Tomorrow, I'll share some photos of the upstairs. We're still finishing up projects, decorating for fall and generally fluffing and tweaking. But we'll be ready when the doors open this weekend. Hope you can join us! ... Details on the sidebar.

*** And just who are the booster girls? We initially came together because we all have a child who graduated from high school in 2005. Throughout the years of elementary, middle and high school, we've served on more committees, chaperoned more dances and particiated in more fundraisers together than we can ever count. Once our children headed off to college, we realized that we've formed a lifelong bond that goes far beyond what initially brought us together. We have dinner together once a month and guess what, we have so much more to chat about than our children (sorry kids!). I'm so lucky to have these girls in my life! If you have some special girlfriends in your life, make a point to get together regularly and treasure the moments!

It looks great. So much fun fall color. Hope you have a great weekend.
Hope you get some nice Fall weather to go along with your tag sale this time! Good luck!
Well, *I* think you should STOP posting these previews. It's totally unfair to those of us who are a couple thousand miles away. Plus, it makes me drool on my computer, and then it shorts out, and then I can't blog anymore! Totally unfair.
(I really love your work, if that wasn't apparent through this message.)
Me and 3 other ladies have been getting together to cross stitch the first Wed. of every month for the past 18 years. Some months there may be more laughing, talking and eating going on than stitching, but we still look forward to it after all these years!! Our little group shares a very special bond :^)
Man, I wish I could come! How fun that Megan is so near now! I loved that little green dresser~ I think Antibes Green is going to have to be my next CP purchase! :)
I'm loving the burlap runner, pretty desk and cloches everywhere! The sale looks to be fantastic! Wish I could be there. Good luck!
Oh I really want to come to one of your sales, but this weekend is jam packed! :( Do you ever make appointments for people to come in and look and shop? That's so awesome that you have a great group of girlfriends and I agree that it's important to have that!
Sharon so many great finds that you are including in your sale!! I REALLY wish I could be there!~!
Art by Karena
I have a fabulous Giveaway from Interieurs I hope you will come and join!
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