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enchilado's Profile

2011-08-16 09:06:28
Peasant He/Him Australia
Originally posted by Schnapper:
Evolution hasn't occurred in the 8000+ years that humans have been recording.

Humans haven't been recording that long and yes, it has. Evolution is happening all the time. Evolution doesn't suddenly occur every now and again, and it's an ongoing, gradual process.

Originally posted by Schnapper:
If humans have evolved from a common ape-like ancestor then why aren't Germanic, Celtic and Slavic people bodily hairier then Semitic, Turkic and Latin peoples? Seems counter-evolutionary to me.
I would have thought Germanic, Celtic and Slavic people were bodily hairier than Semitic, Turkic and Latin peoples. And even if they aren't, how is that counter-evolutionary?

Originally posted by Schnapper:
If our ancestors lived amongst the dinosaurs and volcanoes, why did humans evolve into a succulent, hairless, bite-sized morsel that happily engorges itself given half the chance so the dinosaur scores bonus protein? Surely we'd do better as an intelligent rodent with opposable thumbs!

Evolution isn't conscious and as such can't think ahead. Things that work reproduce and, evidently, we worked. We're still working (and still evolving).

Originally posted by Schnapper:
Evolution supports the theory that some humans are more evolved then others.

"More evolved"? Is that measured by how much the individual has changed since life began or what? Because even if we could measure that, the difference between different humans would be so minimal as to be non-existent. I don't think any humans are "more evolved" than others.

As to your mention of slavery - how is that relevant in any way?

Originally posted by Skull:
Our minds also evolve, that's why we're constantly coming up with more clever and more clever ideas in science, for example.

Our minds evolve, but that's not the reason we're progressing with science. We just are. Progress works that way.

Originally posted by Skull:
I've already stated a couple of times but I think when we were apes, aliens came amongst us and did something to make us evolve into more like them.


Originally posted by Skull:
But that's just me.

Thank God.

Originally posted by Skull:
In fact, some people ARE more evolved than others. Why else would you think some were able to begin doing science in the ancient Greece, while others haven't learnt to write yet?

That has nothing to do with the Greeks being "more evolved". Shut the hell up, get your head out of your arse and... yeah, just shut up.