Showing posts with label Fashion Illustration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fashion Illustration. Show all posts

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Cambridge Illustration featured in "The Cambridge Art Book by Emma Bennett

Here is the Cambridge illustration I designed a few years back now that is featured in "The Cambridge Art Book' By Emma Bennett which is being released this July!

Monday, 13 April 2015

Selfie Illustrations at Wilkinsons

Last year I designed an update to the Beau Chic collection I created for Wilkinson's called the Selfie Collection.  Below is some of the bits that feature in store at the moment.

To shop the collections at Wilko click here.

Friday, 19 December 2014

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Illustrating My Family - Part Six - Family Mug Shot

Heres all of us together

Get in touch if you want your family illustrated.  I have had all min put onto mugs for christmas - Ill pop on some pics once they arrive!

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Illustrating My Family - Part Five

Finally an illustration of Jamie and I and little Alfred who arrived in October and is now 8 weeks old x

Monday, 8 December 2014

Illustrating My Family - Part Four

Today I am sharing another on of my family illustrations - my in-laws Simnon and Juli - I couldn't fit in all their animals so I picked just two - Fred the ridgeback and Pretty boy the horse.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Illustrating My Family - Part Three

Today I am sharing another on of my family illustrations - my mum and my step father David.  I couldn't decide whether to have David in his flat cap or not?

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Illustrating My Family - Part Two

Today I am sharing another on of my family illustrations - my sister and her husband Kevin - also featured are their two dogs.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Illustrating My Family - Part One

I am currently off work with my 7 week old son and have had some spare time on my hands!  I decided it would be nice this year to make personalised Chrismtmas gifts for all my family so I decided to make illustrations of them all.  i will be sharing one of these each day.  Below is my Dad and his wife Corinne.  Keep posted for more....

Monday, 23 June 2014

Beau Chic Bedding at Wilkinsons

Following on from my Beau Chic stationery post a few weeks ago that is in Wilkinsons - here is a bedding collection too!  Click here to see the stationery post part 1 and here to shop the collection online!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

My Beau Chic Illustrations at Wilkinsons - Part 2

OK so I couldn't just share all the exciting stationery I introduced yesterday in one go so here is some more.  These are some illustrations I created some time ago now for Wilkinsons that are now available in store!  Click here to see and buy the collection!

My Beau Chic Illustrations at Wilkinsons

This project seems a long way back now but I have been waiting in antisipation ever since to see the final products.  Finally the time has come!  Here are some illustrations I created for Wilkos Beau Chic stationery collection.  I just love them and want to buy the whole lot!

Click here to shop the collection!

I will be sharing more tomorrow!

Monday, 23 December 2013

Orla Kiely - Fashion Illustration

A little Sunday afternoon doodle of one of Orla Kiely's resort collection.

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