ÿþ<HTML> <HEAD><meta https-equiv="PICS-Label" content='(PICS-1.1 "https://www.classify.org/safesurf/" L gen true for "https://www.gamepuzzles.com/" r (SS~~000 1))'> <TITLE>Kadon Enterprises, Inc. GAMEPUZZLES for the joy of thinking</TITLE> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="Kadon Enterprises, Inc., puzzles, abstract strategy games, tessellations, pentominoes, pentacubes, hexominoes, polyhexes, polyiamonds, polytans, math manipulatives, combinatorics, gifted education, polyominoes, recreational mathematics, Renaissance, homeschooling, gamepuzzles, Thomas Atkinson, Solomon Golomb, Lewis Carroll, Martin Gardner, Kate Jones, Roger Penrose, Zdravko Zivkovic, Elijah Allen, A+D+D+D, Amazons, Aquarius, Arc Angles, Archimedes' Square, Batalo, Bear Hugs, Bear Hugs Jr., Bearlin Variations, Birds and Bees, Blockout, Boats, Boston T-Party, Bowties, Brace, BuzzBears, Caranza, Chasing Squares, ChooChooLoops, Chunky=Octs, Collidescape, Colormaze, Color Up, Combinatorix, Combinatorix Jr., Cookie Jar, The Crab, Cubits, Dazzle, Deka-Mosaik, Deka-Star, Dezign-8, Diamond Rainbow, Diamond Star, Doris, Duality, EcoFluxx, End Point, Escape the Plague, Fill-Agree, Fine Touch Collection, Fluxx, The Four Horsemen of the Epic Ellipse, Four on a Match, Fox Blox, Fractured Fives, Gallop, The Game of the Dragon, Game of the Labyrinth, Royal Game of the Goose, The Game of Solomon, the Game of Y, Garden patch, Gemstones, Grand Bowties, Grand Multimatch I, Grand Poly-Spidrons, Grand Roundominoes, Grand Snowflake, Grand Tans, Handy-Octs, Handy-Tans, Harrybourne, Hexacube, Heptominoes, Hexdominoes, Hexmozaix, Hexnut, Hex-Pave, Hopscotch, Iamond Hex, Iamond Ring, Instant Insanity, Intarsia, KaleidoMatrix, Kaliko, Kite-Mosaik, Kites and Darts, Kolossal Pyramid, L-Sixteen, La Ora Stelo, Leap, Leaves, Lemma, LineDance, Logo Puzzle 25, Lombard Loops, Lyn-Joy Marvel, MagicaLand, Manoover, Manoover Plus, Marco Supernova, MemorIQ, Memory Bank, Meta-Graphic, MiniMatch-I, MiniMatch-II, MiniTouch-I, Moebius Pendant, More or Less, Multimatch, MultiTouch, Ochominoes, Octiamond Ring, Octiles, Octominoes, oneSTone, Oskar's Disks, Over-Pass, Patric Hale, Pearl Fisher, Penrose Diamonds, Penta-Mosaik, Pentarose, Pocket Pentominoes, Pocket Rhombs, Pocket Star, Pocket Tetrapentos, Pocket Vees, Poly-5, Poly-Spidrons, Power of Two, Proteus, Pseudo-Coup, Puzzling Pentagon, Q-Bix, Quadrants, Quantum, Quintachex, Quintapaths, Quintillions, Rainbow Rombix, Rhombi JR., Rhom-Antics, Rhombiominoes, Rhombi JR., RhombStar-7, Robert's T Party, Rombix, Roundominoes, RunnuRound, Sextillions, Shadow Play, Shardinaires-9, Six Disks, Six-by-Six, Snowflake Square, Snowflake Super Square, Solomon's Trinity, Square and Fair, *Star, StarHex-I, StarHex-II, StarSlide, Stelo, Stomachion, Super Quintillions, Tangled Triangles, Tangramion, Tantalizing T, Tan Tricks, Teleporters, Ten-Yen, Ternion Factor, Tetrapentos, Tetra-Tray, Throw A Fit, Tiny Tans, Transpose, Triangoes, Triangule-8, Tri-Chex, Tricolor Stomachion Monograph, Trifolia, Trio-in-a-Tray, Tulips, Twenty-Tans, U Can Do It, Vee-21, Void, Whirlspools."> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Kadon Enterprises, Inc., online store of original, award-winning puzzles and games in lasercut acrylic and wood. Buy them here with secure shopping cart; watch YouTube videos; <!-- play in online Puzzle Parlor, --> read a Journal, enjoy children's stories, coloring book, other interesting attractions, hidden surprises, and features. Annotated links to good resources."> <META NAME="revisit-after" CONTENT="20 days"> </HEAD> <BODY background=tm.gif LINK=red VLINK=black> <table width=3200><TR> <!-- Start lefthand button bank --> <TD width=165 align=left valign=top> <A HREF="logomove/kadon7_html5.htm" target="_blank"> <IMG SRC="logomain.gif" title="Our W Logo--click to see it dance" alt="Our W Logo--click to see it dance" width=150 height=150 BORDER=0 align=center valign=top></a> <br><br> <p align=center> <a href="fastlane.htm" target="_blank"> <img src="bfirst.gif" width=165 height=54 border=0 alt="Fast Lane for first-time visitors" title="Fast Lane for first-time visitors"></a><BR> <a href="index.htm#Index"> <img src="bgallery.gif" width=165 height=54 border=0 alt="Our products presented by categories in the Product Index" title="Our products presented by categories in the Product Index"></a><br> <a href="kadon2.htm#praise"> <img src="bcomments.gif" width=165 height=54 border=0 alt="Fanmail and praise from customers" title="Fanmail and praise from customers"></a><br> <A HREF="https://www.youtube.com/user/katalinjones/" target="_blank"> <IMG SRC="byoutube.gif" width=165 height=54 border=0 alt="Our YouTube channel--see our gamepuzzles videos" title="Our YouTube channel - see our gamepuzzles videos"></A><BR> <!-- <A HREF="pparlor/ppscreen.htm" target="_blank"> <IMG SRC="bparlor.gif" width=165 height=54 border=0 alt="Puzzle Parlor - play samples of our games online" title="Puzzle Parlor - play samples of our games online"></A><BR> --> <a href="tlog/tlog.htm" target="_blank"> <img src="bjournal.gif" width=165 height=54 border=0 alt="The Life of Games, an exploratory journal - why and how we play - articles, contests, puzzles." title="The Life of Games, an exploratory journal - why and how we play - articles, contests, puzzles."></a><br> <A HREF="Caranza/caranza.htm" target="_blank"> <IMG SRC="bmusic.gif" width=165 height=54 border=0 title="The Caranza Collection, showcase of the virtuoso singing voice of Patric Hale"></A><br> <A HREF="coloring/paint1.htm" target="_blank"> <IMG SRC="bcolor.gif" width=165 height=54 border=0 alt="Coloring Book of graphics you color online" title="Coloring Book of graphics you color online"></A><BR> <A HREF="video.htm" target="_blank"> <IMG SRC="bvideo.gif" width=165 height=54 border=0 title="4-minute Emmy-winning MPT video, Kate Jones interview"></A><br> <a href="stories/childs.htm" target="_blank"> <img src="bchilds.gif" width=165 height=54 border=0 title="Read three charming children's stories" alt="Read three charming children's stories"></a><br> <div><table width=165 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr> <td width=25> <a href="https://szotar.sztaki.hu/magyar-angol" target="_blank"><img src="magyar.gif" width=21 height=14 border=0 alt="Shortcut to Hungarian translation" title="Shortcut to Hungarian translation" align=left></a><br> <a href="https://translate.google.com/" target="_blank"><img src="babelfish.gif" width=21 height=14 border=0 alt="Shortcut to Google translation" title="Shortcut to Google translation" align=left></a> </td> <td width=55> <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org" target="_blank"><img src="wiki.gif" width=54 height=37 border=0 title="Shortcut to Wikipedia" alt="Shortcut to Wikipedia"></a> </td> <td width=65 align=left> <a href="https://www.webster-dictionary.org/" target="_blank"><img src="webster.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0 title="link to Webster 1913 dictionary"></a> <a href="https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/" target="_blank"><img src="bookt.gif" width=45 height=22 border=0 alt="Shortcut to dictionary" title="Shortcut to dictionary" valign=top></a> <br> </td></tr></table></div> <p align=center> <a href="https://www.google.com" target="_blank"><img src="googlogo.jpg" width=164 height=20 border=0 alt="Click to go to Google site" align=center title="Click to go to Google site"></a> </font><br> <br> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/356894078979810" target="_blank"><img src="FB-logo.jpg" width=55 height=55 border=0 align=center title="Facebook--Kadon Gamepuzzles Universe--fan site" alt="Facebook--Kadon Gamepuzzles Universe--fan site"></a> </TD> <!-- End lefthand button bank --> <!-- Start masthead and central panel --> <TD width=595 valign=top> <center><div><table bgcolor=green cellpadding=3 cellspacing=3 border=3><tr><td width=555 align=center> <b><font face="Arial Narrow" size=4 color=white><b>FIND! | <a href="handy-octs.htm"><font color=white>Handy-Octs</font></a> | <a href="tiling2.htm#HB8"><font color=white>Harrybourne Puzzler</font></a> | <a href="prettytilings.htm"><font color=white>Pretty Tilings</font></a> | <a href="tangled.htm"><font color=white>Tangled Triangles</font></a> </font></b></td> </tr></table></div></center> <!-- <div><table><tr><td> <font face=Arial><marquee scrollamount="4" scrolldelay="1" bgcolor="green" style="color: white; font-size:13.5pt; font-weight: bold"><b>Happy Spring Equinox, March 20-21. Let's celebrate the end of a long, hard Winter and the beginning of a hopeful new Spring! </b></marquee></font> </td></tr></table></div> <div><table><tr><td> <a href="536sol.htm"><font face=Arial><marquee scrollamount="4" scrolldelay="1" bgcolor="red" style="color: white; font-size:13.5pt; font-weight: bold"><b>Happy ARCHIMEDES DAY, June 5, celebrating the 536 solutions of the world's oldest puzzle! <i>Click for story.</i></b></marquee></font></a> </td></tr></table></div> --> <!-- Note: The marquee may distort layout on Chrome. <center><div><table bgcolor=red cellpadding=5 cellspacing=5 border=0><tr><td width=575 valign=top align=center> <a href="536sol.htm" target="_blank"><b><font color=white face=Arial size=4>Happy ARCHIMEDES DAY, June 5, celebrating the 536 solutions<br> of the world's oldest puzzle! <i>Click for story.