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The application of thermal conductive soft silica gel sheet in computer

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2022/3/14 16:26:37 Hits:1329
The application of thermal conductive soft silica gel sheet in computer
Thermal soft silicone sheet is one of the heat transfer interface materials, is a sheet material, can be arbitrarily cut according to the size and shape of the heating power device, with good thermal conductivity and insulation characteristics, in industrial control and medical electronics, mobile and communication equipment, high-speed mass storage drivers widely used. The following thermal soft silicone sheet manufacturer - Kunshan Shuohong Electronic technology to talk to you about the application of thermal soft silicone sheet on the computer:


Thermal conductive soft silicone sheet noun explanation: Soft thermal conductive silica gel sheet is one of the heat transfer interface materials, is a sheet material, can be arbitrarily cut according to the size and shape of the heating power device, with good thermal conductivity and insulation characteristics, the role of soft thermal conductive silica gel sheet is to fill the gap between the heating power device and the radiator, or add between the heating device and the surrounding can be used for heat dissipation, to achieve heat conduction average temperature effect.
Thermal soft silicone sheet super kneading soft, high compression, high voltage resistance, can be used as a vibration absorber, high reliability, single-side self-adhesive, easy construction and easy operation. Thermal conductivity of soft silicone sheet 1.0 to 8.0 allows you to choose according to product heat dissipation requirements, thickness 0.25~5.0mm, can be cut into the specified size according to customer requirements drawings. Most of us are exposed to the application of heat-conducting silicone sheets on computers every day. Should many people have opened the computer processor fan clean it, the radiator is not to see a white sticky things, it is thermal grease, do not think that this is garbage and wipe off, thermal grease is also a kind of thermal materials, but it is easy to cure, short service life, if the use of soft thermal silicone sheet heat dissipation, heat dissipation effect and service life will be greatly improved. Although the heat dissipation on the computer has a radiator, there are fans, but when the four-core and higher high-speed operation, such as you play a large online game, the processor will emit ultra-high heat, if the heat dissipation is not timely, how long can your processor hold? So this requires the use of soft thermal conductive silicone sheets.

To add a soft thermal conductive silicone sheet between the processor and the radiator, the gap between the processor and the radiator is filled with a soft thermal conductive silicone sheet without a gap, the heat conduction contact area increases, accelerates the heat conduction, and the heat efficiency of the processor is transferred, thus stabilizing the performance of the computer and increasing the service life!
The above is thermal soft silicone sheet manufacturer - Kunshan Shuohong Electronic Technology for you to finish and release. Kunshan Shuohong Electronic Technology Co., LTD., the main silicone buffer material, hot pressed silicone, large width silicone sheet, anti-static silicone sheet, flame retardant silicone sheet, conductive silicone sheet, thermal soft silicone sheet, ceramic silicone rubber, etc., welcome to cooperation.
Copyright: Kunshan Shuohong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Phone: 0512-55197362 Fax: 0512-55197350
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