%% box_math.txt %% Created by Laurence D. Finston (LDF) Di Sep 20 18:31:13 CEST 2005 %% $Id:$ %% Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, %% 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 The Free Software Foundation %% Permission is granted to copy, distribute, and/or modify this document %% under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or %% any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no %% Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover %% Texts. A copy of this license is included in the file %% `http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~lfinsto1/COPYING.TXT'. %% * (1) %% Run these commands: %% tex box_math.txt && dvips -o b.ps box_math %% Conversion for portrait: %% convert -crop 0x0 +antialias -fill white -opaque "rgb(255,0,0)" b.ps b.png %% Conversion for landscape: %% convert -crop 0x0 +antialias -fill white -opaque "rgb(255,0,0)" -rotate -90 b.ps b.png %% display b.png & %% cp b.png ~/www/b.png %% * (1) Magnification. \magnification=\magstep5 %\magnification=3000 %\magnification=3650 %% This seems to be about the limit when \hsize == 40 true cm, %% when using DIN A3 landscape format. %% `convert' fails when \magnification == 3700. %% LDF 2005.09.21. %% It might be worth experimenting with using this font. If it's used, %% new definitions must be written for the math fonts. %% LDF 2005.09.21. %% * (1) Fonts. %\font\normal=cmr17 scaled \magstep3 %% * (1) Input macro files. \input colordvi.tex %% * (1) Page format. \advance\voffset by -1true in \advance\hoffset by -1true in \newif\iflandscape %\landscapetrue \landscapefalse \iflandscape \special{papersize=420mm, 297mm} %% DIN A3 Landscape \vsize=297 true mm \hsize=420 true mm \else \hsize=297 true mm \vsize=420 true mm \special{papersize=297mm, 420mm} %% DIN A3 Portrait \fi \nopagenumbers %% * (1) Named boxes, skips, dimensions, etc. \newbox\imagebox \newtoks\imagetoks \newdimen\hruleheight \hruleheight=1 true mm \newdimen\vrulewidth \vrulewidth=\hruleheight \newskip\topmarginoffset \newskip\bottommarginoffset \topmarginoffset=5 true mm \bottommarginoffset=\topmarginoffset \newskip\leftmarginoffset \newskip\rightmarginoffset \leftmarginoffset=2 true mm \rightmarginoffset=\leftmarginoffset %% * (1) Definitions. %% ** (2) \boximage. \newdimen\defaultlandscapehsize \defaultlandscapehsize=40 true cm \newdimen\defaultportraithsize \defaultportraithsize=15 true cm \newcount\defaulttolerance \defaulttolerance=1000 \newcount\defaultpretolerance \defaultpretolerance=1000 \newcount\savetolerance \newcount\savepretolerance \def\boximage#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{\begingroup \setbox1=\hbox{#1}\setbox2=\hbox{#2}\setbox3=\hbox{#3}% \setbox4=\hbox{#4}\setbox5=\hbox{#5}\setbox6=\hbox{#6}% \