</i></font></b></a> </td></tr></table></div></center> --> <center><div><table><tr><td width=575> <a href="pi-2015.pdf" target="_blank"> <font face=Arial><marquee scrollamount="4" scrolldelay="1" bgcolor="#15C2FF" style="color: brown; font-size:13.5pt; font-weight: bold"><b>Happy International <i>Pi</i> Day, March 14, 2025, 3.1415926535897932384626433... The infinite decimal &#151; it makes the Universe go 'round!</b></marquee></font></a> </td></tr></table></div></center> <!-- <div><table><tr><td> <font face="Book Antiqua"><marquee scrollamount="4" scrolldelay="1" bgcolor="brown" style="color: white; font-size:13.5pt; font-weight: bold"><a href="40yearsofKadon.pdf" target="_blank"><font color=white>It's our 40th Anniversary of Kadon! 1979-2019 &#151; We'll be celebrating all year long the hundreds of original, unique gamepuzzles we've created, designed, and made in all these decades. And there are many beautiful new ones still to come! Stay tuned, click here for commemorative brochure. See our Show Calendar for where we'll be next.</font></a></marquee></font> </td></tr></table></div> --> <!-- <center><div><table><tr><td width=575> <a href="pi-2015.pdf" target="_blank"> <font face=Arial><marquee scrollamount="4" scrolldelay="1" bgcolor="red" style="color: white; font-size:13.5pt; font-weight: bold"><b>Gathering4Gardner Foundation.... <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvQcEnS--tg" target="_blank"><font color=aqua>Fundraiser (watch our video!)</font></a>.... November 2020</font>... On all orders this month, we will donate a share to G4G. Famous author <A href="martings.htm" target="_blank"><font color=aqua>Martin Gardner</font></a> inspired the creation of Kadon and was a friend. Order now and help support his legacy! </b></marquee></font></a> </td></tr></table></div></center> --> <A NAME="TOP"></A><p align=center> <!-- <a href="newsletter2021.pdf" target="_blank"> <font face=Arial><marquee scrollamount="4" scrolldelay="1" bgcolor="red" style="color: white; font-size:13.5pt; font-weight: bold"><b><i>Now online! Read it here!</i> Our year-end 2021/2022 gamepuzzles newsletter ... 16 colorful pages of news, views, remembrances and future plans, celebrations of new releases and silver anniversaries, solutions and questions, quick links and video surprises ... please click this ribbon to check it out! ... </b></font> </b></marquee></font></a> </td></tr></table></div></center> --> <IMG SRC="buffer.gif" width=20 height=2 border=0 alt="#" title="#"><A HREF="gamepuzl.htm"><IMG SRC="header-green.gif" width=500 height=180 BORDER=0 title="Heading--gamepuzzles. Click for brief introduction of what they are." alt="Heading--gamepuzzles. Click for brief introduction of what they are."></A><a href="index.htm#BOTTOM"><IMG SRC="buffer.gif" width=20 height=10 border=0 title="Secret elevator button to bottom of page"></a> <span style="font-size:12.0pt"> <p align=center> <STRONG>Kadon Enterprises, Inc.</STRONG>, welcomes you to our online gallery of 273 games<br> and puzzles you can see and purchase here. Enchanting playthings in lasercut<br> acrylic and handcrafted wood, for minds of all ages. The pleasures last a lifetime.<br> Great for schools and homeschoolers, too. So beautiful, they're art. <br> <!-- <font size=5 color=red><b>Greetings! Click bears for surprise messages...</b></font> --> <!-- <blockquote><blockquote> <span style="font-size:10.0pt"><font face=Arial> <i> <li> Click the <a href="gamepuzl.htm" target="_blank">gamepuzzles</a> title above for a quick introduction. <li> For a surprising <a href="logomove/kadon7.htm" target="_blank">animation</a>, click on our yellow W logo above. <li> Drag bottom scrollbar to right to view our Great Array. <li> Then find the teddybear with a secret message! >>> </i> </blockquote></blockquote> --> </font></span> <!-- <hr size=2 noshade width=50% align=center> <br><font color=black> Let our unique games and puzzles enliven your every day ... the pleasures they bring last a lifetime. They'll entertain and challenge you, and keep the kids minds gainfully engaged. Great for homeschoolers, too. <i>Happy puzzling!</i></b></font></blockquote> --> <!-- See Christmas and New Years bears texts in historical/abandoned, index5-17-21.htm - 12-31-2021.htm --> <!-- --------------- START CHRISTMAS BEARS -------------- --> <!-- <center><div><table bgcolor=white cellpadding=4 cellspacing=5 border=6 bordercolor=green><tr> <TD width=100 align=center valign=top><span style="font-size:11pt"> <a href="holiday.htm" target="_blank"><img src="bear1.gif" width=85 height=85 border=0 title="Gold bear's special shopping message (opens in new window)"> Late shopping</a></span> </td> <TD width=90 align=center valign=top><span style="font-size:11pt"> <a href="flyer-1-23-25.pdf" target="_blank"><img src="bearxms2.gif" width=85 height=85 border=0 title="Green bear's shortcut to 45/2025 flyer (opens in new window)"> January gift</a></span> </td> <td width=90 align=center valign=top><span style="font-size:11pt"> <a href="xnewalph.htm" target="_blank"><img src="bear3.gif" width=85 height=85 border=0 title="White bear's shortcut to new releases (opens in new window)"> What's new</a></span> </td> <td width=90 align=center valign=top><span style="font-size:11pt"> <a href="Christmas/christmas.htm" target="_blank"><img src="bearxmas.gif" width=85 height=85 border=0 title="Red bear's shortcut to a tricky memory game with Christmas trees (opens in new window)"> Play online</a></span> </td> --> <!-- <a href="memory3/memory3.htm" target="_blank"><img src="bear2.gif" width=85 height=85 border=0 title="Brown bear's shortcut to a memory game with rainbows (opens in new window)"> --> <!-- <td width=100 align=center><span style="font-size:11pt"> <A HREF="newyear3-2025.htm"><img src="bear2.gif" width=85 height=85 border=0 title="Brown bear points - click here for a New Year's message and beautiful surprises (opens in new window)"> See beauty</a></span> </td> <td width=100 align=center><span style="font-size:11pt"> <A HREF="newyear2.htm"><img src="bear1.gif" width=85 height=85 border=0 title="Gold bear's New Year's message and surprise">New Year's joy</a> </td> </TR></table></div></center> --> <!-- ------------------ End Christmas bears -------------- --> <!-- --------------- START NEW YEARS BEARS ----------- --> <!-- <center><div><table><tr><td width=575> <p align=center> <A HREF="newyear1-2022.htm"><img src="bearnyr1.gif" width=99 height=77 border=0 title="Green bear's toast"></a> <A HREF="newyear2.htm"><img src="bearbow.gif" width=85 height=85 border=0 title="White bear's bow - click here for a New Year's message and beautiful surprise"></a> <A HREF="newyear3-2022.htm"><img src="bearnyr2.gif" width=99 height=77 border=0 title="Red bear's toast"></a> <br><i>Click the New Year's bears for a beautiful surprise.</i> <p> </td> </TR></table></div></center> --> <!-- -------------- END NEW YEARS BEARS ---------------- --> <!-- -------------- START 45th ANNIVERSARY BLURB ------------ --> <center><div><table bgcolor=green cellpadding=10 cellspacing=5 border=0><tr> <td width=454 bgcolor=#15C2FF> <!-- (lightblue) #1EC0FC | #20FA96 aqua --> <div><table width=454 bgcolor=tan> <tr> <p align=center><font size=5 color=maroon face=Arial><b>OUR 45th ANNIVERSARY!</B></font> <td width=454 height=300> <A HREF="45.pdf" target="_blank"><img src="45anniv.jpg" width=454 height=296 border=0 align=center title="45th anniversary--click to read and play"></a> </b></font> </td> </td></tr></table></div> <!-- ----------------- END 45th ANNIVERSARY BLURB ------------ --> <!-- ----------------- START SHOWCASE SPACE ------------ --> <!-- <center><div><table bgcolor=green cellpadding=10 cellspacing=5 border=0><tr> <td width=525 bgcolor=#15C2FF> <!-- (lightblue) #1EC0FC | #20FA96 aqua --> <!-- <div><table width=580 bgcolor=tan> <tr> <p align=center><font size=5 color=maroon face=Arial><b>OUR NEWEST WORLD PREMIERE!</B></font> <td width=500 height=375> <A HREF="pentuniv.htm#OST" target="_blank"><img src="onestone-star.png" width=290 height=275 border=0 align=right title="OneStone symmetry--click to order"></a> <blockquote><font size=5 color=black><b> A first ever in human history! A single shape (<i>OneStone</i>, "Ein-Stein") that will fill the infinite plane with only a non-periodic pattern. Discovered and named "Spectre" by Dave Smith in 2023 to world-wide excitement, a math marvel of the golden ratio. Read <a href="pentuniv.htm#OST" target="_blank">all about it</a> ... and order here.</b></font> </blockquote> </td> </td></tr></table></div> --> <!-- <p align=center> <font size=2 color=white><i>Click on images for full stories! (Links open in new window.)<br>Product names are trademarks of Kadon Enterprises, Inc.</i></font> --> </td> </TR></table></div></center> <!-- -------------- END - SHOWCASE SPACE ---------------- --> <blockquote> <span style="font-size:12.0pt"> <ul> <li> Click the <span style="font-size:10.0pt"><font face=Arial><A HREF="index.htm#TOP"><b>gamepuzzles</b></a></font></span> title above for a quick introduction. <li> For a surprising <A HREF="logomove/kadon7_html5.htm" target="_blank"><b>animation</b></a>, click on our yellow W logo above. <!-- <li> Click <span style="font-size:10.0pt"><font face=Arial><a href="https://www.flipsnack.com/puzzlelady/2024-gamepuzzles-catalog/full-view.html" target="_blank"><b>Flip catalog</b></a></font></span> to flip through the pages of our virtual printed catalog. --> <li> Click <span style="font-size:10.0pt"><font face=Arial><a href="index.htm#Index"><b>Gallery Showroom</b></a></font></span> to visit sections in any order. <li> Click <span style="font-size:10.0pt"><font face=Arial><a href="hottest.htm" target="_blank"><b>Grand Tour</b></a></font></span> for full circuit of all sections, using <span style="font-size:10.0pt"><font face=Arial>NEXT</font></span> buttons. <li> Drag bottom scrollbar to right to view our <b>Great Array</b>. <li> Then find the teddybear with a <b>secret message</b>! >>> </ul></span> </blockquote> </td> <!