The Dink Network

jane's Profile

2002-10-22 22:41:30
Peasant She/Her
Here's my 2 cents:

it's really nice, but pretty similar to the current design. I don't like the interlacing of the top image at all. It's also too small on high resolution. I love the sword and images in the text area though! I think you should specifiy a font for the main text as it doesn't have one yet.

Overall, much better than current design

jane has written 3 reviews

This is One Cool Dmod Pilgrim's QuestNormalExceptional 9.8February 28th, 2004
This is Alternative SavebotNormalGood 7.5February 28th, 2004
Mayhem is a Fun Little Dmod Where You Basically Try To Destroy As Much As Possible Before ... MayhemFeaturedGood 8.5February 25th, 2004