acting as a diaphoretic.

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  • Eulgars 14 years ago
    I'm makin' it as we speak, only the aging process left, I'll let you know how it turns out! Can't wait!
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