-- End of central panel, top half of index page --> <!-- Start, righthand button bank --> <td width=165 align=center valign=top> <A HREF="newtopic.htm"><IMG SRC="bnew.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Our latest news, announcements, releases" alt="Our latest news, announcements, releases"></A><br> <A HREF="faq.htm"><img src="bfaq.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Frequently Asked Questions" alt="Frequently Asked Questions"></A><br> <A HREF="website.htm"><IMG SRC="bfeature.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Site features - includes definition of all our hotlinks icons" alt="Site features - includes definition of all our hotlinks icons"></A><br> <A HREF="purchase.htm"><IMG SRC="btoorder.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="How to order" alt="How to order"></A><BR> <A HREF="sitemap.htm"><IMG SRC="bsitemap.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Site map" alt="Site map"></A><BR> <A HREF="kadon.htm"><IMG SRC="bwho.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Who we are, what we do" alt="Who we are, what we do"></A><BR> <A HREF="showlist.htm"><IMG SRC="bshows.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Show schedule - where to see us at art fairs and conventions" alt="Show schedule - where to see us at art fairs and conventions"></A><BR> <A HREF="resource.htm"><IMG SRC="bresource.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Resources (links to other good stuff)" alt="Resources (links to other good stuff)"></A><br> <A HREF="mascot.htm"><img src="bmascot.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Our honorary mascot, a puppy named Kadon" alt="Our honorary mascot, a puppy named Kadon"></A><br> <A HREF="contests.htm"><IMG SRC="bcontest.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Links to contests we sponsor" alt="Links to contests we sponsor"></A><br> <A HREF="quiz.htm" target=_blank"><img src="bquiz.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Try this mini-quiz for fame and fun" alt="Try this mini-quiz for fame and fun"></A><br> <a href="https://www.flipsnack.com/puzzlelady/2024-gamepuzzles-catalog/full-view.html" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="bflip.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Flip through pages of our virtual printed catalog"></A><BR> <!-- <A HREF="rfcat-2015.pdf" target=_blank"><img src="brfcat.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Our 40-page Renaissance Faire catalog in Shakespearean verse"></A><br> --> <A HREF="catalog/catalog.htm"><img src="bcatalog.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Download our 24-page print catalog" alt="Download our 24-page print catalog"></a><br> <A HREF="renfest.htm"><img src="brenfest.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Pics and stories of Ye Olde Gamery, our pavilion at Maryland Renaissance Festival" alt="Pics and stories of Ye Olde Gamery, our pavilion at Maryland Renaissance Festival"></a><br> <A HREF="hottest.htm"><IMG SRC="btour.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Entrance to Grand Tour of all product sections, starting with Hottest Sellers" alt="Entrance to Grand Tour of all product sections, starting with Hottest Sellers" target="_blank"></A><BR> <A HREF="member.htm"><IMG SRC="bmember.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Links to Internet Service Organizations we belong to and support" alt="Links to Internet Service Organizations we belong to and support"></A><br> <A HREF="contact.htm"><img src="bcontact.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="How to contact us, via email, mail, phone, fax, shows, online" alt="How to contact us, via email, mail, phone, fax, shows, online"></A><BR> <A HREF="search.htm"><img src="bsearch.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Links to thumbnail galleries of our products by type or topic" alt="Links to thumbnail galleries of our products by type or topic"></a><br> <a href="archives.htm"><img src="barchive.gif" width=165 height=32 border=0 title="Index of our historical pages" alt="Index of our historical pages"></a> <p align=center> <font face="Arial Black" size=2>NOW ALSO ON</font> <a href= "https://www.facebook.com/gamepuzzles" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="facebook.jpg" width=115 height=30 border=0 title="Click to visit Kadon's Facebook page and 'like' us" alt="Click to visit Kadon's Facebook page and 'like' us"></a><p> <a href= "https://www.instagram.com/kadongamepuzzles" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="instagram.jpg" width=73 height=25 border=1 title="Click to visit Kadon's Instagram page and 'like' us" alt="Click to visit Kadon's Instagram page and 'like' us"></a> <p> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/puzzlelady" target="_blank"><img src="linkedin.gif" width=16 height=20 border=1 title="Link to Kate's Linked-In page"></a> <p> <a href="https://twitter.com/gamepuzzles1" target="_blank"><img src="twitterlogo.jpg" width=55 height=55 border=0 title="Click to visit Kadon's Twitter page and 'like' us" alt="Click to visit Kadon's Twitter page and 'like' us"></a><br> </td> <!-- End of righthand button bank --> <!-- ========================================================================== --> <!-- TOP HALF: WALL-TO-WALL THUMBNAILS --> <!-- ========================================================================== --> <td width=2200 valign=top><a href="hiddenbear.htm"><img src="bearbow.gif" width=85 height=85 border=0 title="Hi, there! If you find me, click on me for a surprise!" align=right valign=top></a> <a name="Wall"></a><blockquote> <font size=5 color=gray>A sampling of our gamepuzzles. Please visit the individual showrooms to see them all. Click thumbnails for larger views. Scroll down for more... <i>(not shown to scale)</i> <p> <!-- <img src="valentin.gif" width=115 height=96 border=0 title="(Secret message to my love) My heart is yours.">&nbsp;&nbsp; --> &nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling.htm#TR"><IMG SRC="xtriang.jpg" width=46 height=96 border=0 title="Triangoes--80 tiles of one or two half-squares joined, in 5 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling3.htm#SP"><IMG SRC="xsptiny.gif" width=88 height=72 border=0 title="Shadow Play--9 tiles for silhouette modeling"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling.htm#HxD"><IMG SRC="xhexdom.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Hexdominoes--21 dihexes, 6 singles in 6 colors paired"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling.htm#Och"><IMG SRC="xochpack.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Ochominoes--24 octagon dominoes"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling.htm#TwT"><IMG SRC="xtwt.gif" width=77 height=96 border=0 title="Twenty-Tans--20 tiles in 4 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling.htm#HyT"><IMG SRC="hyt-blue.gif" width=72 height=96 border=0 title="Handy-Tans--5 tiles in bag"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tangled.htm"><IMG SRC="tangled-thumb.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Tangled Triangles--an art mosaic of 50 isosceles right triangles in 4 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling2.htm#HB8"><IMG SRC="HBlogo.gif" width=90 height=90 border=0 title="Harrybourne--8-piece polytans strangely proportioned"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling2.htm#SH14"><IMG SRC="xsh14.gif" width=90 height=90 border=0 title="StarHex-I--polystars of a hexagon joined by 0 to 6 triangles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling2.htm#SH23"><IMG SRC="xsh23.gif" width=82 height=96 border=0 title="StarHex-II--polystars from 1 to 3 hexagons joined by 0 to 3 triangles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling2.htm#D8"><IMG SRC="xd8white.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Dezign-8--64 squares with 8 patterns of inlaid paths"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling2.htm#CU"><font color=black><IMG SRC="xcu.gif" width=96 height=96 border=1 title="Cubits--optical illusions with 16 tiles"></font></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling2.htm#QP"><IMG SRC="xqp.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Quintapaths--designing with 20 black and white sticks"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling2.htm#Di"><IMG SRC="xdi.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Diamond Star--23 polydiamonds make stars"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling2.htm#INT"><IMG SRC="xint.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Intarsia--32 trapezoidal tiles, millions of optical illusions"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling.htm#CX"><IMG SRC="xcomb.jpg" width=103 height=96 border=0 title="Combinatorix--the definitive tiling lab"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling.htm#CXJ"><IMG SRC="xcombijr.jpg" width=101 height=96 border=0 title="Combinatorix Jr.--the mandala edition"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling3.htm#CRAB"><IMG SRC="crab261.png" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="The Crab (Le Crabe)--27 curvy diamonds"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling3.htm#GB"><IMG SRC="xgtan.jpg" width=138 height=96 border=0 title="Grand Tans--7 geometric shape-making tiles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling3.htm#TGM"><IMG SRC="xtgm.