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"whois" sur books.google.com
Discusses the evolution of WHOIS and how policy changes will affect WHOIS’ place in IT today and in the future This book provides a comprehensive overview of WHOIS.
"whois" sur books.google.fr
... WHOIS through InterNIC. Different registries have different formats and options, for example, the .MUSEUM (museums) WHOIS server will allow for different character sets for the input and the output with –C switch, and .JOBS (human ...
"whois" sur books.google.fr
... WHOIS are not confined to the commercial world . Many concerned par- ents regularly make use of WHOIS capabilities to learn more about websites and other Internet resources used by their families . The sources of inappropriate online ...
"whois" sur books.google.fr
... WHOIS IN THE CCTLDS As CCDN has told this subcommittee before , one of our most serious concerns has to do with the status of Whois in the country code Top Level Domains . These ccTLDs are , on the whole , growing faster than the ...
"whois" sur books.google.fr
... WHOIS database and the importance of privacy for the Internet . My name is Marc Rotenberg and I am President and Executive Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center . EPIC is a non - profit research group founded in 1994 to ...
"whois" sur books.google.com
This dissertation examines the struggle over privacy rights in WHOIS, the public directory of registrants of Internet domain names.