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Itsoftware</a>: it gives users the freedom to control their own computers—with proprietary software, thecomputerprogram does whatthe softwareits owner or developer wants it to do, not what thesoftwareuser wants it to do. Free software also gives users the freedom to cooperate with each other, to lead an upright life. These reasons apply to schools as they do toeveryone.</p> <p>But there are specialeveryone. However, the purpose of this article is to present the additional reasons that apply specifically toschools. They are the subject of this article. </p> <p>First, freeeducation.</p> </blockquote> <div class="column-limit"></div> <p>Free software can savethe schools money. Even in the richest countries,schools money, but this is a secondary benefit. Savings areshort of money. Freepossible because free software gives schools, like other users, the freedom to copy and redistribute thesoftware, sosoftware; the school system canmake copies for all the computers they have. In poor countries, thisgive a copy to every school, and each school canhelp closeinstall thedigital divide.</p>program in all its computers, with no obligation to pay for doing so.</p> <p>Thisobvious reason, while important,benefit israther shallow. And proprietary software developers can eliminate this disadvantage by donating copiesuseful, but we firmly refuse to give it first place, because it is shallow compared to theschools. (Watch out!—a school that accepts this offer may haveimportant ethical issues at stake. Moving schools topay for future upgrades.)free software is more than a way to make education a little “better”: it is a matter of doing good education instead of bad education. So let'slook atconsider the deeperreasons.</p> <p>School shouldissues.</p> <p>Schools have a social mission: to teach studentswaysto be citizens oflife that will benefit society asawhole.strong, capable, independent, cooperating and free society. They should promote the use of free software just as they promoterecycling. If schools teachconservation and voting. By teaching students free software,then the students will use free software aftertheygraduate.can graduate citizens ready to live in a free digital society. This will help society as a whole escape from being dominated(and gouged)bymegacorporations. Those corporationsmegacorporations.</p> <p>In contrast, to teach a nonfree program is implanting dependence, which goes counter to the schools' social mission. Schools should never do this.</p> <p>Why, after all, do some proprietary software developers offerfree samplesgratis copies<a href="#note1">(1)</a> of their nonfree programs toschools forschools? Because they want to <em>use</em> thesame reasonschools to implant dependence on their products, like tobacco companiesdistribute free cigarettes:distributing gratis cigarettes toget children addicted <a href="#note1">(1)</a>.school children<a href="#note2">(2)</a>. They will not givediscountsgratis copies to these students once they've graduated, nor to the companies that theygrow upgo to work for. Once you're dependent, you're expected to pay, andgraduate.</p>future upgrades may be expensive.</p> <p>Free software permits students to learn how software works.When students reachSome students, natural-born programmers, on reaching theirteens, some of them wantteens yearn to learn everything there is to know about their computersystemand its software.That is the age when people who will be good programmers should learn it. To learn to write software well, students need to read a lot of code and write a lot of code. They need to read and understand real programs that people really use.Theywill beare intensely curious to read the source code of the programs that they use every day.</p> <p>Proprietary software rejects their thirst for knowledge: it says, “The knowledge you want is a secret—learning is forbidden!”FreeProprietary software is the enemy of the spirit of education, so it should not be tolerated in a school, except as an object for reverse engineering.</p> <p>Free software encourages everyone to learn. The free software community rejects the “priesthood of technology”, which keeps the general public in ignorance of how technology works; we encourage students of any age and situation to read the source code and learn as much as they want toknow. Schoolsknow.</p> <p>Schools that use free software will enable gifted programming students toadvance.</p>advance. How do natural-born programmers learn to be good programmers? They need to read and understand real programs that people really use. You learn to write good, clear code by reading lots of code and writing lots of code. Only free software permits this.</p> <p>How do you learn to write code for large programs? You do that by writing lots of changes in existing large programs. Free Software lets you do this; proprietary software forbids this. Any school can offer its students the chance to master the craft of programming, but only if it is a free software school.</p> <p>Thenextdeepest reason for using free software in schools ison an even deeper level.for moral education. We expect schools to teach students basicfacts,facts and useful skills, but that isnotonly part of theirwholejob. The most fundamentalmissiontask of schools is to teachpeople to begoodcitizens and good neighbors—to cooperate with others who need their help.citizenship, including the habit of helping others. In the area ofcomputers,computing, this means teachingthempeople to share software.Elementary schools, above all,Schools, starting from nursery school, should tell theirpupils,students, “If you bring software to school, you must share it with the otherchildren.” Ofstudents. You must show the source code to the class, in case someone wants to learn. Therefore bringing nonfree software to class is not permitted, unless it is for reverse-engineering work.”</p> <p>Of course, the school must practice what it preaches:all the software installed by the schoolit shouldbe availablebring only free software to class (except objects for reverse-engineering), and share copies including source code with the studentsto copy,so they can copy it, take it home, and redistribute it further.</p> <p>Teaching the students to use free software, and to participate in the free software community, is a hands-on civics lesson. It also teaches students the role model of public service rather than that of tycoons. All levels of school should use free software.</p> <p>If you have a relationship with a school —if you are a student, a teacher, an employee, an administrator, a donor, or a parent— it's your responsibility to campaign for the school to migrate to free software. If a private request doesn't achieve the goal, raise the issue publicly in those communities; that is the way to make more people aware of the issue and find allies for the campaign.</p> <ol> <liid="note1">RJid="note1">Warning: a school that accepts such an offer may find subsequent upgrades rather expensive.</li> <li id="note2">RJ Reynoldstobacco companyTobacco Company was fined $15m in 2002 for handing out free samples of cigarettes at events attended by children. See <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/sci_tech/features/health/tobaccotrial/usa.htm"> http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/sci_tech/features/health/tobaccotrial/usa.htm</a>.</li> </ol> <div class="column-limit"></div> <p>See also:</p> <div class="important"> <p><a href="/education/edu-why.html#content">Why Educational Institutions Should Use and Teach Free Software</a></p> </div> </div> </div><!-- for id="content", starts in the include above --> <!--#include virtual="/education/education-menu.html" --> <!--#include virtual="/server/footer.html" --> <divid="footer">id="footer" role="contentinfo"> <div class="unprintable"> <p>Please send general FSF & GNU inquiries to <a href="mailto:gnu@gnu.org"><gnu@gnu.org></a>. 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