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Tangramion--7-piece offshoot from Archimedes' Square"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling3.htm#CS"><IMG SRC="xcs-tray.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Chasing Squares--8 triangles, 8 sheds form 1 to 24 squares"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling4.htm#R7"><IMG SRC="xrhomb7.gif" width=99 height=96 border=0 title="RhombStar-7--acrylic tiles with 7-fold symmetry"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling4.htm#R7"><IMG SRC="xpor.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Pocket Rhombs--21 acrylic tiles with 7-fold symmetry"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling4.htm#HPv"><IMG SRC="xhex-pave.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Hex-Pave--15 unique hexagons with every combination of sides 1, 2, and 3 units in length"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling4.htm#BB"><IMG SRC="birdsbees.gif" width=110 height=96 border=0 title="Birds and Bees, 28 tiles of hexagons, squares, triangles on ring grid"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tiling4.htm#QB"><IMG SRC="xqbix.gif" width=94 height=96 border=0 title="Q-Bix--15 unique cube-illusion polyhexes size 1, 2, 3"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="fyplayer.htm#BH"><IMG SRC="xbearhug.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Bear Hugs -- 36 all-different teddy bears in 6 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="fyplayer.htm#BHJ"><IMG SRC="xbearsjr.gif" width=94 height=96 border=0 title="Bear Hugs Jr. -- 16 all-different teddy bears in 4 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgemtch.htm#HJ"><IMG SRC="xhexmojr.gif" width=102 height=96 border=0 title="Hexmozaix Jr.--24 hexagons, 4 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgemtch.htm#M1"><IMG SRC="xmm1.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Multimatch I--24 edge-colored squares"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="grandmm1.htm"><IMG SRC="xgrandmm1.jpg" width=125 height=96 border=0 title="Grand Multimatch I, 70 edge-colored squares"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgemtch.htm#M2"><IMG SRC="xmm2.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Multimatch II--24 corner-colored squares"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgemtch.htm#M3"><IMG SRC="xmm3.gif" width=96 height=96 border=1 title="Multimatch III--24 edge-colored triangles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgemtch.htm#M4"><IMG SRC="xmm4.gif" width=96 height=96 border=1 title="Multimatch IV--24 corner-colored triangles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="edgemtch.htm#M25"><IMG SRC="xmatch25.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Marshall Square--25 edge-colored triangles in 5 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch2.htm#TJ"><IMG SRC="xtrianjr.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Triangoes Jr.--15 tiles, a 2-color subset of Triangoes"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch2.htm#CJr"><IMG SRC="xcookie-jar.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Cookie Jar--13 curvy triangle-trimmed concave hexagons"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch2.htm#HM"><IMG SRC="xhexmo.gif" width=106 height=96 border=0 title="Hexmozaix--12 hexagons inlaid with 3 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch2.htm#H18"><IMG SRC="xhexmo2.gif" width=104 height=96 border=0 title="Hexmozaix II--18-piece supplement to Hexmozaix"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch2.htm#R25"><IMG SRC="xrhomino.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Rhominoes, 25 two-color rhombs in 5 colors of slender kites and darts"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch3.htm#DR"><IMG SRC="xdr.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Diamond Rainbow--24 rainbow-colored diamonds plus 6 triangles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch3.htm#KO"><IMG SRC="xkaliko.jpg" width=137 height=96 border=0 title="Kaliko--85 hexagons with paths in 3 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch2.htm#LD"><IMG SRC="xld.jpg" width=120 height=96 border=0 title="LineDance--16 hexagons with paths in 3 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch4.htm#TCx"><IMG SRC="tri-chex-blacktray.jpg" width=93 height=96 border=0 title="Tri-Chex--53 tiles fill a famous grid"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch4.htm#S6"><IMG SRC="xs6.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Snowflake Super Square--36 squares with 3 shapes of edge"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch4.htm#S4"><IMG SRC="xs4.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Snowflake Square--a 16-piece subset"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch4.htm#TF"><IMG SRC="xtf.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Trifolia--24 triangles with 4 shapes of edge"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch4.htm#CUp"><IMG SRC="colorup.jpg" width=113 height=96 border=1 title="Color Up--20 four-color cubes in 6 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch5.htm#Dor"><IMG SRC="xdorisdiam.gif" width=96 height=96 border=1 title="Doris, 24 three-color octagons"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch5.htm#Mim1"><IMG SRC="xmim1.gif" width=98 height=96 border=0 title="MiniMatch-I, 9 four-color edgematching squares"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch5.htm#Mit1"><IMG SRC="xmit1.gif" width=95 height=98 border=0 title="MiniTouch-I, 9 four-contoured edgematching squares"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch5.htm#Mim2"><IMG SRC="xmim2.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="MiniMatch-II, 9 four-color corner-matching squares"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch5.htm#FoaM"><IMG SRC="xfoam.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Four on a Match, 9 squares with 4 cut-outs"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch3.htm#BT"><IMG SRC="xbt.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Boats--36 long hexagons with color pairs"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch5.htm#Bow"><IMG SRC="xbowties.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Bowties--10 cross-shaped tiles with color pairs"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch5.htm#Bow24"><IMG SRC="xbow24.gif" width=93 height=96 border=0 title="Grand Bowties--24 cross-shaped tiles with 4 color combinations"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch5.htm#LV"><IMG SRC="xleaves.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Leaves--13 tessellated hexagons"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch5.htm#MQ"><IMG SRC="xmqfrost.gif" width=97 height=96 border=0 title="MemorIQ--24 mosaic-inlaid hexagons in 3 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch6.htm#MT1"><IMG SRC="xmt1.gif" width=101 height=96 border=0 title="MultiTouch I, edge-marked squares"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch6.htm#MT2"><IMG SRC="xmt2.gif" width=92 height=96 border=0 title="MultiTouch II, corner-marked squares"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch6.htm#MT3"><IMG SRC="xmt3.gif" width=110 height=96 border=0 title="MultiTouch III, edge-marked triangles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="edgmtch6.htm#MT4"><IMG SRC="xmt4.gif" width=112 height=96 border=0 title="MultiTouch IV, corner-marked triangles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="ferroul.htm"><IMG SRC="xtetpent.gif" width=83 height=83 border=0 title="Tetrapentos--7 pieces, 4 and 5 equilateral triangles in size"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly.htm#IRm"><IMG SRC="xirm.gif" width=98 height=96 border=0 title="Mini-Iamond Ring--9 pieces, 2 through 5 equilateral triangles in size"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly.htm#IH"><IMG SRC="xih.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Iamond Hex--12 pieces (the hexiamonds), each 6 equilateral triangles in size"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly.htm#IR"><IMG SRC="xir.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Iamond Ring--the full set of polyiamonds 1 through 7"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly.htm#OR"><IMG SRC="xor.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Octiamond Ring--the 66 shapes of 8 triangles joined"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="handy-octs.htm"><IMG SRC="duck.jpg" width=88 height=96 border=0 title="Handy-Octs--5 octiamonds, imagine it and build it"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly.htm#MSN"><IMG SRC="MSN-back-cover.png" width=100 height=96 border=0 title="Marco Supernova, polyhex primer--28 pieces, all the shapes of 2 and 3 two-color hexagons></A>&nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly.htm#HNJ"><IMG SRC="xhnjr.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Hexnut Jr.--16 pieces, all the shapes of 1 through 4 hexagons in size, plus four of size 5"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly2.htm#HN"><IMG SRC="xhexnut.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Hexnut--The full set of polyhexes size 1 through 5"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly2.htm#HN2"><IMG SRC="xhexnut2.