Showing posts with label Flow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flow. Show all posts

Back to Bikram

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Yesterday, first time in almost 2 years. You do what you have to do to survive... and what that is-- what it takes to survive, changes over time.

Pleasant surprise that while Triangle, as always, gave me problems, I was able to stay in the room and didn't fall out of any poses. I was able to do toe stand, full extension of standing bow, etc. Of course, my body didm't feel "right" in some of the poses, but hey, that's why you go to yoga!

My favorite poses- Standing Bow

Yoga alway makes me crave Indian food, a cuisine I feel ZERO mastery over. Alsam's Rasoi to the rescue! For a takeout centric get-together,  I do like to pull out some homemade Lime Pickle, fry up some Pappadum and mix a pitcherful of of Gin Tonics.
But this year I don't know how likely I am to make any citrus preserves: our citrus crop was damaged by frost this year (75% loss), and we are in year 3 of what's projected to be a 10 year drought (so more cold winters and difficulty recovering fro mbar years, when there are now "good" years).

But, in the spirit of optimism, here's the lime pickle recipe.

Lime Pickle
8 Limes
2 tbs Salt
1 tbs Coconut Oil
1 tbs Mustard (not yellow, but creamy dijon would be great)
2 tsp Mustard Seeds
1/4 tsp Caraway Seeds
3 Garlic Cloves,  chopped
1 inch piece fresh ginger, peeled, finely chopped
1  hot green pepper (jalapeƱo, thai birds eye- -something spicy but not absolutely obliterating), minced
2 tsp Ground Cumin
2 tsp Ground Coriander
1/2 c Water
1/2 c Brown Sugar
2 tbs White Vinegar

1. Cut limes into 8 weeds each (leave peel on) . Place in a large bowl and sprinkle with salt.
Cover and set aside in a cool dry place, stirring occasionally, for 2 days.

2. Heat oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add the mustard and caraway seeds and cook for 30 seconds or until the seeds start to pop. Add the garlic, ginger, cumin, coriander and hot pepper.  Cook, stirring, for about a minute, to combine and warm through.

3. Add the limes, water, sugar, vinegar. Turn heat to high. Bring combination to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes: mixture should be thickened. Add the mustard.

4. Spoon into glass jars and process as usual; let the preserve "set" for 5-7 days before using (dimly for flavor's sake)

This time of year

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I was peddling my way to the pool this morning when I smelled... freshness, green, pine cones. I looked around, quickly, confused-- there are no trees on that leg of 16th street, going towards Mission Bay.... or any leg of 16th street, honestly. All I saw was a garbage truck.

And then I got it: this is the time of year, the one time of year garbage trucks smell good. Like freshly mulched christmas trees.

photo from SFBike