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Hexnut II--the 82 shapes of 6 hexagons joined (hexahexes)"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly2.htm#HS"><IMG SRC="xhspack.gif" width=81 height=96 border=0 title="Hopscotch--the 24 shapes of 1 to 4 offset squares joined"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly2.htm#RBJ"><IMG SRC="xrbj.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Rombix Jr.--4 shapes, 4 colors of single and paired rhombs"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly2.htm#RB"><IMG SRC="xrombix.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Rombix--16 angular tiles of single and paired rhombs"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly3.htm#RRB"><IMG SRC="xrainrb.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Rainbow Rombix--the Rombix concept carried to 24 sides, 6 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly3.htm#RL"><IMG SRC="xroundom.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Roundominoes--squiggly shapes of 1, 2, 3 rounds"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly3.htm#SR"><IMG SRC="xsr.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Super Roundominoes--shapes of 1, 2, 3 and 4 rounds joined"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly3.htm#GR"><IMG SRC="xgrd.gif" width=96 height=96 border=1 title="Grand Roundominoes--the granddaddy at level 5"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="esspoly3.htm#CCL"><IMG SRC="xccl.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="ChooChooLoops--polybends of 1, 2, 3 and 4 quarter arcs joined"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="pentuniv.htm#AA"><IMG SRC="xaa.gif" width=94 height=96 border=0 title="Arc Angles--25 uniquely marked penta-rings"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="pentuniv.htm#TD"><IMG SRC="xpendia.gif" width=111 height=96 border=0 title="Penrose Diamonds--the thick and thin rhombs (36 and 72 degrees) that can tile non-periodically"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="pentuniv.htm#CE"><IMG SRC="xcollide.gif" width=108 height=96 border=0 title="Collidescape Triangles--the two golden ratio triangles that form kites, darts and Penrose diamonds"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="pentuniv.htm#KD"><IMG SRC="xpkdarts.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Kites & Darts--Roger Penrose's two tiles can form non-periodic arrangements and play a glorious strategy game"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="pentuniv.htm#PTR"><IMG SRC="xptr.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Pentarose--Penrose's tessellated pentagons and stars"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="pentuniv.htm#OST"><IMG SRC="onestone-pc.png" width=65 height=96 border=0 title="oneSTone (Spectre) tiles the infinite plane non-periodically"></A> &nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="pentuniv.htm#PoS"><IMG SRC="xpos.gif" width=105 height=96 border=0 title="Pocket Star--15 kites, 10 darts, a 25th anniversary design"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="pentuni2.htm#PZ"><IMG SRC="xpuzpent.gif" width=98 height=96 border=0 title="Puzzling Pentagon--composed of golden triangles in 2 sizes"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="pentuni2.htm#PM"><IMG SRC="penta-mosaiktray.png" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Penta-Mosaik--decagon made of short and long kites and golden triangles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="pentuni2.htm#DM"><IMG SRC="xdekamo.gif" width=92 height=96 border=0 title="Deka-Mosaik--decagon made of pentagons and golden triangles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="pentuni2.htm#DSt"><IMG SRC="xdekastr.gif" width=92 height=96 border=0 title="Deka-Star--decagon made of thick and thin rhombs"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="pentuni2.htm#KM"><IMG SRC="xkitemo.gif" width=91 height=96 border=0 title="Kite-Mosaik--decagon made with kites, darts and the 2 golden triangles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="pentuni2.htm#LOS"><IMG SRC="xlos.gif" width=101 height=96 border=0 title="La Ora Stelo--polyform of golden triangles, orders 1, 2, 3"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="pentuni2.htm#RA"><IMG SRC="xrhomant.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Rhom-Antics--a large decagon of 90 thick and thin rhombs inlaid with combinations of 3 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="ferroul3.htm"><IMG SRC="xstelo.gif" width=90 height=96 border=0 title="Stelo--order-3 equilateral and isosceles triangles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycube.htm#Q"><IMG SRC="xquint2.jpg" width=77 height=96 border=0 title="Quintillions--the 12 shapes of 5 cubes in one plane (solid pentominoes)"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycube.htm#SQ"><IMG SRC="xsq.jpg" width=108 height=96 border=1 title="Super Quintillions--18 non-planar pentacubes"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycube.htm#SQd"><IMG SRC="xsqd.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Super Deluxe Quintillions--all 30 pentacube shapes in one box"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="poly4.htm"><img src="xp4color.gif" width=110 height=96 border=1 title="Poly-4 Supplement for Quintillions--the 12 smaller polycubes, sizes 1-4"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="polycube.htm#F5"><img src="xf5-pents.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Fractured Fives--2 matching puzzles on 5 wood blocks"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="polycube.htm#PoP"><img src="xpocket.gif" width=120 height=96 border=0 title="Pocket Pentominoes--mini set in pouch"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="polycube.htm#L16"><img src="xl16.gif" width=96 height=96 border=2 title="L-Sixteen--16 L-tetrominoes with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 holes"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub2.htm#V21"><IMG SRC="xv-21.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Vee-21--21 V trominoes tile an 8x8 grid"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub2.htm#P5"><IMG SRC="xpoly5.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Poly-5--polyominoes 1 through 5 squares in size"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub2.htm#P5w"><IMG SRC="xp5wood.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=2 title="Deluxe wood Poly-5--"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub2.htm#LJM"><IMG SRC="xprimer-tray.jpg" width=65 height=96 border=2 title="Lyn-Joy Marvel Polyomino Primer"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub2.htm#SX"><IMG SRC="sxaqtp.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Sextillions--the 35 hexominoes (6 squares each)"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub2.htm#HP"><IMG SRC="xhp.jpg" width=133 height=96 border=0 title="Heptominoes--the 108 shapes of 7 squares joined"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub2.htm#OT"><IMG SRC="xot.jpg" width=233 height=96 border=0 title="Octominoes--the 369 shapes of 8 squares joined"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub3.htm#Ten"><IMG SRC="xten.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Ten-Yen - 10 pieces in three colors mix and match"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub3.htm#PoV"><IMG SRC="xpov.gif" width=137 height=96 border=0 title="Pocket Vees - 6 differently marked V-shaped pieces in pouch"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub3.htm#Qn"><IMG SRC="xncklace.gif" width=82 height=96 border=0 title="Quint necklace--a working puzzle of the 12 pentominoes on a chain"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub3.htm#FA"><IMG SRC="xfa.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Fill-Agree--polyominoes 2 through 4 with 2 holes each"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub3.htm#RO"><IMG SRC="xro.gif" width=165 height=96 border=0 title="Rhombiominoes--the 12 pentominoes skewed into 20 pentarhombs"></A> <A HREF="polycub3.htm#RHI"><IMG SRC="rhi-tray.png" width=135 height=96 border=0 title="Rhombi JR.--the smallest polyominoes, sizes 1 to 4, in their 12 distinct forms"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub3.htm#SH9"><IMG SRC="sh9.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Shardinaires-9--dissection puzzle of 9 strange shapes to form all 12 pentominoes and all 5 tetrominoes"></A>&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub3.htm#QX"><IMG SRC="xqxa.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Quintachex--the 12 pentominoes and a 2x2 square checkerboarded on both sides, inlaid acrylic"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub4.htm#CK8"><IMG SRC="ck8.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Chunky-Octs--the 20 octominoes with 2x3 patch"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub4.htm#RTP"><IMG SRC="xrtp.jpg" width=72 height=96 border=0 title="Robert's T Party--quartets of 5 lengths of T"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub4.htm#DQ"><IMG SRC="xdqgr.gif" width=118 height=96 border=2 title="Dual Quintachex--both sides of the Quintachex tiles included as separate pieces, with wavy edges"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="polycub4.htm#HX"><IMG SRC="xhexacub.jpg" width=166 height=96 border=1 title="Hexacube--the 166 shapes of 6 cubes joined"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; </blockquote> </td> </tr></table> <!-- ========================================================================== --> <!-- END OF TOP HALF: WALL-TO-WALL THUMBNAILS --> <!-- ========================================================================== --> <!-- --------------------- END OF TOP HALF OF INDEX PAGE ----------------- --> <table width=3200><tr><td> <a name="Comments"></a> <a href="https://puzzlelady.dreamwidth.org/" target="_blank"><hr size=6 noshade width=960 align=left title="Secret link to Kate's Dreamwidth blog"></a> <!-- ------------ START CENTER STRIP: Hit counter, copyright, last update -------- --> <div> <table cellpadding=3 cellspacing=3><tr> <td width=165 align=center valign=top> <!-- BEGIN hit counter --> <a href="https://smallcounter.com"><img src="https://smallcounter.com/count.php?c_style=3&id=1552581086" border=0 alt="web counter"></a><br><a href="https://smallcounter.com" style="font-size:9px;"><font color=ivory>free hit counter</font></a><br> <!-- END --> </TD> <TD width=600 bgcolor=teal border=2 bordercolor=silver align=center> <span style="font-size:9pt"><font color=white><B>This entire Website &copy; 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Click on captions below to visit the individual showrooms. <font face=Arial><b>T</b></font> buttons open a thumbnail overview of their section. For brief topic descriptions, click on their question marks. This menu is built on three pentominoes. A miniature icon of this layout links here from other pages. (What's a <a href="polycube.htm#Q" target="_blank">pentomino?</a>)</span></blockquote> <div><center> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=0><tr> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor=white align=left valign=top><font size=5><span style="font-size:15pt"> <a href="index.htm"><img src="logo3y.gif" width=40 height=40 border=0 title="Our logo is a pentomino, too. Yellow ones link to Home - click this and see, then come on back here." align=left valign=top></a> <p align=right><span style="font-size:10pt"><font face=Arial> <b><i>Click on<br> captions<br> to see and<br> order our<br> games and<br> puzzles</i></b> </font> </span> </td> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor=gray align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xnewalph.htm"><img src="linkboxr.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of newest releases"></a><a href="topic1.htm"><IMG SRC="question.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="ALPHABETICAL LISTING: All gamepuzzles in this website listed by name, linked to their respective descriptions."></A></center> <A HREF="alphlist.htm"><B><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">Alphabetical<br>Product<br>Listing</font></b></A> </span> </font></td> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor=gray align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xgamesmg.htm"><img src="linkboxr.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of 'Games Magazine selects' section"></a><a href="topic7.htm"><IMG SRC="question.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="GAMES MAGAZINE SELECTS: Our most famous sets, reviewed by Games magazine and chosen for its 100-best-games list through the years."></A></center> <A HREF="gamesmag.htm"><B><EM><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">Games</font></EM><br><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">Magazine<br>selects</font></B></A> </span> </font></td> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor=gray align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xhottest.htm"><img src="linkboxr.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of our Hottest Sellers"></a><a href="topic8.htm"><IMG SRC="question.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="HOTTEST SELLERS: Our top gamepuzzles that are consistently our bestsellers year after year."></A></center> <A HREF="hottest.htm"><B><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">Our<br>Hottest<br>Sellers</font></B></A> </span> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor=gray align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xprice.htm"><img src="linkboxr.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of products representative of price range"></a><a href="price.htm"><img SRC="question.gif" title="INDEXED BY PRICE: All gamepuzzles in this website listed in order of price, from lowest to highest, linked to their respective descriptions." BORDER=0 height=20 width=20></a></center> <a href="costlist.htm"><b><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">Indexed<br>by<br>Price</font></b></a> </span> </font></td> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor=gray align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xyoung.htm"><img src="linkboxr.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of gamepuzzles suitable for youngest players"></a><a href="topic14.htm"><IMG SRC="question.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="FOR YOUNGEST PLAYERS: Selected choices whose entry level may be as young as 5, or precocious 4 years old, with plenty of challenges left for the adults."></A></center> <A HREF="fyplayer.htm"><B><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">For<br>Youngest<br>Players</font></B></A> </span> </font></td> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor=teal align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xpolycub.htm"><img src="linkboxb.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of Polyominoes and Polycubes"></a><a href="topic2.htm"><IMG SRC="question.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="POLYOMINOES AND POLYCUBES: Puzzle sets whose pieces are made of squares or cubes joined in all possible combinations."></A></center> <A HREF="polycube.htm"><B><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">Polyominoes<br>and<br>Polycubes</font> </B></A> </span> </font></td> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor=teal align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xtiling.htm"><img src="linkboxb.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of Tilings and Designs"></a><a href="topic10.htm"><IMG SRC="question.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="TILINGS AND DESIGNS: Sets of geometric shapes that can be arranged like mosaics into beautiful symmetry patterns."></A></center> <A HREF="tiling.htm"><B><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">Tilings<br>and<br>Designs </font></B></A> </span> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor="#990000" align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xpuzzles.htm"><img src="linkboxg.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of Puzzles, Just Puzzles"></a><a href="topic13.htm"><IMG SRC="question.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="PUZZLES, JUST PUZZLES: Tricky, difficult and infuriating puzzles that have, in many cases, only one solution. Good coffee table toys."></A></center> <A HREF="prpuzzls.htm"><B><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">Puzzles,<br>Just<br>Puzzles</font></B></A> </span> </font></td> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor=teal align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xedgmtch.htm"><img src="linkboxb.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of 'Edgematching Colors and Shapes' section"></a><a href="topic6.htm"><IMG SRC="question.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="EDGEMATCHING COLORS AND SHAPES: Colorful gamepuzzle sets where tiles meet by matching colors or interlocking shapes, and each set has all-different pieces (like dominoes)."></A></center> <A HREF="edgemtch.htm"><B><font face="Arial Narrow"><font color=white>Edgematching<br>Colors and<br>Shapes</font> </font></B></A> </span> </font></td> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor=teal align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xpentuni.htm"><img src="linkboxb.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of 'The Pentagon Universe' section"></a><a href="topic3.htm"><IMG SRC="question.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="THE PENTAGON UNIVERSE: Tiling sets whose shapes are based on pentagons and parts of pentagons, with a bit of golden-ratio stuff thrown in."></A></center> <A HREF="pentuniv.htm"><B><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">The<br>Pentagon<br>Universe</font></B></A> </span> </font></td> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor=teal align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xesspoly.htm"><img src="linkboxb.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of Essential Polyforms sets"></a><a href="topic9.htm"><IMG SRC="question.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="ESSENTIAL POLYFORMS: Gamepuzzle sets made up of tiles that are multiples of the same basic shape-- such as squares, triangles, hexagons--and joined in all possible different ways."></A></center> <A HREF="esspoly.htm"><B><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">Essential<br>Polyforms<br><br> </font></B></A> </span> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor="#990000" align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xabstrct.htm"><img src="linkboxg.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of Abstract Strategy Games"></a><a href="topic4.htm"><IMG SRC="question.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="ABSTRACT STRATEGY GAMES: Original, competitive games for two or more players, plus solitaires, on elegantly simple boards."></A></center> <A HREF="abstract.htm"><B><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">Abstract<br>Strategy<br>Games</font></B></A> </span> </font></td> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor="#990000" align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xrustic.htm"><img src="linkboxg.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of the Rusticana section"></a><a href="topic5.htm"><IMG SRC="question.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="THE RUSTICANA COLLECTION: Gamepuzzle sets in wooden framed trays, styled with wood and acrylic tiles--the art world calls them mixed media works--to display as art on wall or easel."></A></center> <A HREF="rustican.htm"><B><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">The<br>Rusticana<br>Collection</font></B></A> </span> </font></td> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor="#990000" align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xtactile.htm"><img src="linkboxg.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of the Tactile Graphics section"></a><a href="topic12.htm"><IMG SRC="question.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="TACTILE GRAPHICS: Our larger art pieces, with tiles in rich colors and complex concepts, where the player becomes the artist in forming countless designs."></A></center> <A HREF="tactile.htm"><B><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">Tactile<br>Graphics<br><br></font></B></A> </span> </font></td> <td width=110 height=110 bgcolor="#990000" align=center> <font size=4><span style="font-size:12pt"><center><a href="xhistfun.htm"><img src="linkboxg.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="Click for thumbnail gallery of Historical Games"></a><a href="topic11.htm"><IMG SRC="question.gif" width=20 height=20 border=0 title="HISTORICAL GAMES: Games from and about antiquity, from 100 to 3500 years old, reproduced with our original craftsmanship and design details."></A></center> <A HREF="histfun.htm"><B><font color=white face="Arial Narrow">Historical<br>Games<br><br></font></B></A> </span> </font> </td> </tr> </table></font></center></div> <!-- <a href="leapfrog.html"><IMG SRC="bplay.gif" width=60 height=25 border=0 align=right alt="Click to play a quaint Leapfrog Solitaire" title="Click to play a quaint Leapfrog Solitaire"></a> --> <p align=center> <a href="https://www.paypal.com" target="_blank"><img 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========================================================================== --> <!-- BOTTOM HALF: WALL-TO-WALL THUMBNAILS --> <!-- ========================================================================== --> <td width=2200 valign=top> <blockquote><br> <font size=5 color=gray>Boardgames, brainteasers, historical games, larger art pieces... Click thumbnails for larger views.</font> <p> &nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="abstract.htm#OC"><IMG SRC="xocwood.jpg" width=106 height=96 border=0 title="Deluxe wood Octiles--18 movable tiles on deluxe wood board"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstract.htm#GY"><IMG SRC="xgameofy.jpg" width=136 height=96 border=0 title="Game of Y--connect the 3 sides of board with your stones"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstract.htm#GY"><IMG SRC="xgys.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Game of Y travel mat--connect the 3 sides of board with your stones"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstract.htm#TP"><IMG SRC="xtpa.gif" width=72 height=96 border=0 title="Transpose--8 cool games on 10x10 grid"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tpwood.htm"><IMG SRC="xtpwood.jpg" width=106 height=96 border=0 title="Transpose--handcrafted wood version"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstract.htm#LM"><IMG SRC="xlm-wood.gif" width=103 height=96 border=0 title="Lemma--create the rules as you play"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstract.htm#MV"><IMG SRC="xmv.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Manoover pieces into your goal space"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstract.htm#MVP"><IMG SRC="xmvp.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Manoover Plus for 3 players"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="abstrct6.htm#SSL"><img src="xstarsld.gif" width=95 height=96 border=0 title="StarSlide--Slide counters along lines to block further moves"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct6.htm#CF"><IMG SRC="xcolmaze.jpg" width=135 height=96 border=0 title="Colormaze--2 colorful family games plus a hundred variations of the Flying Colors game system"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct6.htm#CF"><IMG SRC="xcmwood.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Colormaze--deluxe 25th anniversary wood board edition"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct6.htm#PR"><IMG SRC="xproteus.jpg" width=103 height=96 border=0 title="Proteus--rule-changing metagame"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct6.htm#PR"><IMG SRC="xprsoft.gif" width=136 height=96 border=0 title="Proteus--softpack travel edition"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct6.htm#GA"><IMG SRC="xgallop.gif" width=75 height=96 border=0 title="Gallop--5 intense games on 12x12 grid"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="gawood.htm"><IMG SRC="xgawood.gif" width=124 height=96 border=0 title="Gallop--handcrafted wood version, with horses"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct6.htm#PT"><IMG SRC="xpt.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Power of Two--2 splendid games of friendly competition"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct6.htm#ML"><IMG SRC="xmlboard.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="More or Less--a strategy game of calculated complexity"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct2.htm#LRT"><IMG SRC="xlrtbrd.jpg" width=110 height=96 border=0 title="Six-by-Six--with many unique and in-a-row games and puzzles, including Hmm..."></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct2.htm#LS"><IMG SRC="xleapsft.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Leap--the softpack edition"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct2.htm#VD"><IMG SRC="xvoid.jpg" width=138 height=96 border=0 title="Void--5 games of unusual strategies"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="voidsoft.htm"><IMG SRC="xvoidsft.jpg" width=99 height=96 border=0 title="Void--the softpack edition"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <!-- <A HREF="abstrct2.htm#SZ"><IMG SRC="xscoozie.gif" width=93 height=96 border=0 title="Scoozie--stylish abstract football strategy"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; --> <A HREF="abstrct2.htm#Gem"><IMG SRC="xgem.jpg" width=124 height=96 border=0 title="Gemstones--unique modular gameboard and elective turns of play"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct2.htm#TerF"><IMG SRC="xTerF-board333.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Ternion Factor--triple-action relationship building"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct3.htm#PF"><IMG SRC="xpfboard.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Pearl Fisher--abstract strategy plus memory, with pearls and shells"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <!-- <A HREF="abstrct3.htm#KL"><IMG SRC="xkells.jpg" width=180 height=96 border=0 title="Tara--gorgeous Celtic knot weave gameboard from Project Kells"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; --> <A HREF="abstrct3.htm#T10"><IMG SRC="xt10j.jpg" width=121 height=96 border=0 title="Throw A Fit--with jumbo dice"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct3.htm#Ad"><IMG SRC="xaddd.jpg" width=129 height=96 border=0 title="A+D+D+D--add dice strategically"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <!-- <A HREF="abstrct3.htm#IM"><IMG SRC="ximago.jpg" width=101 height=96 border=0 title="Imago--color pattern imaging game"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; --> <A HREF="abstrct3.htm#Run"><IMG SRC="xrun.jpg" width=236 height=96 border=0 title="RunnuRound--the game of probability and smart guesses"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct4.htm#TL"><IMG SRC="xtlboard.jpg" width=121 height=96 border=0 title="Teleporters--the game of instantaneous space travel"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct4.htm#EP"><IMG SRC="xep.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Endpoint--the game of curved paths and changing-state pieces"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct4.htm#OP"><IMG SRC="xop.jpg" width=101 height=96 border=0 title="Overpass--the game of traveling on other pieces"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct4.htm#LC"><IMG SRC="xlcwg.jpg" width=137 height=96 border=0 title="Lewis Carroll's Chess Wordgame"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct4.htm#FB"><IMG SRC="xfoxblox.jpg" width=136 height=96 border=0 title="Fox Blox collaborative word game"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <!-- <A HREF="1986notes-kp.htm"><IMG SRC="xkpwood.jpg" width=88 height=96 border=0 title="Kolossal Pyramid, 12 pieces, order-6 tetrahedron"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; --> <A HREF="abstrct4.htm#PsC"><IMG SRC="xpseudset.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Pseudo-Coup, the 9x9 game with colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct5.htm#ST"><IMG SRC="xstar.gif" width=98 height=96 border=0 title="*Star--connection game of capturing edge spaces and forming 'stars' on unique pentagram grid"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="starwood.htm"><IMG SRC="xstarwd.jpg" width=101 height=96 border=0 title="*Star--deluxe wood gameboard by custom order"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct5.htm#GS"><IMG SRC="xsolomon.jpg" width=122 height=96 border=0 title="The Game of Solomon--4 games on star-shaped grid"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct5.htm#GS"><IMG SRC="trinmini.png" width=102 height=96 border=0 title="Solomon's Trinity--slide solitaire and game of 3 competing figures"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct5.htm#BN"><IMG SRC="xbrace.jpg" width=78 height=96 border=0 title="Brace--score by embracing your opponent, with Muhle on reverse of canvas banner"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="muhle.htm"><IMG SRC="xmuhle.jpg" width=78 height=96 border=0 title="Nine Men's Morris (Muhle), with Brace on reverse of canvas banner"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="abstrct5.htm#9men"><IMG SRC="x9men.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Nine Men's Morris/Fox and Geese"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <!-- <A HREF="prpuzzls.htm#Pd"><IMG SRC="xpda.jpg" width=94 height=96 border=0 title="Perplexing Pyramid--just 6 stubborn pieces"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="prpuzzls.htm#Gd"><IMG SRC="xgda.jpg" width=85 height=96 border=0 title="Giant Pyramid--9 unwieldy pieces"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; --> <A HREF="prpuzzls.htm#II"><IMG SRC="xinstant.gif" width=153 height=96 border=0 title="Instant Insanity--4 cubes to fit with 4 colors on all 4 sides"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="prpuzzls.htm#OD"><IMG SRC="xodsol.jpg" width=155 height=96 border=0 title="Oskar's Disks--two slotted rings intertwine"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="prpuzzls.htm#FHE"><IMG SRC="xfour-horses.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="The Four Horses of the Epic Ellipse--four pentahexes build endless figures"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="prpuzzl2.htm#GdP"><img src="gdpatch.png" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Garden Patch--3 flowers, 8 lawn pieces pave with octagons"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="prpuzzl2.htm#GdP"><img src="winter-garden-patch.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Winter Garden Patch--3 flowers, 8 snow pieces pave with octagons"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="prpuzzl2.htm#TY"><IMG SRC="xtinytan.gif" width=37 height=96 border=0 title="Tiny Tans--4-piece mini-puzzles in 3 styles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="prpuzzl2.htm#TY"><IMG SRC="xtyw-vert.gif" width=37 height=96 border=0 title="Tiny Tans, wood--4-piece mini-puzzles in 3 styles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="prpuzzl2.htm#TY"><IMG SRC="xtytrio-bktray.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Tiny Tans Trio-in-a-Tray"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="rollmaze.htm"><img src="xrollmaze.gif" width=105 height=96 border=0 title="Rolling Block Maze"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="ferroul2.htm"><img src="xpsp.gif" width=97 height=96 border=0 title="Poly-Spidrons"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tactile.htm#QU"><IMG SRC="xquad.gif" width=111 height=96 border=0 title="Quadrants--24 diamond-inlaid 4-color tiles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tactile.htm#T8"><IMG SRC="xt8w.gif" width=79 height=96 border=0 title="Triangule-8--20 octagonal tiles inlaid with six triangles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tactile.htm#DZ"><IMG SRC="xdz-frost.jpg" width=130 height=96 border=0 title="Dazzle--30 dodecagonal tiles inlaid with 3 colors"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tactile2.htm#HMg"><IMG SRC="xhmg.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Hexmozaix, 12 inlaid hexagons in gallery frame"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tactile2.htm#H18g"><IMG SRC="xh18g.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Hexmozaix II, 18 inlaid hexagons in gallery frame"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="h30color.htm"><img src="xhm30aq.gif" width=98 height=96 border=0 title="Hexmozaix Combo, all 30 tiles matched, a grand work of art:"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tactile2.htm#S7"><IMG SRC="xs7.gif" width=129 height=96 border=0 title="Grand Snowflake--70 uniquely shaped interlocking tiles"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tactile3.htm#DQ"><IMG SRC="xdqgr.gif" width=118 height=96 border=0 title="Dual Quintachex--both sides of the Quintachex tiles included as separate pieces, with wavy edges"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tactile3.htm#TZ"><IMG SRC="xtrijazz.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Tri-Jazz--54 tri-color parallelograms"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tactile3.htm#WSp"><IMG SRC="xwsp.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="WhirlSpools--a vortex of spirals"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="tactile3.htm#Tul"><IMG SRC="xtulips-b.jpg" width=72 height=96 border=0 title="Tulips--a Spidron tiling"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="histfun.htm#GL"><IMG SRC="xgoose.jpg" width=100 height=96 border=0 title="Royal Game of the Goose, with Game of the Labyrinth on other side (deluxe wood edition)"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="histfun.htm#GL"><IMG SRC="xlab.jpg" width=102=height=96 border=0 title="Game of the Labyrinth, with Royal Game of the Goose on other side (deluxe wood edition)"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="glcg.htm"><IMG SRC="xglcg.jpg" width=81 height=96 border=0 title="Royal Game of the Goose, with Game of the Labyrinth on reverse (canvas banner)"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="glcl.htm"><IMG SRC="xglcl.jpg" width=82 height=96 border=0 title="Game of the Labyrinth, with Royal Game of the Goose on reverse (canvas banner)"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="ipp34.htm"><IMG SRC="etp-sol16.png" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Escape the Plague with 16 closed loops"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="histfun.htm#QM"><IMG SRC="xquantum.jpg" width=103 height=96 border=0 title="Quantum--two unique random-start games"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="histfun.htm#AS"><IMG SRC="xas.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Archimedes' Square, world's oldest documented puzzle"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="histfun.htm#AS"><IMG SRC="xtsm-cov.jpg" width=70 height=96 border=0 title="The Tricolor Stomachion Monograph"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="histfun2.htm#DGH"><IMG SRC="dragon-hnef-color.jpg" width=190 height=96 border=0 title="Game of the Dragon and Hnefatafl"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="histfun2.htm#RC"><IMG SRC="xcards.jpg" width=128 height=96 border=0 title="Renaissance Playing Cards--32-card deck with William Tell theme"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="histfun2.htm#SD"><IMG SRC="x2x3disk.gif" width=151 height=96 border=0 title="Six Disks--puzzles old and new, plus vertical Tic-Tac-Toe"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="histfun2.htm#SDb"><IMG SRC="xsd-bears.jpg" width=112 height=96 border=0 title="Six Disks--teddybear version"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="rustican.htm#RBw"><IMG SRC="xrbwood.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Deluxe Rombix"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="rustican.htm#TFw"><IMG SRC="xtfwood.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Deluxe Trifolia"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="rustican.htm#SXw"><IMG SRC="xsxwood.gif" width=98 height=96 border=0 title="Deluxe Sextillions"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="rustican.htm#SRw"><IMG SRC="xsrwood.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Deluxe Super Roundominoes"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="rustican.htm#S6w"><IMG SRC="xs6wood.gif" width=98 height=96 border=0 title="Deluxe Snowflake Super Square"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="tk.htm#TK1" target="_blank"><img src="xtk1.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Tan Tricks I"></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="tk1-5sym.htm#quartets" target="_blank"><img src="ticktray.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Tetra-Tray"></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="tk.htm#TK2" target="_blank"><img src="xtk2.gif" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Tan Tricks II"></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="tk.htm#TK3" target="_blank"><img src="tk3.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Tan Tricks III"></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="moebius.htm" target="_blank"><img src="xmbp.jpg" width=96 height=96 border=0 title="Moebius Pendant"></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; </blockquote> </td> </tr></table> <br><br><a name="BOTTOM"></a> </BODY> </HTML>